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Assignment: Professional Development Exercises: Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 11 (Guido, p. 222) Did the facility have sufficient evidence to suspend the nurse? How should the...

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Professional Development Exercises:

  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 11 (Guido, p. 222)
    • Did the facility have sufficient evidence to suspend the nurse?
    • How should the testimony of the other nurses in the unit affect the outcome of this case?
    • What additional questions should the institution address before the court rules in this case?
    • How would you have ruled in this case?
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 12 (Guido, p. 238)
    • Did the ANP have a duty to consult with the child's physician or another emergency center physician regarding the possibility of child abuse before she reported her findings to the case worker?
    • What questions would you anticipate might be asked regarding the injury itself and the possibility that the child had caused her own injury?
    • Did the ANP have a duty to report the injury, even though the diagnosis was not absolutely conclusive at the point that the child was initially examined?
    • How would you determine liability in this case, assuming that the trial court found liability against any of the three defendants?
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 16 (Guido, p. 329)
    • Did the nurse manager have a responsibility to supervise the care of the patient?
    • Was the care of this patient appropriately assigned to the LPN by the charge nurse, or could the charge nurse have delegated this patient's care more appropriately?
    • If the charge nurse assigned the care of the patient to the LPN, did she retain any supervisory responsibility that would result in her liability in this case?
    • How do the principles associated with delegation and supervision figure into this case?
    • How would you decide this case?
Answered Same Day Feb 21, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Feb 25 2020
158 Votes
Running Head: Professional Development Exercises
Professional Development Exercises 6
Legal & Ethical Issues in Nursing
Word Count: 1250
Referencing: APA
The evidence shown by the facility is insufficient to suspend the nurse. As the other nurses from the same unit testified that they used to complete paper record documentation long after administrating the medication. So there were high chances of their forgetting the dosage and medicines exactly. Nurses sometimes used to deviate from the Physician’s order on IM injections and often gave medicine through IV route. So, discrepancies in electronic and handwritten data could be due to forgetting by the nurse. In addition, the Nurse had a history of the dedicated profession for 25 years with respect and competency and she never was indulged in any ethical misconduct in her tenure. The hospital has no authentic sources to prove that the nurse was diverting Narcotics for her own use.
Testimony provided by other nurses presents an overview of work culture in the hospital. It illustrates the on-ground actual practices performed by the nurses while working in the clinic. On the basis of Nurses statements, the outcome should be in favor of the Nurse.
The institution must respond to the proper licensure of healthcare professionals and data about active
ands of medicines, their expiry dates, and stock details. Health practices being practiced by other health professionals and the standard policy of the hospital should also be investigated. Any other instances of malfunctioning within last one year and implementation of the computerized medical cabinet can be in question.
This case would have been ruled out in favor of Nurse, as the work culture within the facility reflects similar working pattern among other nurses as well. Moreover, there are no reasonable quantities of Narcotics proved to be collected by the Nurse in any of the records. There is no evidence that she has been using them for personal benefit. The State Board Law also safeguards the Nurse practitioners from any such grievances.
The ANP is Advance Nursing Practitioner who is well educated and trained professional capable of providing care equivalent to Physician. In some states, she is accompanied by the Physicians but many ethical laws provide her integrity and authority to work in absence of a physician. She has complete right and Capability to handle such health...

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