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Assignment One: Analysis of a Natural Assets / Attractions Task No 1: Individual Comparative. Analysis of a Natural Assets / Attractions Value: 30% Task Description Each student is required to write...

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Assignment One: Analysis of a Natural Assets / Attractions

Task No 1: Individual Comparative. Analysis of a Natural Assets / Attractions

Value: 30%

Task Description

Each student is required to write a report on a National Park (NP) which is used by tourists. This National Park can be located in or outside of Australia.

The report must contain the following analysis and information:

  • A brief introduction of the National Park (location, size, use)
  • The identification of tourist modes of interaction (refer to Iso-Ahola 1980):

o Description of the modes displayed by tourists in the NP
o Description of the tourist behaviour and environmental attitudes reflecting these modes

o An analysis of the NP’s attraction’s, tourist products and services matching these modes

o Description of the impacts of tourism visitation to the NP

  • Research into environmental planning techniques and sustainable development perspectives applied to the management of this NP
  • Analysis of the role of the stakeholders’ involvement in the sustainable development of this NP
  • A rational analysis of the impacts of loss of biodiversity globally and the consequences for the natural attractions, tourism products and services in this NP
  • Drawing on your experiences from other national parks discussed in class or further research you conducted online, make recommendations for future sustainable developments in this NP.

1. Task Length:

· 1400 words

· Estimated workload: 10-12 hours

Task Requirements

The report should include the following:

· A Title Page with the student’s name and student number, the subject code and title, the name of the lecturer/tutor, and the title of the assessment;

· An Executive Summary which includes the main findings and recommendations of the report;

· A Table of Contents with section numbers, section titles/headings (see below for guidance) and page numbers;

· An Introduction that provides an overview of the theme of the report and the NP;

· The Main Body of the report in sections, which should include the following elements:

o The identification of tourist modes of interaction (refer to Iso-Ahola 1980):

· ▪ Description of the modes displayed by tourists in the NP

· ▪ Description of the tourist behaviour and environmental attitudes reflecting these modes

· ▪ An analysis of the NP’s attraction’s, tourist products and services matching these modes

Assessment Guide XXXXXXXXXXOnline): THT3111 Environmental and Cultural page 5 of 13

· Research into environmental planning techniques and sustainable development perspectives applied to the management of this NP

· Demonstration of the stakeholders’ involvement in the sustainable development of this NP

· A rational analysis of the impacts of loss of biodiversity globally and the consequences for the natural attractions, tourism products and services in this NP

· A Conclusion, which summarises the main findings of the report and provides recommendations for future sustainable developments in this NP

· A Reference List and in-text referencing in APA Referencing Style with a minimum of four (4) academic journal articles, texts (e.g. the prescribed texts), government sources and relevant media sources (e.g. newspaper articles, trade publications) to support your discussion; and

· Appendices: e.g. charts, graphs, maps (optional)

Assessment Criteria

17. Critically analyse tourist products and services offered and promoted

18. Provide a detailed identification of tourist modes of interaction, interests and commitments relating to ecological use of the facility

19. Research the environmental planning techniques and sustainable development perspectives applied to the given national park

20. Logically describe the impacts of tourism visitation and approaches of stakeholder involvement

21. Analyse the impacts of loss of biodiversity (globally and nationally) to each natural attraction/ destination in terms of managing tourism, attraction and environment

Note: This is a hospitality and tourism course, therefore all assignments should be based on hospitality and tourism.

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Moumita answered on May 27 2021
145 Votes
Executive Summary
The overview of the discussion part analyses that in the Daintree national park, there is the presence of issues due to the loss of biodiversity in the park. The visiting process of huge numbers of tourists in that national park affected the biodiversity of that place, and that affected the natural attraction of that place in the global context of tourism. In order to maintain the biodiversity of that park, the government of Australia should involve different management program within their tourism sectors. That can help them to preserve the biodiversity of that place and must reflect through the development of tourism.
Table of Contents
Introduction of Daintree National Park    4
Identification of the tourism modes of interaction    4
Description of the modes displayed by tourists    4
Description of the tourist behaviours and environmental attitudes    5
Analysis of the NP’s attractions, tourist products service    5
Analysis of the impact of tourism visitation to the NP    5
Environmental planning technique and sustainable development perspectives apply in the management of the NP    5
Role of stakeholders in the sustainable development of this NP    6
Impact of loss of biodiversity globally and the consequences for the natural attractions, tourism products and services in this NP    6
Recommendations for further sustainable development    7
References    8
Introduction of Daintree National Park
Daintree rainforest is noted as one of the national parks, which is based on the Far North Queensland within the context of Australia.
This national park is approximately 1,757 km within the context of the northwest of Brisbane and about 100 km northwest of Cairns. This national park is based moreover 1200 km areas of Queensland. In the year of 1981, this forest was found and after that, it became part of the West Tropics of Queensland. Based on its popularity and forest density, this forest became a world heritage site in the year of 1988. Within this park, there is the presence of two different actions based on the settled agricultural area.
The agricultural area of this national park includes the twins of Mossman and includes the Daintree village within its structure. At the time of visiting this national park, tourists can take the view of Daintree rainforest. Therefore, they also can take the pleasure of ma
dja botanical walk and dubuji boardwalk (Gray, 2017). In this national park, there is the presence of mossamgiorge and cape tribulation beach, which are the most attraction for attracting tourists to visit this park. Daintree national park is ca
ying its value due to the presence of its exceptional biodiversity. Therefore, this park contains significant habitat for the rare species and the prolific birdlife.
Identification of the tourism modes of interaction
Description of the modes displayed by tourists
According to Iso-Ahola's theory, tourist spots must deliver personal seeking, interpersonal escape and interpersonal seeking motivation to the tourists with the delivery of attractive natural beauty in front of its visitors. This process is evident in the case of the Daintree national park (Rastegar, 2019). At the time of visiting that place, tourists are exploring the Daintree rainforest, which is the most continuously surviving rainforest in the global world. This rain forest is offering the best biological diversity to its visitors. Presence of biodiversity and natural beauty in that...

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