General: Assignment One: Group Design Project
This group project involves civil engineering design works: variables of development
to be addressed include structural, civil, geotechnical, etc. aspects.
Groups: Teams of three are to be self-selected; names forwarded to staff in-class in week-one.
Contribution shall be equitable. Members are responsible for activities distribution.
Task: Groups shall be allocated (by random chance) one of the following three Design
a) Conveyor Trusses, Trestles and Footings
) Seaford Meadows Railway Station – Access Suspended Ramp and
Note: each project is comparable in workload
Activities: As part of the contractor’s Design & Construct project delivery team, your group shall
e responsible for the following tasks;
1. Design: design all critical sizes and key details. Presentation must include design
approach and state all assumptions. All design works shall be
undertaken by calculations, set-out neatly, well annotated & easy to follow.
2. Construct: plan and detail the construction method and equipment, with
construction sequence illustrated on a line diagram or similar and the critical path
clearly identified.
3. Manage: organise meetings; ensure compatibility between work & member-
contribution, conduct risk analysis (identify risk item, risk levels, remedial
actions/mitigation & residual risk levels), address project constraints, material
supply & testing, assess safety compliance and site-layout needs.
Note: all activities require references to be clearly indicated.
Format: Project submissions shall be neatly bound and presented with the names of group
members and, an indication of each member’s involvement in specific activities.
Project submission might be expected to involve equitable pages for each of the 3
components (design, construct & manage); 24 pages in total excluding title-page,
contents page, references, appendices and the like.
Curtin University, Department Of Civil Engineering
Integrated Design & Construction 1
Assignment One: Group Design Project
Submission on-or-before Monday 30th April 2018, 4:00pm, to the Assignments Office
Each of the main-body 3 x 8 page component-sections may consist of 5 pages of A4
size & three of A3 size drawings (note additional A3 pages count as TWO). Min font
size: 11 point.
Marks: This assignment contributes 35% to the total unit mark. Marks will be awarded for
content, feasibility of solution, decision justification(s) and application of referenced
data sources, public safety of solution, clarity, level of detail, format and,
style/presentation. All scope(s) of work for each project must be addressed and
Presentation: Groups shall be expected to defend their design in an Oral Presentation.
Oral presentation details shall be forwarded at a later date.
A/Prof Andrew Whyte: Unit Coordinator
Dr Trevor Htut: Project Directo
• All queries regarding client requirements should be directed to Dr Trevor Htut acting
as the “Project Director” during class-consultation periods.
• ALWAYS discuss any information needs with the ‘Project Director’ BEFORE
anging external consultations.
• The project provided in this assignment is for you to work as a student project in
this Unit only. You shall not contact anyone not assigned to assist you with the
project for any reason. If you require further information or clarification, please
contact the ‘Project Director’.
Project A: Conveyor Trusses, Trestles and Footings
Your company has been commissioned to design and construct a conveyor trusses, trestles and
footings at Cape Lambert (40 km north of Karatha, WA).
Your group has been assigned to undertake the structural and geotechnical design of the mining
1. Scope of works: provide a suitable material handling structures including foundation as
indicated on the given drawing.
Design - Trusses TR1, TR2 and TR3 with 850 mm wide walkway on both side of the truss.
Design - Trestle T1 & T2 including its footings.
Following deflection limits shall apply to the design of conveyor trusses.
o Net vertical deflection of SPAN/250
o Horizontal deflection under operating wind of SPAN/500 and crossfall on stringers of
Following deflection limits shall apply to the design of the conveyor trestle
o Horizontal deflection under operating wind of HEIGHT/500 and/or not greater than
50 mm.
Allowable bearing capacity of soil = 1000 kPa, design shear strength, φ’ = 35° and design
ase friction, δ = 35°
Environmental assessment is not required in this project.
Provide construction method including fa
ication, transportation, lifting, plants and program
for the proposal assuming the site works start in July 2018.
Site working hours 6 AM to 6 PM from Monday to Sunday (FIFO).
2. Drawings required:
General a
angement including plan, sections and elevations, etc.
Structural details of the trusses and trestles including foundation.
3. Loadings:
Belt mass = 67.4 kg/m
y idler weight = 149 kg each and spacing at 1.2 m
Return idler weight = 131 kg each and spacing at 3.0 m
Walkway imposed load = 2.5 kPa
Service load = 1 kN/m on each side.
Operating material load = 9 kN/m and flooded belt material load = 12.2 kN/m
Operating wind speed is V25.
a) Conveyor Trusses, Trestles and Footings
Project A: Conveyor Trusses, Trestles and Footings