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Assignment for the topic "Digital Library Creation" As a proof of compliance to this requirement, do the following:1. List down the steps in planning and implementation of a digital library.2....

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Assignment for the topic "Digital Library Creation" As a proof of compliance to this requirement, do the following:1. List down the steps in planning and implementation of a digital library.2. Identify the questions you need to answer in identifying the requirements for the a digital library.3. Why feasibility study is important in the creation of a digital library.

Answered Same Day Jul 23, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jul 27 2021
156 Votes
Last Name 3
Title: Planning and Implementation of Digital Li
Digital Li
ary    3
1. Planning and Implementation of a Digital Li
ary    3
Planning of a Digital Li
ary    3
Implementation Process of Digital Li
ary    4
2. Questions to Answer for Identifying Requirement for Digital Li
ary    5
3. Importance of Feasibility Study for Creating Digital Li
ary    5
Works Cited    6
Digital Li
The term digital li
ary refers to a network collection of digital objects, that includes sound, data, moving images, text and still images. It also consists of other features like a
angement of search feature and metadata, which allow discovery and presentation, supporting research and teaching and with attention paid to architecture, longevity, persistence and digital preservation.
A digital li
ary can be define as a resources within the li
ary such as capabilities to allow patrons to check eBooks, online databases, and the ability to get help from a li
arian through chat or email. These digital li
aries are a curated interface with indexed, clustered and interoperable content. It has more advantages upon the traditional li
ary structure, which is a large collection of a physical material.
1. Planning and Implementation of a Digital Li
Planning of a Digital Li
Starting with the planning and...

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