Assignment: Date and Time
Start Assignment
Using the sources provided you are to add functionality to search for all blogs written before (or after, either way) a specific date. The framework for the assignment is set for you
user.html XXXXXXXXXXContains the HTML to prompt for a date
blog_user.php PHP code to parse the html form and call the function to search by date
blog_db_interface.php PHP code to perform the search
You will need to
Convert the date to a unix time stamp using strtotime XXXXXXXXXXpoints
Verify the strtotime return value. On error throw an exception XXXXXXXXXXpoints
Convert the unix time stamp to a date and time string using date XXXXXXXXXXpoints
Verify the date functionality. On error throw an exception XXXXXXXXXX10points
If all is OK then call the function to peform the search
Implement the SQL query to perform the search and display the results
Process errors from calling "prepare", "execute" and "bind_results"
XXXXXXXXXXAll errors should result in an exception thrown XXXXXXXXXXpoints
Search result should display "Blogger's name" "Blog Summary" XXXXXXXXXXpoints
What to turn in (as a single ZIP)
Submit your modified source files: blog_user.php and blog_db_interface.php