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" Assignment: Data Vizualization Fundamentals - Tableau (150 points) Read the brief case below. Using Tableau Desktop Edition, complete the questions. Atlas Bikes Atlas Bikes has been selling their...

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Assignment: Data Vizualization Fundamentals - Tableau (150 points)

Read the brief case below. Using Tableau Desktop Edition, complete the questions.

Atlas Bikes

Atlas Bikes has been selling their bikes since 1975 in the United States. They expanded to Australia and Germany in the year 2015. The bikes are sold via a trusted network of sales outlets, which are not owned by Atlas Bikes. As a measure to improve their footprint in the market, Atlas sales wants to open new stores which will be owned by them. To do this, the Senior Management wants to review the numbers and come up with their expansion strategy.

1. Login to Tableau
2. Import the excel file - ATLAS_BIKES_TABLEAU_XLS.xlsx
3. Create an innerjoin between Sales table and the rest of the tables as shown below[ Hint: Drag and Drop the tables in the Data Source space]

4. Click on “Goto Worksheet” at the bottom to insert a blank worksheet for your questions

30 points each

1. Management wants to see how the countries are located on the World Map. On hovering over the counties, each one should show the Total Population, Revenue and Quantity sold in the tooltip. Required Components: 1.) A world map with colors representing the different countries 2.) total sales and revenue values displayed when hover over. 3.) values displayed above the bars.

2. Management is eager to know the numbers for each of the sales outlets. Display the Revenue and Quantity Sold for each of the Sales Outlet as a Bar Chart. Required Components: 1.) A bar chart for sales quantity. 2.) A bar chart for sales revenue. 3.) values displayed above the bars. 4.) the name of the sales outlets represented by bars.

3. Historically the revenue from each sales outlet has been between 30-70 million USD. Management wants to see how many sales outlets fell in that bracket and in which year. Also add a filter so that they can segregate the data based on the year Required Components: 1.) Use packed bubbles to display your results. 2.) Outlet name is represented by color. 3.) Add a filter to include only years XXXXXXXXXXAdd a filter to include sales in the range of 30-70 million USD. 5). Display the Sales outlet name, sales year, and sales revenue in the circle.

4. Management wants to see how the sales outlets across the 3 countries performed for each of the Product Categories. Use a TreeMap and give the ability to the management to filter on the year, country name and Product Category Name. Required Components: 1.) Use a TreeMap to display your results. 2.) Add a filter for product category. 3.) Add a filter for sales year of 2014, XXXXXXXXXXAdd a filter to allow the ability to filter by country. 5). Display the product category name. 6). Display the product name. 7). Display the sales year.

5. To make the presentation more appealing, put together your visualizations as a storyboard. Required Components: 1.) Create a storyboard. 2.) Insert a cover page to highlight what the report is about. 3.) On each page add text to explain the visualization/findings.


Answered Same Day Nov 05, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
163 Votes
Atlas Bikes has been selling their bikes since 1975 in the United States. They expanded to Australia and Germany in the year 2015. The bikes are sold via a trusted network of sales outlets, which are not owned by Atlas Bikes. As a measure to improve their footprint in the market, Atlas sales want to open new stores which will be owned by them. The main objective of this study mainly focuses on the review the numbers for improve their footprint and come up with their expansion strategy
Research Methodology
A research design refers to coming up with the most efficient plan of collecting the information needed for the research (Kumar, 2008). A research design also describes the specification of methods and processes for collecting the information needed. It is the framework for performing the study. Since the research objectives and questions have been formulated, so the research design is to be prepared subsequently (Gupta & Gupta, 2011).
Among the approaches taken in the course of the study, the reasoning based approaches will lend more credibility as to why the courses of action have been in a certain format. In this case, since the focus is on mapping the prevailing trends, attitudes as well as perceptions of the customers in the Asian markets regarding the use as well as purchase of high value skin care products as well as cosmetics, the focus or the approach for that matter would be to come up with some finding and then taking the research fraternity or for that matter the existing literature forward so that the findings of the particular study may be used further to make generalized comments or for that matter inferences on the patterns of customer attitudes and perceptions in general
Here, the research methodology for the present study would include the data collection methods which would entail the description of the collection of primary as well as secondary data as well as the reason for doing so; the research design which refers to the inductive and deductive reasoning methods along with the qualitative and quantitative techniques for the purpose of the study. Before starting off with the research methods, the key variables would be defined as to which are the key independent, dependent as well as confounding variables for the present study. The research methods would include various techniques popularly used for mapping customer attitudes as well as preferences such as Values and Lifestyle Survey (VALS), Activity, Interests and Opinion Inventory (AIO), and the Means-End Survey (MEC). The instrument of data collection would also be derived in this section by the help of which the data has been collected – be it an interview, or a questionnaire or a focus group study. Again, the sample selection is the next activity to be undertaken since the data has to be collected from the respondents for further probing. Thus the sample has to be selected depending on various factors like nature of study, intended results, convenience, paucity of time and funds etc. Once the data has been collected the data is analysed with the help of various tools and techniques. Ideally, the step of data analysis consists of the ways in which the data would be put to test so as to derive the intended results. The tools of data analysis may be software or manual. In this case, SPSS would be used to analyse the data with the help of various tests predetermined by the researcher. Lastly, the ethical considerations that the researcher has to keep in mind while working with the sample population would be enumerated followed by a summary of the section
A variable are defined as any measurable event, characteristic or property that varies or is subject to change (Mooney, Knox, and Schacht, 2002). The authors furthermore state that an operational definition of a variable helps to better understand how a particular variable is supposed to be measured in the context of a particular study. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht (2002) have further been of the opinion that operational...

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