Assignment 8.2 Analysis Paper Post by Sunday - (325 Points)
Written Analysis Paper.
In this paper you will select a racial/ethnic group of interest to you and present:
- A discussion of internalized oppression and institutional racism as it applies to the group that you selected.
- Historical politicalclimate in the United States regarding immigration, poverty, and welfare as it applies to the group that you selected.
- Current political climate in the United states regarding immigration, poverty, and welfare as it applies to the group that you selected.
- A general clinical description of a particular counseling challenge faced by the population.
- A consideration about how the counseling challenge may be related to the historical or current political climate and/or institutional racism or internalized oppression.
·Your recommended adaptations to the helping process to accommodate the client’s individual differences. Include recommendations for advocacy and policy changes related to the challenges faced by the population.
Outside sources are necessary for writing this paper. Reference to class discussions, as well as the course text, may be used in this paper in addition to the other scholarly resources. Properly document all resources used in this assignment. The written analysis paper must be submitted in APA 6.0 format and have a minimum of four citations. The paper must be APA 6.0 style. The paper should be around 10 to 15 typed pages (including the title page, abstract page, and reference page) with standard one-inch margins and 12 point font. Points will be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors. This will insure a top quality paper, which will benefit you significantly in this course, and in your professional life.
PLEASE NOTE: Because this is an assessment probe, you must score 80% or better (at least 260 points out of 325) on the paper in order to pass the course. If you do not score at least 80%, you will be given one opportunity to revise your paper. If you still do not score 80% on the paper, you will fail the course and will need to retake it. You cannot pass the course unless you earn a minimum of 80% on the probe.