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Assignment 3 - The Law and Ethical Considerations Hide Assignment Information Instructions Assignment 3: The Law and Ethical Considerations This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the...

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Assignment 3 - The Law and Ethical Considerations

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Assignment 3: The Law and Ethical Considerations

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the following course outcomes:

  1. Analyze employment related laws, and ethical considerations their application, and implications in the workplace
  2. Evaluate rights, obligations, and liabilities in the employment process and relationship.
  3. Evaluate compliance with current laws and regulations related to safety and fairness in the workplace.
  4. Effectively communicate to internal and external audiences the principles and application of employment laws and ethical considerations in the business environment.

Social Media in the Workplace

Overview:There are times when HR professionals are faced with workplace situations where the laws and policies are evolving and yet ethical considerations need to be addressed. Below is an emerging workplace situation where there is no absolute right or wrong answer, but the situation needs to be analyzed from various points of view.

Description of the situation:An employee posted derogatory remarks about the organization and about another worker on Facebook. The organization’s policies does not address free expression just “offensive” and “harmful” speech. The supervisor is concerned that the posting was dehumanizing, humiliating and could incite hatred again persons or groups because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. The supervisor comes to the HR manager to ask for guidance on how to address the employee.

Action:Respond to all questions below. Utilize resources from the class and make sure to have at least three sources as part of your final paper. Answer each of the questions in narrative form (not bullet points). Use the outline below as a way to organize your response and comments.

  1. Applying the SHRM Code of Ethics:Describe what aspects of the SHRM Code of Ethics would apply in this situation from the perspective role of an HR professional?

  1. Legal and Ethical Considerations:What are the various considerations that need to be discussed regarding facts, affected parties, and who should be involved?
    1. Identify and summarize the relevant facts.Describe key facts along with any policies, procedures, guidelines, best practices, applicable laws and regulations, and handbooks/internal publications.
    2. Identify affected parties.Describe who is likely to be impacted.
    3. Identify who should be involved in any resolution.Identify who, as well as when and why they should be involved.

  1. Possible Courses of Action:What might be some possible courses of action as it relates to the following:
    1. What are potential legal remedies that can be taken?
    2. What policies or procedures need to be reviewed, revised, or created?
    3. What role should the HR professional play in this situation?
    4. What kind of employee training might be needed in the future to address this concern?
    5. What advice would you as the HR professional provide to the supervisor?

Formatting directions for this assignment #3.

  • Use the bolded headings found in the outline above in your paper to denote the different questions.
  • Paper must be in APA 7.0 style, narrative format (not in bullet points nor PowerPoint).
  • Should be approximately 2-4 written narrative pages, double spaced
  • Include a cover page which should have student name and title of your paper.
  • Include a reference section at the end of your paper with at least 3 citations/references in APA 7.0 style format.
  • Use a word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf
Answered 2 days After Feb 25, 2022


Insha answered on Feb 28 2022
128 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
SHRM Code of Ethics    3
Fairness and Justice    3
Conflicts of Interest    4
Use of Information    4
Legal and Ethical Considerations    4
Relevant Facts    4
Affected Parties    5
Actors Involved    5
Courses of Action    6
Legal Remedies    6
Reviewed Policies or Procedures    6
Role of HR    7
Employee Training    7
Recommendation to the Supervisor    7
Conclusion    7
References    8
On Facebook, an employee made disparaging statements about the company and another employee. The supervisor is wo
ied that the poster was degrading and humiliating, and that it might encourage hatred toward individuals or groups based on handicap, sexual orientation, gender, race, and religion. This study offers a comprehensive examination of the issue from several perspectives.
SHRM Code of Ethics
Social media refers to any method of communicating, posting information or material of any kind on the Internet, including employees’ own or another person's blog or web log. Consider some of the dangers and benefits of generating internet material before getting started. At the end of the day, person is completely accountable for anything he/she publish on the internet.
One should keep in mind that any behavior that has a negative impact on the performance of suppliers, members, customers, or anyone who work on behalf of legitimate commercial interests, specifically employee’s job performance, and the performance of the co-workers may result in disciplinary action, including termination (Manca & Whitworth, 2018). Some of the code of ethics that has been considered in this case is:
Fairness and Justice
Developing and promoting “fairness and justice” for all employees and their businesses is an ethical responsibility. “Develop, implement, and promote procedures and policies” that ensure that everyone is treated equally, fairly, and consistently. To establish a trusting work environment devoid of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and intimidations, treats individuals with compassion, decency, and respect (Westover, 2019). Ensure that the organizations we serve have an inclusive culture and a commitment to diversity.
Conflicts of Interest
The HR needs to maintain a high degree of confidence with the stakeholders as an expert. HR must safeguard both the stakeholders' interests and the professional ethics. Hypothetical, Actual, or perceived conflicts of interest should not be pursued (Westover, 2019). Adhere to and promote the application of the organization's documented dispute resolution policy. Keep the position from being used for financial, personal, or material advantage.
Use of Information
Individual rights are taken into account and protected by HR experts, particularly in the distribution after collecting the information, as well as in assuring accurate communications and allowing informed decision-making. They strive to increase trust among all organization...

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