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Page | 1 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: DATE &...

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: DATE & Version
Unit Code and Title: SBM2301 Supply Chain Fundamentals
Assessment Overview
Assessment Task

Weighting Due Length ULO
Assessment 1: Online Quiz
MCQ of key content areas to
identify further support required.
The content of the MCQ is based
on the weekly lectures/material.


Week 2-10

45 mins

Assessment 2: Case Study &
Analysis of case organisation on
its mission, goals, strategies,
operations and SWOT in its SC

Develop a poster to illustrate the
case organisation’s supply chain
capability capturing the analysis
mentioned in item (i).


Week 9

1500 words

Assessment 3: Report &
Presentation of plan for
implementing supply chain

Analysis of case organisation
supply chain management status
identifying problems and
ecommending solutions

Assessment 3: Power Point

The presentation is to reflect
tasks outlined in Assessment 2
and 3.


20% Report)


Week 12

2000 words

15 mins

ULO1,2,3, 4 and 5

Assessment Details

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: DATE & Version
Assessment 1: Online Quiz
Due date: Week 2 – 10 (Online)
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 30 mins
Weighting: 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1
Assessment Details:
This online quiz will assess your knowledge of key content areas and to identify further support needs.
For successful completion of the quiz, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides,
tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion forums. The
prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. By
completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to identify key aspects of scope management
as per best project management practices. This will then help in achieving ULO1 and ULO2 and ULO-
Marking Information: The quiz will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 10% of the total
unit mark.
Assessment 2: Case Study & Poster
Due date: Week 9
Group/individual: Group
Word count / Time provided: 1500 words
Weighting: 30% (20% Report and 10% Poster)
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, 2 and 3
Assessment Details:
The purpose of this assessment is to write a clear and objective summary of the case study on a case
organisation related to its SCM. Students are to design a poster reflecting their area of research that
is within the ambit of SCM. In the case study, the analysis should cover the case organisation’s
mission, goals, strategies, operations and SWOT analysis.

In addition, students are required to develop a poster should cover the following items: title of
esearch, objective of research, goals, mission, objectives and SWOT analysis and implications. The
focus of attention should be on subject content. The layout of the poster, among others, should be
consistent with headings and subheadings, font and size are standardised. Use bulleted list to
facilitate reading. Relate the content to the pictures it describes. The use of fancy fonts is to be

Marking Information: The case study and poster will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted
30% of the total unit mark.

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: DATE & Version
Marking Criteria
(0-49%) of the
(50-64%) of the
criterion mark
(65-74%) of the
criterion mark
Very Good
(75-84%) of the
criterion mark
(85-100%) of
the criterion
Background of
Developed a
thorough and logical
description of the
case organisation in a
clear and concise
(20 marks)
No evidence of
thorough and
logical description
of the case
organisation in a
clear and concise
Some evidence of
thorough and
logical description
of the case
organisation in a
clear and concise
Good evident of
thorough and logical
description of the
case organisation in a
clear and concise
Very good evident
of thorough and
logical description
of the case
organisation in a
clear and concise
Excellent and
thorough with
logical description
of the case
organisation in a
clear and concise
manner has been
Analysis on
A descriptive and
well written
analysis on the
goals, mission,
strategies and
operations and
SWOT analysis of
case organisation
was developed
adequate and well-
(40 marks)

Poor description
and analysis on
the goals,
strategies and
operations and
SWOT analysis of
case organisation
and inadequate
and not well-

description and
written analysis on
the goals, mission,
operations and
SWOT analysis of
case organisation
with satisfactory

Good description and
written analysis on
the goals, mission,
strategies, operations
and SWOT analysis of
case organisation and
with good reasons
and arguments
Very good
description and well
written analysis on
the goals, mission,
operations and
SWOT analysis of
case organisation
with very well

description and
analysis on the
goals, mission,
operations and
SWOT analysis of
case organisation
and reasons
arguments are
excellent presented

Style of Formatting
Harvard formatting
style and citation of
eferences in the
ody of the report
(15 marks)

Poor Harvard
style and citation
of references in
the body of the

Satisfactory Harvard
style and citation of
eferences in the
ody of the report

Good Harvard
style and citation of
eferences in the
ody of the report

Very good Harvard
style and citation of
eferences in the
ody of the report

Excellent Harvard
style and citation of
eferences in the
ody of the report

Structure, grammar,
spelling and the
overall presentation
and integration of
(15 marks)
Poor structure,
grammar, spelling
and the overall
presentation and
integration of

Satisfactory structure,
grammar, spelling and
the overall
presentation and
integration of report

Good structure,
grammar, spelling and
the overall presentation
and integration of

Very good structure,
grammar, spelling and
the overall
presentation and
integration of report

Excellent structure,
grammar, spelling and
the overall
presentation and
integration of report

Clarity and
Poor depiction of
the case
organisation SC
analysis and poorly
Satisfactory depiction
of the case
organisation SC
analysis and
Good depiction of the
case organisation SC
analysis and well-
structured and
Very good depiction
of the case
organisation SC
analysis and well-
Excellent depiction of
the case organisation
SC analysis and
excellently structured
and designed.

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: DATE & Version
Depicting the case
organisation SC
analysis clearly, well-
structured and
(10 marks)

structured and

adequately structured
and designed.

structured and
Assessment 3: Report & Presentation of Plan for Implementation of Supply Chain
Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Group
Word count / Time provided: 2000 words and Presentation (15 mins)
Weighting: 45% (20% Report and 25% Presentation)
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1,2, 3 and 4
Assessment Details:

In this assessment, the student would be provided a scenario in decision-making situations. Analysis
of case organisation supply chain management status identifying problems and recommending
solutions. Students are encouraged to send the report to the Lecturer in Week 7 for feedback before
the submission in Week 12.

Marking Information: Assessment 3 will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 45% of the
total unit mark.
Marking Criteria
(0-49%) of the
(50-64%) of
the criterion
(65-74%) of
the criterion
Very Good
(75-84%) of the
criterion mark
(85-100%) of the
criterion mark
Background of
Identification and
description of the case
organisation position in
the supply chain

(10 marks)
identification and
Answered Same Day Aug 23, 2021


Kuldeep answered on Aug 25 2021
146 Votes
Student Name:
Unit Name:
University Name:
Introduction    3
TESCO Perspective: Supply Chain & Quality    4
Supply Chain    4
Recommendations & Key issues in the supply wheel    5
Performance measures    5
Customer – Supplier relation & Just in Time (JIT) Approach    10
Principle of TQM    11
Recommendations    11
Conclusion    12
References    14
In recent years, to have outstanding sustainability in the era of multifaceted competition, every organization must be strong in running its operations or quality. Operation and Quality management is collective term that consists of operation management, SCO, lean, quality, e-commerce, design as well as management services. In academic paper, we will discuss quality, and supply chain based on TESCO's point of view. Satisfy consumer requirements, reliability, durability, time to time delivery, excellent performance beyond benchmarks, production according to the requirements of the required product or service or design specifications, pre-sales and after-sales customer service, provide e
or-free products, provide the following aspects The value price and cost are a few typical definitions use to explain quality (Casson, 2013).
The transformation of the retail industry makes Tesco pay more attention to the capabilities and quality of the supply system as well as the relationships with providers. In Tesco history, the change of distribution strategy and operations has gone through multiple stages. In mid-1970s, Tesco launched a direc -to accumulate delivery service. Suppliers moreover manufacturers deliver directly to the store, because the manager of store can control the relations with the providers (Durocher-Yvon, Tappin, Goolam Nabee and Swanepoel, 2019). This technique of distribution cannot ensure consistency among the product quality and quantity. Then the association gained manages of the association. The change occu
ed in 1980, as well as the method was executed to achieve centralization instead of direct delivery to the store. Tesco chose a centralized control and physically centralize distribution services to transport many of its goods to store within a delivery time of up to 48 hours. This involves the growth of distribution facilities and construction of innovative distribution centers, which are closer to available stores moreover even upcoming provisions. This strategy has produced a reasonable distribution center network, which is connected from the store to the head office through a computer, thereby reducing individual operations. Once the basic network is established, Tesco will focus on establishing vertical teamwork in supply chain. Data sharing, electronic transactions or collaborative improvements are vital to Tesco moreover drive Tesco's success. Supply chain and Logistics reforms have not simply received public consideration, however academic analysis.
TESCO Perspective: Supply Chain & Quality
Supply Chain
According to Tesco's process, the supply chain is explained as the transfer of goods from source to end consumer. It involves processes series, including purchase, manufacturing, transportation, consumer service, order forecasting, as well as supply plan demand forecasting. Relationship Portfolio
This concept also refers to relationship that Tesco can maintain with its providers or suppliers. These can also be very traditional and confrontational in nature. This relation can focus on collaboration instead of directly focusing on price. Tesco is cu
ently working with some industries to propose new and innovative business methods (Brandon-Jones, Squire, Autry and Petersen, 2014). On the contrary, Tesco must concentrate on the process of "partner procurement" and cooperate with biggest industres to decrease expences by sharing innovative ideas and technology. This will lead to the progress or growth of the new goods, which will be a main obstacle for Tesco to overcome market leaders for example Ca
efour and Wal-Mart.
This refers to decreasing costs by adjusting the given strategy as well as following the established technology. If the expenses involved are higher than the given benefits, the company must not use this strategy. Hence, no matter which plan is considered, associaton must be clear about probable results (Casson, 2013). Tesco must co
ectly assess the probable advantages of following selected strategies (Xie and Allen, 2013). This should include package plan to decrease the company's total costs; get better the market from time to time, expand or increase new advanced technologies, etc.
Organizational structure
This will refers to functions that the business is engaged in, separated into three types: hy
id, decentralized, and centralized systems. Tesco has participated in centralized procurement, but the disadvantage is that local consumers are not satisfied. Hence, it must follow the overturn trend by pleasing customers (Tachizawa and Wong, 2015). The newest or most recent trend seems to be a hy
id structure, which includes decentralized and centralized methods. If this method is operated properly, Tesco will advantage.
Skills and competencies
To maintain or preserve a competitive benefit compared to other retailer, TESCO requires to having the suitable skills, expertise and capabilities throughout the continuous training in its...

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