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Assignment 2 Report: Significant Trend in Business Systems Analysis This assignment requires students to conduct research into, and identify, and report on a significant trend in contemporary...

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Assignment 2

Report: Significant Trend in Business Systems Analysis

This assignment requires students to conduct research into, and identify, and report on a significant trend in contemporary business systems analysis. ONE topics must be selected from the following:

• • The evolution of business systems analysis

• • Contemporary business systems environments

• • Issues and challenges in business system design

• • The role of stakeholders in developing business systems

• • The impact of big data on business system management

• • Security issues and intrusion prevention methods in system design

• • Network design considerations in business systems analysis

The report should, at a minimum, include:

• • Abstract

• • Research approach and methodology

• • Detailed description of the significant trend identified

• • Impact of the trend on business analysis practice

• • Reflection and commentary on the identified trend

The assignment should be submitted in Blackboard and Turnitin as follows: Format

Individual submission




Assignment 2 Due: 5:00pm, 13 May 2018 – Week 10

Word Count

Maximum XXXXXXXXXXwords


MS Word Document with ECU cover sheet via Turnitin (do not use PDF)


This assignment will require some research and background reading on possible research topics which highlight contemporary business systems analysis trends. For relevant information you should refer to scholarly databases, Gartner Consulting website and other relevant sources as part of the initial fact-finding exercise. This preliminary research conducted should be noted as part of your methodology and approach.

Where appropriate, you should make use of supporting flow charts, diagrams to enhance your assignment.

The assignment should take into account features of the unit such as:

1) Methodologies

2) User participation

3) Managing risks in implementation

4) Change management

5) Obtaining requirements

6) Others

The assignment should correctly reference all sourced material using the APA 6th referencing style. Marking penalties may be applied where the word count is exceeded.


Answered Same Day May 01, 2020


Sangeeta answered on May 09 2020
148 Votes
Evolution of Business System Analysis
To start wit, in business, System Analysis simply refers towards the procedure of evaluating a business condition with the chief aim of enhancing it through superior methods and procedures. Business System analysis is basically connected to shaping corporations, improving performance and achieving goals for growth and profitability. The chief focus is upon systems in action, the relations amongst subsystems as well as their contribution towards achieving a mutual objective goal. Moreover, looking at a system and deciding how effectively it operates, the modifications that need to be ca
ied out along with the quality of the outcome are all fractions of business system analysis. Likewise, this particular paper attempts to examine the way how business system analysis has evolved with passing times. In order to collect resourceful information for the research both primary and secondary research methodology has been adopted. The research findings
ought to light the fact that business system analysis has evolved with time with large amount of data being accumulated and the concept of big data being adopted by a large number of companies. Further, more research could be ca
ied out in this area to gain greater insight of the research area.
Research Approach and Methodology
This particular research could be qualitative or quantitative in nature. First of all, the Quantitative research revolves around scientific concepts (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). The information gathered by way of quantitative research could be examined mathematically as well as measured. easily Secondly, qualitative research is extremely linked with opinions and feelings (Denscombe, 2003). Further, taking into consideration the chosen research area that is to examine the evolution of business system analysis, qualitative research approach would prove to be highly effective for this particular research. Moving ahead, this particular research would involve both primary and secondary research methods for collecting large amount of resourceful information and data for the research.
Primary Methods
The chief primary research methods involve putting forward questions, conducting trials and organizing findings (Denscombe, 2003). For this particular research primary data would be collected by way of surveys and interviews.
1. Surveys and questionnaires
Among the extremely considered research methods are surveys and questionnaires. This research method helps in collecting primary facts and information. Primary information includes any data collected from the actual source (Denscombe, 2003). Moreover, a survey is usually general and comprises of several issues. It’s developed for finding information rather than probing specific questions associated with an issue. Additionally, a survey generally lays greater emphasis upon a particular topic or issue. For this particular research a sample of around 100 people operating in different IT companies around the UK, including managers and employees would be chosen randomly.
1. Interviews
Interviews could be easily conducted online or face-to-face. It’s very vital to have a proper questions list. This greatly helps in preventing being side tracked and ensuring that the data needed is gathered efficiently (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). For this particular research a sample of around 10 people operating in different IT companies around the UK, including top management and managers would be chosen randomly for interviewing.
Secondary Methods
Secondary research is basically grounded upon the findings gathered from research ca
ied out by other individuals (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). It involves gathering findings of the research studies through others from books, internet, past studies or reports. Moreover, the secondary research makes possible for the researcher to make maximum more the already present data and facts linked with the marketplace (Denscombe, 2003).  It’s usually faster to scrutinise than the primary information since, in several situations, somebody else might have already begun examining it. However, when adopting secondary research the researcher must be highly careful about how to interpret the information as it may have been collected for some different reason or market sector that is not linked with the present research (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). Furthers, secondary research for this specific research would involve:
1. Information research, including all kinds of print i.e. texts, past studies, online sources, magazines, pamphlets and journals. It also involves different electronic sources. These need to be properly evaluated for their reliability and relevance. Any individual could publish online. Additionally, print sources should be recent.
1. Statistical analysis where facts and data are effortlessly obtained from census research, Bureau of Statistics, local councils along with other entities, is assessment offering a concept of the need for some particular target segment for the study.

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