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Assignment 2: Data Governance and Data ManagementValue:18%Due date:19-Mar-2018Return date:11-Apr-2018Length:around 1000 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission method Task Question 1 [4...

1 answer below »
Assignment 2: Data Governance and Data ManagementValue:18%Due date:19-Mar-2018Return date:11-Apr-2018Length:around 1000 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission method

Question 1 [4 marks]:
Define and explain the concept of the following terminologies:

  • Electronic Records Management;
  • Business intelligence (BI) and Analytics;
  • Data and text mining;
  • Big data analytics and data discovery;
  • Enterprise architecture;
  • Management information systems;
  • Data life cycle and data principles;
  • Cloud computing.

Question 2 [2 mark]:

How does "data and text mining" create business value?

Question 3 [2 mark]:

What are the problems associated with cloud computing? Give two examples and provide some solutions.. Explain your answers.

Question 4 [5 marks]:

Study "Data Quality Determines Systems Success and Failure" in your text book [Chapter 2,IT at Work 2.1] and answer the following questions:

  • Why was an EIS designed and implemented?
  • What problems did executives have with the EIS?
  • What were the two reasons for those EIS problems?
  • How did the CIO improve the EIS?
  • What are the benefits of the new IT architecture?
  • What are the benefits of data governance?
Question 5 [5 marks]:

Study "Opening Case 3.1: Coca-Cola Manages at the Point That Makes a Difference" in your text book [Chapter 3] and answer the following questions:
  • Why is it important for Coca-Cola to be able to process POS data in near real time??
  • How does Coca-Cola attempt to create favorable customer experiences?
  • What is the importance of having a trusted view of the data?
  • What is the Black Book model?
  • Explain the strategic benefit of the Black Book model.


Learning Outcomes
1. be able to describe the business value and processes of ICT services in an organisation and understand the knowledge and skills of an enterprise architect in the workplace;

2. be able to investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services to an organisation;

3. be able to understand that effective IT Infrastructure Management requires strategic planning with alignment from both the IT and business perspectives in an organisation;

4. be able to demonstrate the technical and communications skills that contribute to ICT governance in an organisation;

5. be able to synthesise the key theoretical concepts with the technical and management issues in delivering ICT services to an organisation.

Marking criteria

CriteriaHD 85-100%DI 75-84%CR 65-74%PS 50-64%FL
Able to synthesize key theoretical concepts, while differentiating between current and future trends in ICT services and infrastructure managementAnswer is correct, and complete. Comprehensive explanation is provided with appropriate examples. Demonstrated in-depth understanding of current and future trends, precisely synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application.Answer is correct and a detailed explanation is provided. Demonstrated considered explanation of current and future trends. Evidence of synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application.Answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. There is an effort to discuss current and future trends, however no examples provided to support discussion.Answer is correct but the explanation requires further refinement, does not immediately demonstrate understanding of theoretical concepts.Major omissions and unsubstantiated explanations.
Communication and referencing skills evident in writingPerfect referencing style is used, with no errors. No grammatical or spelling mistake.References are used with minor errors in formatting. A few grammatical or spelling mistakes but does not effect hinder the delivery of the answer.Referencing style applied with some inconsistent formatting. Grammatical and spelling mistakes evident in writing and could have been refined to help with clearly communicating the answer.Applied referencing style requires refinement, however it is evident that student made an effort to reference literature. Writing style requires refinement with answer not immediately clear.Referencing incorrect or not applied. Major errors in grammar and spelling.


You are required to write the answers in a word document and submit it via Turnitin. Use Times new
roman/Palatino Linotype/Calibri/Cambria/Arial fonts using 10 to 12 font size.

APA reference style should be used in the assignment. APA referencing guide can be found

Answered Same Day Mar 11, 2020


Amit answered on Mar 18 2020
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Table of content
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Answer 1
1. Electronic Records Management: The Electronic Records Management or ERM is a computer program which is designed to store and keep track of required records. This program is responsible to provide the records as per requirements.
2. Business intelligence (BI) and Analytics: The technology based process to analyze data and making effective means in terms of information, so that, business decisions can be taken by related persons.
3. Data and text mining: The process to examine any already existing database of very large size in order to find some new information is known as data mining. While on the other hand, the process to obtain any high quality information from already exiting text is known as text mining [Patil & Patil, 2014].
4. Big data analytics and data discovery: The process to examine any already existing database of very large size for finding market trends and other hidden patterns required for decision making is known as big data analytics. While the process to find an actionable pattern in any large database is known as data discovery.
5. Enterprise architecture: The blueprint of concepts which defines the operational structure of any organization with present and required future objectives is known as enterprise architecture.
6. Management information systems: A computer system which is used to effectively perform management operations so archive high quality products is known as MIS or management information system.
7. Data life cycle and data principles: An approach for effectively managing information and data flow from creation to deletion is known as data life cycle. The set of rules which are developed to use any personal as well as professional data are known as data principles.
8. Cloud computing: The process of using internet hosted remote servers for storing, managing and processing the data in place of any local system is known as cloud computing.
Answer 2
The process to examine any already existing...

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