Abhishek answered on
Aug 14 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Findings 3
Job Commitment and Organisational commitment 3
Affective and Continuance Commitment 3
Analysis 4
Relationship between Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction 4
Bureaucracy Theory of OB and its Relationship with Organisational Commitment 4
Process Management Theory 6
Administrative Theory of Organisational Behaviour and its Relationship with Organisational Commitment 6
Conclusion 8
Recommendations 8
References 9
This assignment is based on the organisational commitment, which is highly effective for the organisations worldwide. The focus of the assignment is on the factors of effective or the continuance commitment, which stands pivotal for organisational development. The assignment will highlight the key factors of the job and the organisational commitment, affective and the continuous commitment. The work will reflect the relationship between organisational commitment and satisfaction of vocation. Additionally, it will enrich the topic with bureaucracy theory and the process management theory of the organisational behaviour. The assignment will end by providing a logical and suitable conclusion with possible outcome and results.
Job Commitment and Organisational commitment
Job commitment is the feeling of a responsibility that a person has towards the mission and goals of an organisation. When an individual has, in his psyche a commitment towards a job, that individual tends to put in more effort for the success of the specified task and performance (Guzman et al. 2018). Organisational commitment can be refe
ed to as the agentive view, psychology and attachment of a member of an organisation towards the work an employee is working for (Sawitri, Suswati and Huda, 2016). Organisational commitment acts as a motivating factor for the employees to work in.
Affective and Continuance Commitment
Affective commitment has been refe
ed to as the perception of an employee, their emotional attachment to or the identification with their respective organisation. Affective commitment acts as a saviour of the organisation’s finances and helps in creation of the positive culture. It supports the vision of the company (Cohen, 2017). Continuance commitment can be refe
ed to as the extent to which the employees feel the need to stay in their respective organisation. Gaining continuous commitment helps in improving the employee retention, attrition, lower labour turnovers and better product quality. Continuous commitment can be increased with clear communication between employees and respecting the needs of the employees.
Relationship between Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
Organisational researchers have proved that there has been a significant and positive relationship between the organisational commitment and satisfaction of a job. The aspect of the regression coefficient shows that organisational commitment predicts that there have been 44.4% of the job satisfaction changes. The factors affecting the topic can be
iefed in the following way:
Firstly, if the organisations allocate strenuous tasks with good incentives for the employees then it can help in augmenting the satisfaction of the employee's job. However, if the employees are being provided with high incentives apart from their remuneration, behind their tasks, then their enthusiasm for that respective job will likely increase. Employees will have a motivated push to put in effort for the job they are allocated (Indarti, Fernandes and Hakim, 2017). It will increase their mental satisfaction. Therefore, apart from normal pay, incentives are beneficial.
Secondly, if the organisation provides the remuneration to the employees in perfect time, it will equally help in increasing the satisfaction of the job. This is because; the employees need to put in a large amount of effort in order to make their particular tasks highly successful. Hence, if their remuneration is not updated in time, their motivated zeal...