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Assignment 1 Reflective Essay 1. Discuss how theories of globalization developed in the early 1990s (select at least two authors) are still helpful in understanding the nature of the enormous social...

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Assignment 1

Reflective Essay

1. Discuss how theories of globalization developed in the early 1990s (select at least two authors) are still helpful in understanding the nature of the enormous social changes that we have witnessed in Australian society and education over the past two to three decades. Examine some of the changes that have taken place since then which have demonstrated the limitations and exaggerations of these theories.


2. The world is more mobile then ever before. Not only are people moving but so also are finance and capital, ideas and ideologies, and desires and aspirations. Discuss how these mobilities are transforming our societies and educational systems; and how educators need to address the issues surrounding the increasing levels of global mobility, as well the problems to which it has given rise.


3. It is often noted that recent developments in technology and globalization of economic activity has transformed the nature of work and labour processes. Discuss the implications of this transformation for thinking about educational policy and practice, especially with respect to vocational education and training.


4. In recent decades, national policies in education have increasingly been influenced by the work of international organizations. Choose one of the following international organizations







and discuss the form and scope of its educational work, why it is interested in education, what strategies it uses to influence national policy priorities, and why is it that national governments are interested in working with it.


5. Contemporary youth cultures are increasingly affected by global processes, with the possibilities of transnational mobility and social media transforming their desires, aspirations and imaginaries of the future. Discuss what implications recent shifts in youth cultures have for thinking about educational policy and practice, in view of their possible futures.

Length: 4,000 words

Answered Same Day Oct 27, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
148 Votes
Mobilities 1
Reflective Essay
The mobility of people has increased after the introduction of globalization. This globalization phenomenon has also changed various aspects that are directly or indirectly related to modern societies and increases motilities of the societies (Anyangwe, 2012). A mobile society reduces the distance between the people of two countries and increases need to share information, resources, and culture. These changes also force the local people, educational institutions, and businesses to make adjustments in existing patterns of working (in any manner) and meet the global standards. Further, the circumstances related to the mobility allow the people of a country to learn knowledge and skills through the education systems of other country and exchange their ideas, views, perceptions, and skills with the people of the home country (Yemini, 2016). This essay defines the impacts of the mobility of transforming societies and educational systems. This essay further presents the activities that can be conducted to address the needs related to mobility. Further, this essay describes problems which can be faced by the educators’ in addressing the issues of students’ mobility in their societies and nation.
Impacts of Mobilities on Transforming Societies and Educational Systems
The increment in the mobility has changed the entire scenario related to the societies and educational systems. It can be understood with the help of the few examples. Mobilities of societies include the transfer of knowledge, learning and achievements and sharing of values and cultural aspects between the two countries. Such mobility also includes the sharing of financial investment, sharing of educational concepts, and mutual cooperation between educators (Mok, 2005). The phenomenon of mobility in the present scenario is taking place due to the business treaties between different nations. Hence, the improvement in the mutual relationship between the nations is also a factor that increases the mobility of people from one region to the other region and from one society to the other society. Further, trade relations between nations have increased the flow of business that has evolved the need for skilled labour, and experts. These need have transformed the role and responsibilities of local societies. As a result of this, societies are nowadays playing an important role in policies making related to people, economic and trade activities to address the requirements of the skilled people in societies that will increase mobility year by year (Anyangwe, 2012).
Before the internationalization of societies and education systems, there was a poor interlinking between the nations. There was no in-depth business relationship between countries. Due to this reason, there was a distance between the societies of countries. This situation was not allowing the growth in the mobility of students from the local market to a global market as like the present scenario in global education (Streitwieser, 2014). But the globalization has changed the entire scenario from business to education by enhancing the reciprocal communication. This is due to the increment in communication between different societies but also has increased the knowledge sharing process. As a consequence, the less-developed societies are trying to compete with the developed societies by adopting their living patterns, economic activities as well as the education systems. It also transforms the standards of education systems and increases the collaboration between the educators and students to locate the best possible solutions for the social problems through advanced research activities (Nerad & Evans, 2014). It was not possible before internationalization of education and mobility of students. Due to mobilities, 2% of the students from the world’s universities travel a
oad for the study (Willetts, 2016). It also seems from the data that 4 million students from 200 million are going to other countries for getting higher education as well as the employment. This is happing due to the term of globalization and internationalization of the education systems. These mobilities impose certain impacts on the societies and educational systems in the term of transformation.
Improvement in Sharing Learning and Experiences
The mobility of people from one country to other increases the sharing of thoughts and ideas between the different societies. With the help of this, the societies of a country try to adopt the livelihood of other societies. Further, the transformation of the society due to the mobility impacts positively on its people. Due to this reason, the societies are facing the revolution in the living style, perceptions, and social intersections between people as well as the standardization of their education systems (Stavem, 2014). As a result, people and societies are looking towards the culture, language and education systems to ensure the required improvement in the skills and grab the opportunities available in other countries (Solimano, 2006). For example, online course in some universities offers educational opportunities to the global students in their countries. This kind of educational facilities is not just helping the students to get new skills but also help to get highly skilled jobs (Gérard &Uebelmesser, 2014). Consequently, they earn a decent amount of money that is not possible from the education system of their own academic institutions. This type of mobility also facilitates the government of the respective country to make changes in the existing education system and respond to the needs of the societies (Stavem, 2014). Kenya is an example that is confronting the positive influences of the mobility of the students on their education systems and role of the government. As a consequence of growing mobility, the government has increased the education budgets and has introduced various kinds of the education program by abolishing the old-education Commission for Higher Education (CHE). As per the data of 2013, the steps taken by the government have increased the number of enrolments by 20% (ICEF Inc., 2017).
Improvement in Trade
Another example is China, which is also facing the positive impacts of the mobility of the societies and education systems. According to the report of the government, 91,089 Chinese students got enrolment in Australian schools and 94,399 students got enrolment in Japanese universities in 2015-2016 (Dennis, 2017). This is due to the poor education systems of the Chinese as well as the investment made by Chinese in other countries. These situations also encourage Chinese high education students to get enrolment in the in other countries, learning their language and help the government to achieve the projects’ success. But the mobility of the students in the context of China helps the government to improve its trade with the other countries in a more effective manner that may not be possible for China if it has a low rate of the students’ mobility.
Improvement in Economy
The mobility of students also gives ample benefits to the destination countries. For instance, the government of Australia earns million Australian dollars from Asian students. In a similar manner, the USA and the UK have other countries which are targeted by Asian students (Velliaris & Coleman-George, 2016). Therefore, it can be stated that the mobility of students impose definite influences on the GDP of the country that allows increasing the budget of the education to improve education systems and infrastructure. With the help of the improved economy, the government of the USA, UK, and Australia provides the part-time and full-time jobs to students during the course and after the course that makes these countries a famous destination for education.
Improve Relationship between Countries
This is a most important and considerable aspect of the mobility in the term of the education. It is also explained with the help of a fact that the mobility of students has changed the entire scenario in the world. For instance, before the growth in the globalization there was the rivalry between the nations such as China and Japan. However, student mobility has changed the scenario and both countries are engaged in the developing the quality education system with the help of universities (Gérard & Uebelmesser, 2014). The number of Chinese students in Japan is also justifying this statement.
Reduce Distance between Societies
The mobility of people is the most important aspects that are reducing a distance between societies of the two nations. The student's mobility is also an activity that increases the relationship between two different cultural societies. Due to this, the students are engaged in learning other’s language, skills and abilities to start life in the societies of other countries (The University of Sydney, 2017). As a result, there is no country where the people of the other countries are not living. Hence, it can be stated that student's mobility has reduced the distance between the societies of countries and not it is converting the entire world as one country.
There are a few negative aspects of the student's mobility also. For example, the flow of skilled person from a poor country to a developing country is a negative impact that is taking places in the...

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