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Assignment 1 (Presentation) Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager (LO1: P1 & M1) Scenario You have been working in Starbucks since 2014. You have recently been...

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Assignment 1 (Presentation) Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager (LO1: P1 & M1) Scenario You have been working in Starbucks since 2014. You have recently been shortlisted for promotion to the position of a Team Leader. As part of your interview, you have been asked to prepare and carry out a presentation differentiating between the role of a leader and the function of a manager to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to lead a team in a Starbucks coffee shop. In order to achieve PASS in this assignment, you are required to cover the following issues in your presentation: 1.1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager using examples from Starbucks (P1). In order to achieve MERIT in this assignment, you must answer the following: 1.2Analyse and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concepts and examples from Starbucks (M1). Guideline for preparing presentation and submission:  You need to carry out a 10-15 minutes oral presentation in front of your classmates.  The presentation should be illustrated by PowerPoint slides or other appropriate media.  PowerPoint slides should be accompanied by speaker’s notes.  Your response to the questions need to be underpinned by Module contents.  You must complete your class presentation before the deadline for submitting the slides in the Moodle. Ideally, you are expected to carry out class presentation in between week 7 and 8.  For submission, please save your document with a unique name. Follow the following style: [Your Surname]_[Your First Name]_[Unit Code]_[Assignment Number]. For example: Bennett_Tiffany_HNBS 304_Assignment 1. Assignment 2 (Report) Understanding of how management and operations make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to an organisation at a junior level Scenario You have impressed the management of Starbucks with your excellent presentation. Hence, in the second stage of the interview process, you are asked to write a report explaining how management and operations make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to an organisation at a junior level. The management has outlined the key areas to be covered in your investigative report in task 1, 2 and 3 below. Task 1: Apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in given contexts (LO2: P2, P3, M2 & D1) In order to achieve PASS in this task, you must answer the following: 1.1 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in different situational contexts within the setting of Starbucks (P XXXXXXXXXXApply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency within the context of Starbucks (P4). In order to achieve MERIT in this task, you must answer the following: 1.3 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations (situational leadership) within the work environment (M2). In order to achieve DISTINCTION in this task, you must answer the following: 1.4 Critically analyse and evaluate the different theories and approaches to leadership used (e.g. situational leadership, systems leadership, task or relationship-orientated approaches) and their effectiveness in Starbucks (D1). Task 2: Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the operations function of an organisation (LO3: P4, P5, M3) In order to achieve PASS in this task, you must answer the following: 2.1 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and managers play in Starbucks (P XXXXXXXXXXExplain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives with examples from Starbucks (P6). In order to achieve MERIT in this task you must answer the following: 2.3 Evaluate how leaders and managers of Starbucks can improve efficiencies of operational management to successfully meet business objectives (M3). Task 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and management in a contemporary business environment (LO4: P6 & M4) In order to achieve PASS in this task you must answer the following: 3.1 Assess the factors within the business environment in which Starbucks operates that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers (P6). In order to achieve MERIT in this task you must answer the following: 3.2 Analyse how these different factors affect the business environment and wider community of Starbucks (M4). In order to achieve DISTOINCTION in this task you must answer the following: 2.4 Critically evaluate application of operations management and factors that impact on the wider business environment in relation to Starbucks (D2). Guideline for preparing the report and Submission  Use appropriate report format with an introduction at the beginning, main body with headings and sub-headings and conclusion at the end.  A cover page, table of contents page, references list and bibliography would be at highest standard.  Your response to the questions need to be underpinned by module contents.  Please save your document with a unique name. Follow the following style: [Your Surname]_[Your first name]_[Unit Code]_[Assignment Number]. For example: Bennett_Tiffany_HNBS 303_Assignment 2.  The report might be written in 2500 – 3000 words. Report Terms Explained Define: To give in precise terms the meaning of something. Bring to attention any problems posed with the definition and different interpretations that may exist. Analyse/Critically Analyse: Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another. Examine: Look in close detail and establish the key facts and important issues surrounding a topic. This should be a critical evaluation and you should try and offer reasons as to why the facts and issues you have identified are the most important, as well as explain the different ways they could be construed. Assess: Weigh up to what extent something is true. Persuade the reader of your argument by citing relevant research but also remember to point out any flaws and counter-arguments as well. Conclude by stating clearly how far you are in agreement with the original proposition. Demonstrate: Show how, with examples to illustrate. Explain: Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex procedures or sequences of events can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research. Evaluate/Critically Evaluate: Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.Management Operation (304)
Answered Same Day Jun 05, 2020


Shubhi answered on Jun 09 2020
144 Votes
ucks: Operations & Leadership

ucks: Operations & Leadership    1
I.    Introduction    3
II.    Leadership    3
A.    Contingency Theory    5
III.    Operations Management    5
A.    Challenges and Role of Leaders    6
1.    Management by Objectives (MBO)    6
2.    Situational Leadership    7
IV.    Business Environment    7
V.    Recommendations and Conclusion    9
VI.    References    10
I. Introduction
ucks started from a single store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market, in 1970. Today they have close to 22,519 stores in about 70 countries (2015). They offer more than 30 blends and single-origin coffees that are premium.
Their mission is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time”. Their portfolio consists not only of coffee, but also of handcrafted beverages, merchandise and fresh food.
They place great importance on building an enduring company that is able to balance between profits and social conscience. They make sure that they are following ‘Ethical Sourcing’, ‘Environmental Stewardship’ and ‘Community Involvement’.
II. Leadership
“Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.” Kevin Kruse’s definition of leadership covers some essential aspects, like the fact that leadership does not stem from authority or power, but from social influence. There’s no one particular method or style of leadership, many paths can be taken to achieve a goal for effective leadership.
Some of the most spoken about styles of leadership are:
· Lewin’s Leadership Styles – This includes the Authoritative, Participative and Laissez-Faire styles. Authoritative or autocratic leaders believe in giving commands and setting clear expectations, with little or no inputs from the team. It can be useful when the decision-making time is short. However, these leaders can end up stifling the creativity of their team members. Laissez-Faire leaders are completely the opposite of this. They give full freedom to their employees to make their own decisions. This can lead to some chaos within the organization. Participative on the other hand, is the most effective leadership style. These leaders make decisions democratically. Employees have the freedom to give their inputs but the final say is of the leader.
· Situational Leadership Styles – These lay stress on the significance of the situation and the environment on leadership. In 1969, Hersey and Blanchard described four major leadership styles: telling (telling employees what to do), selling (leaders convincing their employees to buy into their ideas and beliefs), participating (involving employees in the decision making process) and delegating (team members have the flexibility to make majority of their decisions).
· Systems Leadership - “Leadership across organisational and geopolitical boundaries, beyond individual professional disciplines, within a range of organisational and stakeholder cultures, often without direct managerial control” (The Virtual Staff College, Exceptional Leadership for Exceptional Times, 2013). The leaders create an atmosphere in the organization wherein all employees work efficiently and productively according to their individual potential. They do not view the system as individual units but as a whole and try to act in the best interest of the larger picture. They try to keep the colleagues and peers across various levels and multiple layers (Fullan, 2005).
ucks had suffered a major financial loss in 2009 wherein there was a 77% decrease in income in the second quarter due to which many retail shops were shut (Flynn, 2009). This could be attributed to the global economy which was weak at that point of time. Some researchers however, have claimed that the cause could also be the degrading internal atmosphere of the company. Post that incident, Sta
ucks picked up again and the income started to rise. They have tried to incorporate this method since then to safeguard the future of the company. The leadership has to maintain both, the micro as well as the macro perspective of the company.
· Transformational Leadership – Research on this topic began in 1970’s and was later expanded up on by Bernard M. Bass. Some of the key features of this type of leadership are the capabilities to motivate and inspire the followers and to instil positive changes within groups.
Howard Schultz, the Chairman and former CEO of Sta
ucks, was definitely a transformational leader. This means “to motivate others to do more than they originally intended and often more than they thought possible” (Bass & Avolio, 1994).
According to a study done by British Academy of Management on Leadership Discourse Analysis, Schultz displayed five characteristics throughout his role as the CEO as a transformational leader.
· He maintained exceptional enthusiasm for the company through severity and not likeability
· He used lexical choices of words that could be considered slightly out of context, but still motivating
· He had the ability to be transparent consistently and believed in humility
· He believed in giving responsibility equally
· He was true to the core values of the...

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