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Assignment 1 –ITECH 7401 Leadership in ITProject ManagementTask NamePresentationPurposeTo provide an opportunity for students to explore the contributions to society and/or business of a successful...

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Assignment 1 –ITECH 7401 Leadership in ITProject ManagementTask NamePresentationPurposeTo provide an opportunity for students to explore the contributions to society and/or business of a successful leader and share this knowledge while practicing their verbal communication skills.Timelines and Expectations Percentage Value of Task: 10% (30 marks).Due: Week 4 – Friday 21, August 2020, 4:00 pm.Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 10 hours to complete.Learning Outcomes AssessedThe following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K2, K4, A1.Assessment DetailsBackgroundBeing able to present to an audience is an essential skill for project manager to develop. There are a variety of different settings where project managers may be required to present, from a small team meeting, to a large corporate board and shareholder meeting.It is important that every presentation take account of whom the audience is. A presentation delivered to an interdisciplinary audience who may have no specialist knowledge of your field will be very different to a presentation in front of learned specialists – even if you are presenting essentially the same project at both venues.For assistance in giving oral presentations, see: feduni/student-support/student-futures-program/study-skills/oral-presentations1 ass 1 itech 7401 presentation XXXXXXXXXXdocx
RequirementsThis is an individual task (however in large classes this task may be done in teams). You are required to give a video presentation, on a person you consider to be a successful leader (e.g. JFK, a friend etc.). There should be evidence of research you have undertaken through links to theoretical literature, and appropriate referencing. Your presentation should provide details of your chosen persons’:a) leadership style and characteristicsb) stories of their successesc) why they appeal to youd) lessons for project managersYou may be required to give your presentation live or recorded (please check with your lecturer or tutor). You can record your video using Kaltura (see support and instructions book in moodle) or some other appropriate video editing software.Your presentation should adhere to the following:• Created using MS Powerpoint or some other appropriate presentation software, utilising no more than 6 slides• Include a discussion of points (a) – (d) above• Demonstrate appropriate verbal communication techniques• Duration of 4–5 minutesA quality presentation will include detailed accurate descriptions of points (a) to (d) above. It will demonstrate clear and concise language and provide evidence of research from quality authentic sources.Academic PresentationThe presentation content should be written in academic style writing and presented using appropriate headings and styles.• General Guide to Writing and Study Skills: and-Study-Skills.pdf, see p.36.• Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines: and-Appearance.pdfReferencing• General Guide to Referencing: Referencing-2016ed.pdf2 ass 1 itech 7401 presentation XXXXXXXXXXdocx
SubmissionSubmit an electronic copy of your presentation. Also (if required) submit a copy of your video file (note that Moodle has a restriction of 100 MB maximum on file uploads). Please use appropriate CODECs Submit your files in the Assessment section of Moodle using the link “Submit Assignment 1 here”.FeedbackThis assignment will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.PlagiarismPlagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see: Marking Criteria/RubricContent• Leadership style and characteristics 0• Stories of successes 0• Why they appeal to you? 0• Lesson for project managers 0Presentation• Academic presentation – length, writing and presentation 0• Referencing – in-text referencing and bibliography 0 Assessment Criteria Marking ScalePoor Excellent 15 Total Mark [30 marks] 0.0 Total Worth [10%] 0.0% ass 1 itech 7401 presentation XXXXXXXXXXdocx3
Answered Same Day Aug 17, 2021 ITECH7401


Abhinaba answered on Aug 18 2021
141 Votes
LEADERSHIP         4

    This presentation focuses on Leadership a trait, which is sometimes termed as inherited, and sometimes self developed. Leadership is others do the quality of an individual, which enables them to manage the things, in a very efficient manner but with the vision of a leader. In this presentation Barack Obama the former President of USA is the person whose leadership style, characteristics, success story is discussed. In addition, it depicts what contrary lessons it transmits to the project manager in order to ensure his probable growth.
Leadership Style and Characteristics
    Barack Obama, the former president of USA
eaks several stereotypes just after coming into power. He has his own unique leadership style, his tenure became the evidence of the leadership style he opted and they were Transformational-Charismatic, Contingency-Situational and Cross Cultural (ToughNickel, 2020).
    A charismatic leader has an undefined ability to move others on his side and transform them into a force to fulfill a cause bigger than them. Before the Presidential election, Obama draws the attention of the Americans by his a charismatic personality. He has opted, the style, which transforms the vision of the persons with a permanent view (ToughNickel, 2020).
    Being on the post of the President of America he did not only go with the fixed leadership style he was a leader who possess his actions situation-basis. He was the only who uses to take the decisions on watching the demand of the situation, whether it is apt to listen before speaking, or to take tough calls regarding some firm decisions.

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