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Assessment Task 1 Length: 250 words total (+/- 10%) Reference list and cover sheet details are not included in this word-limit total. Weighting: Assessment Criteria 5% of total unit mark ·...

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Assessment Task 1
250 words total (+/- 10%) Reference list and cover sheet details are not included in this word-limit total.
Assessment Criteria
5% of total unit mark
· Demonstration of knowledge of the issues
· High quality written communication of corporate governance concepts
· Structure and professional presentation of the report
Assume you are employed in a management consulting firm and have expertise as a corporate governance specialist. Your client is a public company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that has requested a one page
ief (maximum 250 words) specifying the essential criteria for a non-executive director to be appointed to the company’s board.
The client has said; ‘Make it
ief, I’m too busy to read a long document. You should follow the ideas of former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill who stated:
‘To do our work, we all have to read a mass of papers. Nearly all of them are far too long. This wastes time, while energy has to be spent in looking for the essential points. I ask my colleagues and their staff to see to it that their reports are shorter. The aim should be reports which set out the main points in a series of short, crisp paragraphs…’
Winston Churchill, Memo to UK War Cabinet, 9 August 1940, During the Battle of Britain.

ACC03043: Assessment 1 Marking Ru
    Less than 50
    50 - 64
    65- 74
    75 -84
    85 -100
    Knowledge (30%)
    Poor, limited or confused knowledge of the topic and issues.
    Sound knowledge of the topic and issues.
    Competent knowledge of the topic and issues.
    Very good knowledge of the topic and issues.
    Excellent knowledge of the topic demonstrating depth of understanding of the issues.
    Inability to apply knowledge or synthesise issues.
    Sound ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues.
    Competent ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues.
    Very good ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues.
    Excellent application of knowledge to the issue demonstrating original thinking skills, insight and creativity.
    Poor writing skills demonstrating limited clarity and cogency. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and a poor report format and presentation
    Sound writing skills demonstrating adequate clarity and cogency. Minor grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and a satisfactory report presentation
    Competent writing skills demonstrating moderate clarity and cogency. Minimal grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and quality report presentation
    Very good writing skills demonstrating consistent clarity and cogency. Virtually no grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and very good report presentation
    Excellent writing skills demonstrating sustained clarity and cogency. No grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors. Professional report presentation
    Inadequate referencing and sourcing of materials. Less than 2 credible sources.
    Sound referencing and sourcing of material meeting the minimum standard of required references. At least 2 credible sources.
    Competent referencing and sourcing of material. At least 3 credible sources.
    Very good referencing and sourcing of material. At least 4 credible sources.
    Excellent referencing and sourcing of material. More than 4 credible sources.
Answered Same Day Jul 17, 2020 ACC03043 Southern Cross University


Aarti J answered on Jul 19 2020
146 Votes
Non-Executive Directo
For a public listed company, it is essential that the board includes different directors. It is important for the board to have a large variety people with different perspectives and skills which helps in the best interest of the company. There are certain criteria which needs to be analysed when selecting and appointing the directors. These includes the assessment of the cu
ent board of directors, analysing their cu
ent skills, experience and expertise and looking for the gap in the cu
ent set of directors.
1. Skills and experience
The director to be appointed should have the skills that will help in enhancing the effectiveness of the cu
ent board of directors. The director should have the proper...

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