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Assessment Task 1 (BSBMGT616) Assessment Task 1 BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans Confirm organisational vision and mission Submission details Candidate’s name Phone no. Assessor’s name...

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Assessment Task 1 (BSBMGT616)
Assessment Task 1    BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans
Confirm organisational vision and mission
Submission details
    Candidate’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessor’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessment site
    Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
In this assessment, you are required to manage the review of the cu
ency of the organisational vision and mission, make any necessary changes, and communicate the review process to stakeholders in order to gain their support.
Assessment description
Review the organisation’s vision and values by reviewing the case study information provided, as well as meeting with a key stakeholder in the case study organisation (role-played by your assessor). After reviewing materials, revise the vision and mission statements to reflect the cu
ent status and direction of the organisation, then communicate with the relevant stakeholders to:
· outline changes to the vision and organisational values
· describe the strategic planning process and identify where input can be provided.
For the case study information provided in this assessment, you need to summarise:
· the established (written) vision and mission of the organisation
· cu
ent practices of the organisation and, in particular, whether they support the mission objectives of the organisation, or point to potentially new objectives for
the organisation.
After you have developed this summary, you need to meet with a key stakeholde
strategic planning consultant (your assessor) to discuss the vision and mission as you have identified it. You should also check that they agree with your findings. Summarise, in dot-point form, your discussions with the key stakeholde
consultant and ensure that this includes any recommendations they made.
After this meeting, you need to draft an email to the other stakeholders in your organisation, using the headings described below.
1. Existing vision and mission: From the case study information provided, describe the existing mission and vision statements.
2. Cu
ent approaches: From the case study information provided, and your meeting with the key stakeholde
consultant, describe the cu
ent organisational understanding and enactment of the mission and vision statements.
3. Revised vision and mission: Based on steps 1 and 2 above, develop revised vision and mission statements that reflect the cu
ent organisational requirements.
4. Organisational values: Based on the case study information provided, step 2 above, and your reflection on the revised mission/vision statements (from step 3), describe the organisational values required to support the revised mission and vision statements.
Once you have drafted the email, submit it to the key stakeholde
consultant (assessor) for review. When submitting the proposed email and accompanying documents, you need to ensure that:
· your email is titled ‘Mission/Vision review’
· your report is in order, with attachments (notes from your meeting) at the back of your report
· your report is submitted as required by your organisation (your training provider).
Note: You need to retain your revised vision and mission and organisational values for reference and use in Assessment Task 2.
You must provide:
· a completed draft email, as outlined above in steps 1–4, using the headings provided for each step
· summary notes from the meeting with your key stakeholde
strategic planning consultant.
Your assessor will be looking for:
· evidence that you have analysed and identified the needs of the case study, and reflected these in the revised mission and vision statements you have developed.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No variation of the task is required.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
· Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
· Meeting with key stakeholde
consultant (assessor) may be conducted and observed live or via an appropriate teleconferencing tool.
Case study
You have been the General Manager of MacVille’s successful import/export business centre in Sydney for the past two years. You have been asked by the Board to assist in the development of a strategic plan by initially conducting a review of the vision, mission and values of the organisation.
You review the annual report for the previous year, and note the following statement by the Chair of the Board:
‘Within the next five years, MacVille will become a national
and, and will be accepted as an integral part of the hospitality industry, perceived as a key component in the success of hospitality establishments, both large and small.’
‘MacVille is in business to provide espresso coffee machines that meet the efficiency, reliability and sustainability needs of our hospitality clients who, in turn, reward us with profits that will allow our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate to prosper.’
Being part of the management that assisted in upholding the values of the organisation, you have been made very aware of the Chair and Board’s views on the following values and, after reviewing your papers and reports, you speak with the CEO, who replies:
‘MacVille’s values have been the same for as long as the organisation has existed. For our stakeholders, it has always been about stewardship and about adhering to professional and moral standards of conduct in all that we do. For our people, we are committed to encouraging self-directed teams, we cultivate leadership and we maintain high levels of safety. Externally, we are committed to wise environmental practices and offering meaningful value to our customers.’
Later in the review process, you are presented with an opportunity to discuss the application of the vision, mission and values with the CEO again. This time, you are more interested in researching what had changed since the last strategic vision was formulated.
The CEO explains:
‘In the past few years, since the last strategic plan was formulated, there have been developments in new areas that were not clearly recognised when developing the last plan. These changes are becoming an important part of our operations on a daily basis, and should be reflected in our vision, mission and values.’
‘There is a real need to incorporate innovation into our mission because it has been an outcome from the self-directed team’s directive. Finding new ways to improve the efficiency of processes and effectiveness of customer solutions has become a priority. There has always been a need to evaluate what we were doing, to continually challenge our methods and ask how we can simplify and improve our business. We should never rest on our laurels, but instead constantly innovate and raise our standards, because we are not afraid to try new ideas and concepts. The organisation needs to em
ace strategic alliances and to seek out new partnerships that support and promote our mission, desired outcomes, and strategies.’
When prompted for further changes that had taken place, the CEO stated:
‘MacVille needs to identify more closely with the community it serves. We need to be a good corporate citizen that recognises our responsibility to be active participants in our local communities, and even donate a percentage of profits every year to a wide variety of community and non-profit organisations.’
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd    1st edition version: 1
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Assessment Task 2 (BSBMGT616)
Assessment Task 2    BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans
Analyse the internal and external environment
Submission details
    Candidate’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessor’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessment site
    Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
In this assessment, you are required to complete analyses of the organisational environment to develop an understanding of potential competitors and allies, and the associated risks and benefits.
Assessment description
Complete a value chain analysis, PEST and SWOT for your organisation, plus analyses of the potential competitors and allies supplied in the case study.
For the provided case study, you are required to complete for your organisation:
1. PEST analysis (including a review of legislation impacting on MacVille)
2. SWOT analysis (including an evaluation of the value-chain).
You are also required to review competitors/allies to MacVille, as described in the case study, and:
· identify and describe existing and potential competitors/allies, then summarise the strengths and weaknesses of each
· develop a separate summary statement for each potential ally for a cooperative venture that describes their alignment with MacVille’s vision, mission, values and attributes, as identified on the tender document.
Once you have developed these materials, you need to meet with your supervisor (role-played by assessor) to discuss and confirm the analyses you have completed, together with the summary of potential cooperative venture allies. Take notes in the meeting with your supervisor and make any changes as suggested by them, before submitting your final version.
Note: You need to retain your analysis of the organisation, competitors and allies for reference and use in Assessment Task 3.
You must provide:
· a completed set of analyses (PEST and SWOT)
· a review of existing and potential competitors and allies
· a review of potential allies and a statement of their alignment with organisational values (as described in Assessment Task 1) and tender requirements
· summary notes from the meeting with your supervisor.
Your assessor will be looking for:
· evidence that you have analysed and identified the needs of the case study, and reflected these in the reviews and summary notes you have developed.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No variation of the task is required.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
· Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
· Meeting with supervisor (assessor) may be conducted and observed live or via an appropriate teleconferencing tool.
Case study
Having completed MacVille’s review of the vision, mission and values, you should then consider the environmental factors that could impact on MacVille’s goals and objectives. To help you with this assessment, you are provided with an industry consultant’s report that contains a recent and comprehensive review of the industry and general operating environment.
Industry consultant’s report
You have noted the following points from the report.
· New commercial espresso machines are being developed that use 30% less energy to run, with an innovative and more efficient heat exchanger.
· Planned changes in trade, where all tariffs on imported goods, including espresso coffee machines, will be removed in line with the government’s free trade policy.
· The development of the home consumer market for consumer espresso machines is experiencing high growth.
· There is a lifestyle trend towards eating out more frequently as the population ages and becomes more affluent.
· A steady population growth rate is predicted for Australia, from 22 million in 2010 to 36 million in 2050.
· The prediction of a
Answered Same Day Jun 25, 2020 BSBMGT616 Training.Gov.Au


Kuldeep answered on Jun 27 2020
160 Votes
Confirm organisational vision and mission
Course Code: BSB61015
Unit code: BSBMGT616
Confirm organisational vision & mission
Course Name: Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit name: Develop and implement strategic plans
Introduction    3
The Established vision and mission    3
ent practices of organisation    4
ent approaches    4
Revised vision and mission    4
Organisation Values    5
References    6
In past years, as the formulation of the last strategic preparation, there has also been no clear recognition of the development of new areas in the formulation of the previous plan. This change is increasingly becoming important element of our business and must be reflect in our visions, missions and value (Anderson and Alston, 2011). “We really want to integrate innovation into our missions because it is a result of the self-fulfilment that guides the group’s instructions. Finding latest way to increase process efficiencies as well as the effectiveness of clients’ solution also has become main concern. Always want to assess what we are doing things, constantly challenge our ways, or ask how can we simplify moreover improve our company. We must never sit in our crown, however continue to innovate or raise our values as we are not scared to try new opinions or concept the association requirements to em
ace planned alliances moreover seek to support and promote our mission, expecting a new partnership of results and strategy.
The Established vision and mission...

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