Assessment Task 1 (BSBLDR501)
Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence
Reflect on your emotional intelligence
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Phone no.
Assessor’s name
Phone no.
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to identify the impact of your own emotions on others in the workplace.
Assessment description
For this assessment task, you will identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses, reflect on actual workplace behaviour and use self-reflection and others’ feedback to improve emotional intelligence. Candidates will submit a written reflection and supporting documentation (outlined in specifications) as evidence of competence.
Gather content for, plan, write and submit a reflection on your own emotional intelligence in accordance with quality specifications:
1. Use at least one appropriate tool or methods to identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses. Options include, for example:
a. personal SWOT analysis
. workplace 360° evaluation
c. online emotional intelligence test
Note: Keep evidence (for example, worksheets and screenshots) to submit with your reflection as evidence.
2. Identify at least three instances where you have felt stressed or experienced a negative emotional state at work. For each instance, consider the precise context, causes and your response.
3. Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states at work. Identify how you can use awareness of such triggers to control your responses and achieve positive outcomes, especially with respect to your impact on others and their work performance.
4. Identify at least one instance of modelling workplace behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions as an example for others to follow.
5. Identify three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence on the basis of self-reflection or feedback from others. Reflect on emotional intelligence principles and strategies to justify your proposed actions.
6. Submit your written reflection and supporting documentation in accordance with specifications set out below.
You must provide:
· a written reflection
· supporting documentation, such as worksheets, emails or screenshots to provide evidence of measures used to gather information on your own emotional intelligence.
Your assessor will be looking for the following quality specifications as demonstrated in your written reflection:
· your reflection on personal attributes, consideration of the impact on others and modification of your approach to support your development
· identification of the impact of your own emotions on others by identifying your emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers and gathering feedback from others
· description and examples of your modelling behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
· knowledge of emotional intelligence principles and strategies
· knowledge of the relationship between emotionally effective people and the attainment of business objectives.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No changes to the assessment procedure or specification are required.
· Documentation may be submitted electronically.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1
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Assessment Task 2 (BSBLDR501)
Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence
Respond to emotional intelligence case study
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Phone no.
Assessor’s name
Phone no.
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to recognise and appreciate the emotional strengths of others in the workplace.
Assessment description
For this assessment task, you will read and respond to a case study by answering a set of written questions.
1. Read the case study in Appendix 1.
2. Read the questions in Appendix 2 related to the case study.
3. Create a document with written answers to the questions.
4. Submit a print or electronic version of your document containing answers to the questions in accordance with the specifications set out below.
You must provide:
· written responses to case study-based questions.
Your assessor will be looking for responses to questions that demonstrate:
· knowledge of how to communicate with a diverse workforce that has varying cultural expressions of emotion
· your ability to apply knowledge of emotional intelligence principles and strategies:
· description of how you would adapt your personal communication style to model behaviours, build trust and positive working relationships and to build understanding of emotional intelligence
· evidence of your ability to recognise and respond to the emotional states of others by being flexible and adapting as required
· knowledge of the relationship between emotionally effective people and the attainment of business objectives
· knowledge of legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines relating to management practices, including application of OHS/WHS requirements.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No changes to the assessment procedure or specification are required.
· Documentation may be submitted electronically.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Appendix 1: Case study – Australian Hardware
Australian Hardware (a simulated business) is a large and expanding hardware and homewares retailer with approximately 140 stores located across Australia. In its vision statement, Australian Hardware states that it intends to ‘lead the hardware and home-improvement market in Australia within five years’. In order to realise this vision, the organisation intends to:
· build market share by focusing on the customer experience
· control direct and indirect costs through efficient internal processes
· establish the reputation of Australian Hardware as a socially and environmentally responsible company.
These strategic organisation-wide directions are implemented from senior management down, in the form of performance expectations for managers and employees at every level of the organisation.
Australian Hardware realises that the success of the business rests on its people. For this reason, the organisation insists that managers build effective teams by responding to the needs of employees. Such needs include safety and security, fairness, flexibility, skills development and self-actualisation. Satisfying such needs will allow employees to focus more effectively on work tasks and customer needs. In addition, Australian Hardware encourages managers to take a flexible approach to meeting performance targets and to set goals in close collaboration with employees.
To implement strategic directions and advance Australian Hardware’s values, managers are expected to lead employees by, first of all, modelling positive behaviours and attributes – those they expect their employees to emulate and embody in turn. To lead and inspire people, managers must demonstrate keen emotional awareness and promote positive team-building behaviours in others.
You are the new General Operations Manager of the Wollongong, NSW, store and you are ready for a challenge. You are directly responsible for managing general sales and checkout staff, administration staff and a human resources officer. You report to the Store Manager, who is responsible for all areas of store responsibility (Timber, Plumbing & Electrical, Gardens and Homewares departments and general operations).
For more background to this assessment task, Australian Hardware simulated business information, including business and operational plans, financial information, and policies and procedures, can be located online at:
Appendix 2: Questions
For the following case-study-based questions, put yourself in the position of the new general operations manager and answer the questions accordingly.
Question 1
Your Store Manager has had a stressful month. It is the end of the financial year and sales revenue in the Timber and Plumbing & Electrical departments is down on targets, almost certainly due to increased competition from smaller competitors for trade contractors’ business.
Just this week, the Store Manager held a meeting in which she yelled at all the department managers and told you and them to work out a way to improve revenue. Obviously, the outburst did not make much sense as the department managers, in such a large business, do not have the capability to raise much revenue directly. Marketing and distribution innovations that could have an effect are mainly a head office responsibility. The Woollongong store’s inability to counter the threat from smaller, more nimble trade suppliers has been the main reason for the revenue deficit.
Naturally, the atmosphere around the store and in the management team is subdued and a few managers have discussed leaving the organisation; other managers have responded by pushing unreasonable sales demands onto their sales staff.
You are now feeling pressure to do something: to act contrary to budget planning and cut costs or to increase pressure on others to offset poor performance in other areas.
In your opinion, this leadership behaviour was disrespectful to all the managers, created unnecessary concern about job security and undermined trust. There has been a clearly negative flow-on effect down through the store, which is now affecting people at a lower level. You are justifiably angry at the manager’s behaviour and blame her for making a bad situation worse with poor leadership and poor emotional awareness.
In your written response to the above scenario:
· Describe what you think is the best way to respond to the Store Manager’s behaviour. Describe how you would model positive leadership behaviour.
· Describe the principles of emotional intelligence that the Store Manager did not demonstrate.
· Describe how the Store Manager should have acted and communicated.
· Describe the connection between the Store Manager’s behaviour and store morale. Describe what effect the Store Manager’s behaviour could have on store performance.
Question 2
An employee has come to you with an issue involving a co-worker. In general, the sales team is a pretty cohesive team, but now a relatively new member of the team is ru
ing people the wrong way.
She never participates in drinks or other social occasions outside work. She never involves herself in normal, day-to-day conversations about family, popular movies or culture. The team is beginning to form the opinion that she is too aloof and doesn’t like the other team members and is quite upset about it. On the sales team, it’s really important to be able to feel a connection with other team members. When you feel this connection, you know you’re able to rely on them – to relieve you when you need some personal time, feed you information as you need it and help you serve customers.
You happen to know that the sales staff member in question is a valuable staff member with good customer skills and product knowledge; however, as a foreign-born, conservative, religious woman, she is having trouble relating to the other team members. Many team-bonding opportunities involve activities that she cannot participate in, such as out-of-hours parties, alcohol or confusing cultural references. She is in a bind because she