David answered on
Dec 27 2019
Assessment Task 1 (BSBHRM405)
Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Plan for recruitment
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Phone no.
Assessor’s name
Phone no.
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to assist in planning for recruitment and obtaining approval for your plans.
Assessment description
Across three assessment tasks you will support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. In this Assessment task, you will plan for recruitment and selection.
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 3
Plan for recruitment and selection
Notify applicants and develop an induction plan
Check referees and complete a selection report
Group work
Group work
Participate in interview and selection process
Consult with selection panel to prepare for interviews
In response to a simulated business scenario (CoffeeVille), you will:
· develop a schedule for recruitment activities
· write a job description and job advertisement, that reflects role requirements, organisational needs and compliance with legislation
· identify a selection panel and questions for interview to be added to the interview guide template provided.
As a part of the consultation process, you are to obtain approval and develop these in accordance with organisational requirements.
1. Review the CoffeeVille simulated business documentation (which will be provided to you by the assessor).
2. Identify the role requirements for the position of café manager by reading the scenario and consultation notes (provided in Appendix 1).
3. Prepare a recruitment schedule (using the template provided in Appendix 2) for the recruitment of a new café manager.
The schedule should clearly support the organisational goals, be ordered logically to reflect the human resources life cycle and include:
· human resources functions and personnel required to complete recruitment
· a schedule which clearly indicates the different stages of recruitment and steps to be undertaken
· timelines for each of the stages/steps.
4. Develop a job description for the role required (using the template provided in Appendix 3) in line with the CoffeeVille scenario and simulated business documents.
The job description must comply with EEO and anti-discrimination legislation and standards.
5. Write a job advertisement for the position (using the template provided in Appendix 4) in line with CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures and suitable for the types of advertising media identified in the consultation notes.
6. Develop an interview guide (using an editable, electronic version of the template provided in Appendix 5).
The interview guide must identify the selection panel (in accordance with the CoffeeVille scenario) and contain five questions which evaluate the applicable selection criteria identified from the consultation notes. The questions must not
each EEO or anti-discrimination legislation.
The five questions should cover the following categories:
· work history (two questions)
· education and training (one question)
· personality, motivation and character (two questions).
7. Seek approval from Emma Belcastran (your assessor) and make necessary amendments as required by Emma to the:
· recruitment schedule
· position description
· job advertisement
· interview guide.
8. Submit all documentation (original and amended versions) as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records. You will need to retain your completed work for reference in Assessment Tasks 2 and 3.
You must submit a completed:
· recruitment schedule using Appendix 2
· job description using Appendix 3
· job advertisement using Appendix 4
· interview guide using Appendix 5.
· any amendments made following consultation made to the:
· recruitment schedule
· position description
· job advertisement
· interview guide.
Your assessor will be looking for:
· literacy skills to:
· work with job descriptions
· review policies and procedures to ensure legislative requirements are reflected in job descriptions
· to devise suitable questions for interviews
· communication skills to:
· support the recruitment and selection functions required in the simulated business scenario
· technology skills to:
· develop job advertisement/s appropriate to the advertising channel selected
· update the interview guide template in accordance with instructions
· planning and organisational skills in a
anging a recruitment schedule
· knowledge of human resources functions, human resources life cycle and the place of recruitment and selection in that life cycle, when a
anging a recruitment schedule
· knowledge of principles of equity and diversity and relevant legislation when developing a job description, job advertisement and interview questions.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No variation of the task is required.
· Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Appendix 1: Simulated Business Scenario
Background to scenario
CoffeeVille is a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne. CoffeeVille aims to serve quality food and fair trade coffee at a city pace. The café is cu
ently open 7 am–5 pm, Monday to Friday.
CoffeeVille has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of customers over the last two years. This growth has led to a need for a second floor manager who is able to manage customer complaints, take responsibility for higher level café operations and manage staff performance.
The cu
ent manager, Joe Belfone, works four days a week. Joe is a good manager, but when he’s not there on Fridays, the café does not run as smoothly. The owners of the café have also decided to start opening on Saturdays, and would like to have at least one manager working from Monday to Saturday.
Owners Emma and Rufus Belcastran have provided you with the task of recruiting a full-time or part-time café manager (working Tuesday–Saturday or Wednesday–Saturday). Recruitment, selection, and induction processes must be undertaken in accordance with relevant external standards, such as legislation and codes of practice, and internal standards, such as organisational policies and procedures.
You will need to review organisational documentation and undertake preliminary research into hiring a café manager.
You will need to recommend the tasks and timelines required for recruitment and selection, provide a job description and advertisement for the role and, finally, provide an interview guide template to the owners for approval.
The new staff member needs to be appointed within six months.
Consultation notes
The following are recorded notes from consultations that you’ve undertaken with...