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Assessment T-1.8.1 Details of Assessment Term and Year Time allowed - Assessment No 1 of 1 Assessment Weighting 100% Assessment Type Written Response Due Date Week No. 8 Room Details of Subject...

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    Details of Assessment
    Term and Yea
    Time allowed
    Assessment No
    1 of 1
    Assessment Weighting
    Assessment Type
    Written Response
    Due Date
    Week No. 8
    Details of Subject
    ICT40115 Certificate IV in Information Technology
    Subject Name
    Copyright, Ethics and privacy in IT
    Details of Unit(s) of competency
    Unit Code (s) and Names
    ICTICT418 Contribute to copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
    Details of Student
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
    Signature: ___________________________
Date: _______/________/_______________
    Details of Assesso
    Assessor’s Name
    Assessment Outcome
|_| Competent |_| Not Yet Competent

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:
    Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure.
Signature:     ____________________________
Date:     ____/_____/_____
    Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
|_| Student did not attend the feedback session.
XXXXXXXXXXFeedback provided on assessment.
Signature:     ____________________________
Date:     ____/_____/_____
    Purpose of the assessment
    The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following outcomes:
    Not yet Competent
    Performance Criteria: ICTICT418 Contribute to copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
    1. Protect intellectual property
    1.1 Identify cu
ent legislation and standards relating to intellectual property and copyright
    1.2 Investigate cu
ent organisational copyright policy
    1.3 Adhere to organisational policy and cu
ent legislation in work practices
    2. Contribute to copyright policy
    2.1 Contribute to the creation or updating of the organisation’s copyright policy and procedures to align with legislation and industry standards
    2.2 Distribute new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders
    3. Protect rights of stakeholders
    3.1 Identify and document the relevance of legislation and standards to organisational outcomes
    3.2 Investigate and review organisational privacy policy and procedures
    3.3 Investigate and review organisational code of ethics
    3.4 Determine the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by organisational policy
    3.5 Maintain confidentiality and proprietary rights of stakeholder interests
    4. Contribute to privacy policy
    4.1 Contribute to the creation or updating of the organisational privacy policy and procedures to align with privacy legislation
    4.2 Distribute new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders
    4.3 Implement new work procedures and collect feedback from stakeholders
    4.4 Ensure the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by organisational policy
    5. Maintain privacy policy
    5.1 Review work practices to ensure application of privacy policy and procedures
    5.2 Maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information as required by organisational privacy policy
    5.3 Review work practices to ensure system security according to organisational privacy policy
    6. Contribute to creation of ethics code
    6.1 Assist in developing or updating a code of ethics to align with legislation and standards for the organisation
    6.2 Distribute the new ethics code to stakeholders and collect feedback
    6.3 Implement new ethical work procedures and collect feedback
    6.4 Review ethical work practices and feedback to ensure application of the code
    7. Maintain ethics code
    7.1 Perform regular checks to ensure stakeholders understand and are continuing to apply the code of ethics in the workplace
    7.2 Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of any ethical issues
    7.3 Interview and regularly follow up with stakeholders to ensure they are receiving consistent and appropriate service in dealing with the code of ethics
    Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
    Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.
    Resources required for this assessment
    1. Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet
1. Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
    Instructions for Students
    Please read the following instructions carefully
· This assessment has to be completed |_| In class |X| At home
· The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
· Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
· Should you not answer the questions co
ectly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
· If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
· Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student handbook).
Assessment - Written exempla
Part 1. Case Study Scenario [50 marks]
A company has a licence for one copy of a database programme. The Team Leader wants you to prepare a feasibility study on setting up a 20-user network. He believes he will achieve great savings by networking his one licence of the database.
Write a report to Project Manager explaining that it is not possible to do this for intellectual property, copyright and ethical reasons. Explain the intellectual property, copyright law the company would
eak if such program was implemented.
Your task:
· Write a report explaining that it is not possible to do this for intellectual property, copyright and ethical reasons.
· Explain the intellectual property, copyright law the company would
eak if such program a program was implemented and the consequences of such action by the business
Report Content:
The body of your report should include information from the following outline:
· Introduction [5 marks]
· Copyright / Intellectual property issues [20 marks]
· Identify cu
ent legislation and standards relating to intellectual property and copyright
· Investigate cu
ent organisational copyright policy
· Research organisational copyright policy and cu
ent legislation in work practices
· Create organizational copyright policy and review work practices to address integrity, confidentiality, and availability, security of information
· Ethical issues [20 marks]
· Code of Ethics
· Ethical issues
· Conclusion [5 marks]
Part 2. Information Research [30 marks]
Using the newspapers, magazines and Internet, research the status of finger-printing programs. List the advantages and disadvantages of using finger-printing for attendance at Academies Australasia’s school environment.
Your Task:
· Identify the privacy legislation and privacy issues that would arise due to such a system. [10 marks]
· How privacy issues would be addressed if such a system was implemented. [10 marks]
· Create a privacy policy for the organisation and review work practices to address integrity, confidentiality, and availability, security of information [10 marks]
Part 3. Ethics code [20 marks]
Pretend you own a software consulting business that is growing in size and you need to employ more programmers. Most of the work in on-site and your developers are sometimes working on their own computers, sometimes on the clients systems. As we are simulating an I.T environment you can make assumptions.
Your task:
· Produce a concise Code of Ethics and checklist appropriate for all staff [10 marks]
· Write a document that explains how your company expects its employees to behave ethically and when dealing with your client’s confidential information. [5 marks]
· Write a grievance procedure for staff, so they can confidentially report any ethical issues. [5 marks]
Assignment Preparation Guideline:
Following are guidelines for the submission of assignment.
· Use size A4 paper and leave at least a 3 cm margin. This is the best format for both marking and photocopying.
· Number each page of the assignment.
· Make a duplicate copy of each assignment. This overcomes any problems should your assignments ever be lost in transit even though this rarely happens.
Copyright, Ethics and privacy in IT, Assessment 1, v_1.0        Page 1
Answered Same Day May 02, 2020 ICTICT418 Training.Gov.Au


Amit answered on May 20 2020
140 Votes
Title of the assessment:
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Table of Contents
1.    Part - 1    3
2.    Introduction    3
3.    Copyright / Intellectual property issues    3
4.    Ethical issues    4
5.    Conclusion    5
6.    References    5
7.    Part - 2:    6
8.    A
ived privacy issues and privacy legislation    6
9.    Addressing of privacy issues    7
10.    Creation of privacy policy    7
11.    Part - 3    8
12.    Brief summary and checklist for Code of Ethics    8
13.    Ethical behavior for dealing confidential information    9
14.    Grievance procedure for reporting ethical issues    9
15.    References    10
1. Part - 1
2. Introduction
The copy right is very important and considerable issue in modern days. According to given scenario, the organization is looking to install the database program to 20 computers but they are having license for just one computer. It is highly ethical issue of copy rights. The copy rights have associated legal actions on intellectual property. The copy rights allow the user to make execution of purchased item according to given specifications. The execution of data base application on 20 systems with license of just one system will not be possible. This will lead to ethical issues, copy right issues and intellectual of data base property [BURROUGH et al, 2014].
3. Copyright / Intellectual property issues
The IP (Intellectual property) law is related to invention,
and, or design creation for any already developed legal rights of any particular business. The IP is considered as the main the main business asset of business idea. The copy rights, patents, design rights and trademarks common types of any intellectual property. The violation of copy rights law can cause serious legal and ethical issues for user. It is always not required to make registration of intellectual property [Ha
iss & Atkinson, 2015].
The copy right policy according to given case will not allow the team leader to create a networking for one license system to 20 computers. It will definitely save the cost but internal audit and external audit in organization will definitely identify it. The organization has to give more plenty amount as compare to purchasing 20 licenses. Also the ethical issues defined in copy right policy of organization will not allow it.
Each organization has different policies for copy rights. These policies are developed according to the work conditions and requirements of organizations. These polices defines the security of developed organizational information, availability of organizational information on bases of different levels by maintaining confidentiality and integrity of any information. The key points of created organizational policy for given case organization are listed below:
1. The copy right policy of organization must take solicit inputs from different experts of legal as well as ethical issues of copy rights.
2. The copy right law of country must be included in creation of copy right policy for any organization.
3. The issues related to global copy rights must be included in copy right policy for any organization.
4. The compliance procedures must be properly spelled out in copy right policy for any organization.
5. Each employee of the organization must be aware for using the copy right material of organization.
6. The infringement developed by organization must be properly handled by all potential employees of organization.
4. Ethical issues
The violation of copy rights and Intellectual property law will definitely lead to some possible ethical issues [Adebamowo et al, 2014]. The mainly occu
ed ethical issues for given case information are listed below:
1. The ethical values of organization will be compromised by allowing team leader to make networking of database application on 20 systems with license of just one.
2. The business process of this organization will also suffer during internal and external audits. It is highly unethical task suggested by team leader for...

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