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Assessment T-1.8.1 Details of Assessment Term and Year Time allowed - Assessment No 1 of 1 Assessment Weighting 100% Assessment Type Written Response Due Date Week No. 8 Room Details of Subject...

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    Details of Assessment
    Term and Yea
    Time allowed
    Assessment No
    1 of 1
    Assessment Weighting
    Assessment Type
    Written Response
    Due Date
    Week No. 8
    Details of Subject
    ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
    Subject Name
    ICT Copyrights and Ethics
    Details of Unit(s) of competency
    Unit Code (s) and Names
    ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
    Details of Student
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
    Signature: ___________________________
Date: _______/________/_______________
    Details of Assesso
    Assessor’s Name
    Assessment Outcome
|_| Competent |_| Not Yet Competent

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:
    Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure.
Signature:     ____________________________
Date:     ____/_____/_____
    Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
|_| Student did not attend the feedback session.
XXXXXXXXXXFeedback provided on assessment.
Signature:     ____________________________
Date:     ____/_____/_____
    Purpose of the assessment
    The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following outcomes:
    Not yet Competent
    Performance Criteria: ICTICT610 - Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
    1. Manage adherence to copyright regulations
    1.1 Review cu
ent Australian copyright law, and in particular its relationship to information and communications technology (ICT)
    1.2 Ensure that team members are aware of Australian copyright law and how it affects their work
    1.3 Institute measures to ensure that copyright is not
    1.4 Institute regular reviews to ensure organisational copyright requirements are up to date and team members are adhering to these requirements
    1.5 Distribute updated versions if required
    2. Manage ethical behaviou
    2.1 Review appropriate code of ethics, both organisational and ICT specific
    2.2 Acquaint team members with ethical requirements
    2.3 Institute regular reviews of team members’ ethical work practices and feedback to ensure co
ect application of the code
    2.4 Ensure that stakeholders are aware of ethics code, and adjust appropriately following stakeholder feedback
    2.5 Institute regular reviews of stakeholder understanding and application of code of ethics
    2.6 Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of ethical issues
    2.7 Institute regular reviews of code of ethics, updating and distributing as required
    3. Manage privacy
    3.1 Institute a regular review of the relevance of legislation and standards to organisational outcomes, the organisation's privacy policy and procedures, and the work practices of team members with regard to these requirements
    3.2 Determine and ensure the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by the organisational policy
    3.3 Ensure continued confidentiality and proprietary rights of stakeholders' interests
    3.4 Contribute to the creation or updating of the organisation's privacy policy and procedures to align with privacy legislation
    3.5 Distribute new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders
    3.6 Implement new work procedures and collect feedback from stakeholders
    Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
    Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.
    Resources required for this assessment
    1. Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet
1. Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
    Instructions for Students
    Please read the following instructions carefully
· This assessment has to be completed |_| In class |X| At home
· The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
· Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
· Should you not answer the questions co
ectly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
· If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
· Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student handbook).
Assessment - Written exempla
Part A – Project Case Study Scenario [100 marks]
You have recently joined work as Compliance Manager at BC Software Pty Ltd (BCSoft). You report to the Team Manager.
Organisational Information
BC Software Pty Ltd (BCSoft) is an I.T organisation developing software for schools in NSW. The company has been in business for seven years and employs a staff of 20 people ranging for managerial, marketing and sales, development personnel’s. BCSoft is a member of Australian Computer Society (ACS). I.T staffs are required to register as Professional members of ACS
Organisational Structure
Chief Executive Office
Chief Operating Office
Project Manage
) (
Team Leade
) (
Accounts Manage
) (
I.T Manage
) (
Sales / Marketing Manage
) (
) (
) (
Compliance Manager Responsibilities
Conduct periodic internal reviews or audits to ensure that compliance procedures are followed.
Conduct or direct the internal investigation of compliance issues.
Assess product, compliance, or operational risks and develop risk management strategies.
Conduct environmental audits to ensure adherence to environmental standards.
Identify compliance issues that require follow-up or investigation.
Disseminate written policies and procedures related to compliance activities.
File appropriate compliance reports with regulatory agencies.
Verify that software technology is in place to adequately provide oversight and monitoring in all required areas.
Analyse legislation and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy and apply to BC Software Pty Ltd.
Contribute to the review and development of code of ethics, and monitor the workplace to ensure code of ethics is appropriate and being applied
Contribute to the review and development of a privacy policy, and monitor the workplace to ensure the policy is appropriate and being applied
Ensure the adherence to copyright, ethics and privacy in Project team.
Organisation Copyright Policy
You have researched the organisational website and documents and found following information regarding copyright policy.
© [name of rights holder or rights holders] [publication year]:
e.g.  © BCSoft Pty Ltd and contributors 2017
[date of terms of use]
Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner.
The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information, see and
The owners of copyright in the content on this website may receive compensation for the use of their content by educational institutions and governments, including from licensing schemes managed by Copyright Agency.
We may change these terms of use from time to time. Check before re-using any content from this website.
For files downloadable from your website:
· in your terms of use, cover the use of files downloadable from your site as well as the use of content from webpages;
· include the copyright symbol (©), the name of the copyright owner, and the URL for the terms of use, in each downloadable file (if possible, on each page of the downloadable file: once a document has been downloaded, schools may copy parts of it and those parts may not include the copyright notice or terms of use)
· if you invite visitors to your site to download and print documents from the site, make sure that invitation is subject to your terms of use; and
· add metadata to your files covering the terms of use
Reference: https:
Code of Conduct and Ethics
You have researched the organisational documents and found following information regarding code of ethics for organisation and staff of the BCSoft Pty Ltd.
Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy
The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct all staff and contractors employed by BCSoft are expected to adopt in the course of their employment, and in the performance of their duties
This policy applies to all staff and contractors and is additional to the legal, moral and duty of care obligations required.
Policy Statements:
BCSoft is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behaviour expected of staff and contractors; their rights; and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behaviour in order to safeguard the welfare of our Clients and the integrity of BCSoft.
Our organisational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code.
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action that may lead to the termination of employment and/ or contractor work with BCSoft.
The Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Leadership Team will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to all BCSoft staff and contractors.
Performance Standards:
All staff and contractors fully understand and comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
All staff and contractors have access to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
eaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to a staff member’s or contractor’s immediate supervisor.
Consultation Process:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Implementation Responsibility:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions
It is expected that you will:
comply with BCSoft's policies and procedures;
obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor
Answered Same Day Apr 13, 2020 ICTICT610


Ahmedali answered on Apr 23 2020
150 Votes
ICT Copyrights and Ethics
Student Assessment Report for
BC Software Pty Ltd
Table of Contents
Introduction [3 marks]    19
Copyright [30 marks]    20
Ethics [30 marks]    21
Privacy [30 marks]    22
Conclusion [3 marks]    23
References [2 marks]    24
Document Sign-off Sheet [2 marks]    25
Appendix [10 marks]    26
Introduction [3 marks]
This report is prepared for the BCSoft Inc, which is an IT company selling software solutions in Australia. The aim of the report is to provide guidance to the company on preparation of policy and procedure documents including copyright, ethics, and privacy. The report first explores the associated laws and studies the existing policies that company has to identify if there are any gaps in policies. Based on this study, an appended policy and procedure documentation is provided for the company.
Copyright [30 marks]
Copyright Law
The copyright policy and statements would follow the copyright law specified in the Copyright Act 1968. The act defines laws related to Intellectual property, neighboring rights and other related laws. The objective of the copyright law is to protect the rights of the original author of a work. A copyright policy provides specific provisions directed by these laws (Monash University, 2018).
Copyright Policy and Procedure
1. Overview
Copyright is the exclusive right given to an owner of a content to
oadcast, publish, adapt or copy it. Copyrights are applied to any content in the form of
oadcasts, sounds, films, software, drama, literature, music or art. The owner of the rights is usually the author or developer of the material. There can be exceptions where some material can be used by other entities or individuals for free or by paying equitably. This copyright policy provides clarification on the use of such material that is copyrighted for BCS Software.
2. Policy
All the copyrighted material used by BCSoft is in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968. BCSoft is the owner of the material used on its website but it allows its distribution to others provided they receive a fair compensation in exchange. This is allowed only to government, educational institutes, and commonwealth units (Australian Government, 2018).
3. Infringement of Copyright
Use of any equipments or tools such as photocopy, material downloading, and photography that leads to infringement of the copyright, is fo
idden. The person committing this infringement would be personally considered liable as per the Copyright Act.
4.    Expiry of Copyright
Copyright for any content expires after 70 years of its production or when the copyrights are not renewed.
5.    Use of Copyright without Infringement
5.1   Voluntary Licence
BCSoft can authorize another person or entity to use the produced content through a licence against which a fee would be paid to the company.
The staff of the company should not use the company logo in their emails unless permitted by authorities.
5.2   Use of Copyright as a Fair Deal
The use of any copyright material can be considered as a “fair deal” if only it is used for study, review or research. The Copyright law does not clearly specifies what can be considered as a fair deal and thus, when in confusion, staff should take the advise of a senior (FGCU, 2012).
5.3   Company Use of Copyright
If the staff makes use of photographs available online, either the copyright fee has to be paid or attribution should be given in case they are allowed to be used for free.
Any online content including project reports, movies, music, and software available should not be downloaded and used by the company staff for publishing or commercial purpose unless the usage license fee is paid for the same.
6.    Copying of Computer Programs
For the staff of the organization, the use of any software on the internal systems would need the licenses to be taken and the staff must not make use of any pirated software in its systems. If the owner of the software available provides a free license then only the staff, may download and use it in the systems. For the purchased software, the staff can create the copies of programs only for the purpose of back-up so that it can be used on another machine only for the purpose of work of BCSoft (Copyrightlaw, 2018).
7. Copyright Documentation
To execute the copyright policy, there is a set of documentation that is prepared, and used by an organization. These include:
Copyright notice: A copyright notice is a statutory form that informs users of an organization and of its services or products about the copyright ownership of the a published work. A copyright notice contains four components that include symbol of copyright, date, author name, and the statement of the rights over the copyrighted content. This notice has to be placed by the organization on places needed such as the website of the company. The copyright notice for the BCSoft would look like below statement:
Copyright © 2018 BCSoft Australia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. and BCSoft logo are registered trade marks of BCSoft Inc. and its affiliates.
Copyright permission form: To use any of the content produced by BCSOft by any other organization or individual, a written permission has to be taken. For this, a copyright permission form has to be filled and submitted to the company. The permission letter that one can use to seek permission to use copyrighted content of BCSoft is presented in the appendix of this report.
Copyright Checklist: A checklist can be used to ensure that all the items that have to be included in the copyright policy and the documents preparation and action needed are documented and checked for their completion. A copy of checklist for BCSoft copyright management is presented in the Appendix of this report.

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