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Assessment Overview Overview Length or Duration Worth Due Presentation on inclusion, equity,...

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Assessment Overview


Length or Duration



Presentation on inclusion, equity, social justice & diversity

Video 1: 3 mins

Video 2: 3 mins


Saturday of Week 2

9th November, XXXXXXXXXX:59pm

Key Assessment Information

Purpose and learning outcomes

There aremany stories of diverse experiences that surround us in our everyday life,and as you enter practice you will hear stories from families and children about their experiences.

As an educator, listening to these stories is an active process, as you engage with what families and children are sharing, form relationships with these families and children, and integrate how you have understood these stories into your teaching practice with children.

 This assignment is about making visible our ways of listening to stories and considering how our ways of understanding the stories we are told influenceour understandings of inclusion & inclusive practice.

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

LO1:Argue that all children have rights in terms of diversity, equity and social justice

LO2:Review early childhood policy regarding inclusion and diversity and its implication for curriculum across early childhood settings


Reflect on perspectives that include the broad principles of justice, inclusion and difference.

Assessment Structure

In this assessment, you will submit two short videos.

Video 1: share your story

  1. Create a video telling/ sharing your own story of inclusion.

  2. Submit your video.

Video 2: listen to a story

  1. Listen to a story.

  2. Record a video reflecting on how you listened.

  3. Submit your video + a copy of your script/transcript with in-text citations along with a reference list withat least2references from the unit.


Video 1: Share your story

    1. Tell us your story (3mins)

      Create a video telling/ sharing your own story of inclusion. This is the narrative you have constructed from the events of your life (refer to:A mile in my shoeopens in new window


    2. You can use a video recording method of your choosing, but the file should be uploaded to Panopto for submission.

      1. For support using Panopto, see theVU Collaborate Student Help Site: Panoptoopens in new window


      2. If you record a video in a different program i.e. PowerPoint, you canUpload a Video to Panoptoopens in new window

        using these instructions.

      3. If you would like to use Panopto to record your video, you canRecord a Video in Your Web Browseropens in new window

        using these instructions.

      4. Submit yourPanopto Video via the Assessment Dropboxopens in new window

        using these instructions.

Video 2: Listen to a story

    1. Listen to a story

    2. Look through the following website. Choose a story which includes an audio or visual recording. Carefully listen to your chosen inclusion story of another person.

      1. Option 1, Website: in new window

      2. Option 2, Peer-swap: You can have video 1 ready early and swap with another student and listen to each other's stories. Using this option willnotprovide you an extension of time.

    3. Share your thoughts on the way you listened to the story of diversity, immigration, privilege and other experiences of inclusive practice matter. (3 minute video). Use the below as a guide for what to include.

    4. Howdid you listen to the story?

      1. What moments of the story were most impactful for you? Why? Think about how you felt, your emotions, and your relationship with the storyteller. Consider why these moments might have been most impactful for you – do these moments connect to your personal experience? To things you are interestedin?To things you are unfamiliar with?

      2. What concepts, ideas, or experiences from your own life did you bring to your listening practice? For example, consider how your understanding of privilege, gender, race, or ability might have influenced how you listened to these stories.

      3. What did you not hear when listening to the story? What mighthave been excluded inyour listening practice?

    5. How do your practices of listening influence your approach to inclusive practices a teacher?

      1. What words might you use to describe how you listen to stories? How might your approach to responsive listening be unique? How does yourapproach to responsive listening align with your understanding of inclusive practice?

      2. How does your way of listening to the story impact your ability to respond by forming relationships, to create belonging, to understand identity, to acknowledge children with special rights, to make visible children’s practices of engaging with difference, or to advocate for inclusive practices?

    6. You can use a video recording method of your choosing, but the file should be uploaded to Panopto for submission.

      1. For support using Panopto, see theVU Collaborate Student Help Site: Panoptoopens in new window


      2. If you record a video in a different program i.e. PowerPoint, you canUpload a Video to Panoptoopens in new window

        using these instructions.

      3. If you would like to use Panopto to record your video, you canRecord a Video in Your Web Browseropens in new window

        using these instructions.

      4. Submit yourPanopto Video via the Assessment Dropboxopens in new window

        using these instructions along with your script and reference list (at least 2 references following APA 7 Referencing style).


  • Deep Listening Resources

    • Levels of Listeningopens in new window

    • The Art of Listeningopens in new window

    • Brene Brown on Empathy verses Sympathyopens in new window

  • Storytelling/Sharing Resources

  • Why your story matters

    Ever listened to someone share personal experiences about their life and thought ‘Oh, someone else has been through that, too? I thought it was just me!’ Sharing lived experiences with other people helps us connect with others and gain a deeper understanding about ourselves. Every story shared holds multiple benefits to the story sharer and the story listener.

    • Bianca talks about values she hopes to role model for young women across Australia: in new window

    • 7 Steps to Creating a Powerful Story to Share With the World: in new window

    • 4 Key Ways Sharing Your Story Makes a Difference, and Tips for Telling: in new window

Answered 1 days After Nov 04, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Nov 06 2024
5 Votes
The right to equality, social inclusion, and fundamental rights to do things of their own
Recognizing the values enshrined under Australian law, social policy
International human rights convention that also includes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
It clearly states that every child must receive equal opportunity
In this reflection presentation, I am going to discuss some stories of inclusion and diversity
 The right to equality, social inclusion, and fundamental rights to do things of their own is the basic right of every child. Particularly, recognizing the values enshrined under Australian law, social policy, and the international human rights convention that also includes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Nevertheless, it clearly states that every child must receive equal opportunity to explore and grow in their areas of expertise and the policies ensure that they must be protected from any kind of discrimination and ensure their overall well-being and development. In this reflection presentation, I am going to discuss some stories of inclusion and diversity that allowed people to grow in their respective fields.
Diversity as a Fundamental Right
Understanding diversity as a fundamental right is essential
The multicultural environment of Australia highlights the value of diversity
Every child having the freedom to express and value their identity, language, and cultural background
Acknowledging this right promotes a healthy feeling of self and belonging
Under the direction of national frameworks such as the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
Australian educational settings place a strong emphasis on inclusion by em
acing diversity
Understanding diversity as a fundamental right is essential before I present the real-life stories of people who have benefited from this right. The multicultural environment of Australia highlights the value of diversity, with every child having the freedom to express and value its identity, language, and cultural background. Acknowledging this right promotes a healthy feeling of self and belonging, both of which are critical for kids' social and emotional growth. Under the direction of national frameworks such as the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), Australian educational settings place a strong emphasis on inclusion by em
acing diversity, valuing culturally sensitive methods, and cele
ating individual differences (Campbell, 2022).
Equity and the Right to Equal Opportunity
Equity is the basic form of acknowledging that each children have their own set of needs
Tailor made set of resources, support, and opportunities
Access to education and healthcare in Australia may be impacted
Therefore, it is imperative that laws and initiatives, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Australian children have the right to resources that help them realize their full potential
Equity is the basic form of acknowledging that each children have their own set of needs and they require their own tailor made set of resources, support, and opportunities that could help them to deliver a fair chance to grow in their respective fields. Access to education and healthcare in Australia may be impacted by socioeconomic inequality, disability, and language or cultural differences. Therefore, it is imperative that laws and initiatives, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and targeted educational financing, aim to eliminate any obstacles that underprivileged children could encounter. Even if the resources available to Australian children vary depending on their needs, they...

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