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Assessment Overview Overview Length or Duration Worth Due An infographic poster outlining...

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Assessment Overview


Length or Duration



An infographic poster outlining inclusion and enacting rights of children.

Infographic poster: Equivalent to 600 words

Written reflection: 400 words


Saturday of Week 1

2nd November, 11:59pm

Key Assessment Information

AI or similar tools must not be used at any point during any assessment task in this unit. Any breaches will be treated as violations of Academic Integrity.

learning outcomes

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

Argue that all children have rights in terms of diversity, equity, and social justice

Review early childhood policy regarding inclusion and diversity and its implication for curriculum across early childhood settings


To get started on your assessment task, please follow the instructions below:


  1. Find a policy document from an early childhood setting that specifically focuses on inclusive practice. Examples can be found below.

  2. Critically review the resource & start planning/ outlining how you’d creatively reimagine the document based onyour emerging understanding, and experiences of, inclusive practice. Consider the following:

    1. Does the definition and ideas about inclusive practice expressed in the document match with your understanding of inclusive practice? If yes, then work on how you’d creatively reword it/rephrase it in your own words& if not think about how you could re-create it to better match yourapproach

    2. How have the rights of children in terms of diversity, equity, and social justice been represented in this policy? This builds on the understanding and acknowledgment that all children have rights (for example, right to be heard, right to contribute, right to learn). What examplesofpractice that evidence children’s rightsemerge from the reimagined definition?

    3. How does this document illustrate responsive teaching practices that support inclusion, equity, and diversity?


  1. Create an infographic/poster that will be usedasaresource to guide families & staff.This willinclude

    1. A recreated definition of inclusion based on your emerging understanding of inclusivepractice

    2. 3- 5 examples of practice thatadvocate andevidence children’s rightsand emerge from your definitionof inclusion. These can be basedon your experiencesin early childhood settings either through placement or your workplace.
      Please ensure that they arerelevant to children’sday-to-day lives and rights other than the ones stated in the UN conventions on the rights of the child, forexample, the right to go on excursions, the right to refuse meals, and so on. Please also include a brief description of each of those rights.

  2. Reflect on how youcritically reviewedthe policy & the implications for practice. This will include:

    1. A 200-word reflection justifying the reimagined document: You need to use supporting research & resources from the unit content to justify the definition & the 3-5 examples of children’s rights represented in the document

    2. A 200-word reflection on the implications for your own practice: How does this document engage with responsive teaching practices that support inclusion, equity, and diversity? Use supporting unit material research & resources.

    3. Include a minimum of 4 references (2 for Reflection a, 2 for Reflection b)

    Assessment Structure

    Make sure you submit the following:

    • Copyof the chosen policy from an early childhoodcentre

    • Reimagined policy poster

    • 400-wordreflection(minimum of 4 references: 2 for Part A, 2 for Part B)

    Referencing Guides

    Academic Integrity at VU: Plagiarism and how to avoid itopens in new window

    Academic integrity is the ethical basis upon which academic work is produced. It comprises important values that shape the work of the University in teaching, research, and engagement. Explore these resources and modules on understanding what academic integrity means and why it is important to present authentic work and acknowledge the work of others.

    Victoria University: APA Referencing
    opens in new window

    Learning to acknowledge other people’s work through in-text citing and referencing will help differentiate between their ideas and your own.



    This page contains guides/tools from various sources to support your work in Assessment 1. Please note that the sessions and research modules in this unit also contain many targeted resources to support your work and assessment tasks.

    *Please note:Use these resources only to support your writing.

    Some examples of policies that can be used for task 1 in new window
    opens in new window for anti-bias inclusion policy) XXXXXXXXXX/AKI-Inclusion-and-Equity-policy-.pdf(an example of inclusion and equity policy) in new window
    opens in new window for diversity & equity policy #11)

    Examples of infographics

    What is an infographic?

    • Examples, Templates & Design Tips | Venngageopens in new window
      opens in new window

    • Infographic Examples. What is an infographic? Examples and templates | easellyopens in new window
      opens in new window

    These website provide basicinformationabout infographicsandhowto use them.Watch this video to learn about infographics:

    Get startedon yourPoster:

    • Poster Basics - How to Create a Research Poster | New York Universityopens in new window
      opens in new window

      The basics ofdesigningaresearch poster and presentation.

    • Get Ready - How to succeed |Edinburgh Napier University
      opens in new window
      opens in new window

      Click on the topic about “Academic Posters” in the content listat thetop.

    • Poster and Presentation Resources | UNC-Chapel Hillopens in new window
      opens in new window

      Very comprehensive poster and presentation resources by University of North Carolina.

    • Designing conference posters | ColinPurringtonopens in new window
      opens in new window

      Some posterconceptand design examples.

    Free online poster design tool

    • Google Slide

      Here are some templates thatgivesyou someinspirations:

      25 Free Google Slides Academic Poster Templates
      opens in new window
      opens in new window

    • Canva

      opens in new window
      opens in new window


      Piktochartopens in new window
      opens in new window

    • Posteriniopens in new window
      opens in new window

      Free online design platform on internet browser, watch this video to get started:

    Poster Design Software

    • PowerPoint

      Easy to use and highly accessible.Here are some templates you cantry:

      Poster templates (Wake Forest University)opens in new window
      opens in new window

    • Adobeillustrator, Photoshop,InDesign,etcopens in new window
      opens in new window

      Highly customizable and able to create great quality visualizations.Only recommendif you are already familiar withthese software. There are tutorials on how to createposterusing

      Illustratoropens in new window
      opens in new window


      InDesignopens in new window
      opens in new window

    Assessment Criteria

    The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

    • Criterion 1:
      Re-created policy poster

    • Criterion 2:
      Reflection justifying the poster

    • Criterion 3:Reflectionon practice

    • Criterion 4:Poster presentation + Writing and clarity

    • Criterion 5:Referencing

    Answered 2 days After Oct 30, 2024


    Dilpreet answered on Nov 01 2024
    6 Votes
    Infographics of the Policies
    Right to Participate in Decision-Making:
    Allowing children
    to choose during everyday activities, including picking out art supplies, activities, or circle time seating a
    angements.This right recognizes children's ability to make decisions that
    their daily life.
    According to the National Quality Standards (NQS), a high national benchmark is created during the early education during childhood and other relevant care services that could be delivered after the school hours. It will help in improving

    heir confidence and social skills
    they are encouraged to engage because it fosters a sense of ownership and belonging in the school
    and in their social circle or home
    (Wonder School, n.d.)
    ) (
    Inclusion and Diversity Policy:
    The legislative
    policy states Children (Education and Care Service National Law Application) Act 2010. Section 3 (3) (a), (c) & (d).
    The policy also includes Education and Care Services National Regulations: 73, 74, 75, 76, 155, 168(2)(j).
    The goal of these policies is to support the children with their learnings and overall wellbeing while considering their family parameters, help them with their own individuality, and promote cultural diversity.
    The policy also supports
    inclusion of children from multiple sects and a collaborative network in community must be build to ensure fairness, respect, and equality.
    A network of community collaboration would help in encouraging family members along with individuals to
    ecognize and work on their skills, experiences gathered in life and the cultural significance they have learned throughout their life.
    (Tathra Preschool, n.d.).
    Right to Access Quite Place:
    Children can retreat to a designate
    d quiet spot or comfortable areas when they need a
    from provocations

    or would rather engage in solo activities.
    Quite place helps mind to relax and engage into productivity activities of through process.
    Children may require quiet time to relax or self-regulate, and this right recognizes this. It helps
    ' mental health by giving them a place to unwind, rejuvenate, or do peaceful activities.
    Nevertheless, it helps with the ability to regulate and express their emotions (Highvalve Preschool, n.d.)
    ) (
    Right to Cultural and Linguistic Expression:
    ntegrating linguistic and cultural variety by representing many cultural traditions in the cu
    iculum and offering books, music, and activities in several languages. By honoring their cul
    tural origins and native language
    , this right helps children feel more like themselves and creates a welcoming atmosphere that values variety and encourages peer respect.
    It helps with the...

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