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Assessment Overview


Length or Duration



A well-being plan that supports inclusion, equity, social justice and diversity. This is a GROUP TASK

Equivalent to 2,000 words.

See template for breakdown


Plan: Saturday Week 3 16th November, XXXXXXXXXX:59pm

Presentation: Session 10&11

Key Assessment Information

learning outcomes

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

Argue that all children have rights in terms of diversity, equity, and social justice

LO2:Review early childhood policy regarding inclusion and diversity and its implication for curriculum across early childhood settings

Design responsive curriculum based on teaching practices that support inclusion, equity, and diversity.

Assessment Structure

Use the template to complete the wellbeing plan according to the instructions below.

ECE6008 Wellbeing Plan Template 2023.docx


To complete your assessment, use these step-by-step instructions.

STEP 1: Review

  1. In your group, review theCase Studiesopens in new window

    & choose one to inform your Wellbeing Plan.

    (Case Studiescan also be accessed under Learning Space, located above the Week 1-4 content.)

  2. Week 3 will include Session activities directly related to case studies, and the related concepts, information and resources.

STEP 2:Research

  1. As a group, research and gather information about the areas outlined in the Wellbeing Plan Template

  2. The Statement on the Inclusion of Children in Early Childhood Education and Careopens in new window

    outlines the three dimensions that create inclusion - Access, Participation, Outcomes. Use these as a guide to focus the work in your Wellbeing Plan.

STEP 3: complete the plan

  1. Fill in the Wellbeing Plan using the prompts and examples to guide you. Be sure to read the examples and guides, and include a reference list.

  2. Submit your Wellbeing Plan to the Assessment Dropbox.

STEP 4:Discuss & reflect

  1. In Week 4, you will prepare to discuss & reflect on strategies you could implement to better support this child.

  2. This will be based on the Wellbeing Template you completed and submitted. In the class discussion, you will be asked to present your recommendations for the child and outline why you took these approaches.

  3. Your group will also answer these key questions, and should prepare short responses for each:

    1. What is one part of the Wellbeing Plan that benefited from working as a group/collaborating with peers?

    2. What were some of the challenges of collaborating to create a Wellbeing Plan?

    3. What strategies would your team use to communicate the information in your Wellbeing Plan to different stakeholders? Using your responses in the final section of the template, speak about 1 or 2 collaborative information-sharing methods and your justification for how this is approached based on who the information is being communicated to.

    4. If you could change the Wellbeing Plan template, what might you change?

  4. The presentation will be approx. 6 minutes and you should account for 2-3 minutes of Q&A from the class.


Remember to make your presentation as engaging as you can. It should not be a straight summary of the information in your Wellbeing Plan. If you are not sure how you would like to present, there are some prepared templates accessible below.


ECE6008 Example Assessment 3 Presentation Template THREE.pptx

Create your own presentations on Canva:

    Assessment Criteria

    The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

    • Criterion 1:Description of child based on research.

    • Criterion 2:Strategies

    • Criterion 3:Writing clarity and References

    • Criterion 4:Communication

    Please find your rubric here:Assessment 3: Well-being Planopens in new window



    This page contains guides/tools from various sources to support your work in Assessment 3. Please note that the sessions and research modules in this unit also contain many targeted resources to support your work and assessment tasks.

    *Please note:Use these resources only to support your writing.

    Get startedon the Well-being Plan

    • Individual Education Plans (IEPs):Policy | in new window
      opens in new window

      This is the primary resources you should explore.

    • Support students with additional learning needs | in new window
      opens in new window

      You can read some article at the “inclusion news” section to get some inspiration to set your scene.

    • Promoting Health & Wellbeing In Childcare | Promote Safetyopens in new window
      opens in new window

      You can explore some programs delivered in different early childhood services provider, to help you brainstorm get some ideas on how it can apply to your chosen focus area.

    Strength-Based Approaches - to support your Well-being Plan

    • Strength-based approach A guide to writing Transition Learning and Development Statements

    • Strengths-Based Approach to Equity in Early Childhood

    • Family resiliency: A strengths-based, relational and community approach to early childhood education

    Child Health Wellbeing Plansin different States:

    • New South Wales-Healthy Safe and Well: A Strategic Health Plan for Children, Young People and Families XXXXXXXXXX
      opens in new window

    • Queensland -

      Children's Health and Wellbeing Services Plan XXXXXXXXXXopens in new window
      opens in new window

    • Tasmania -

      Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy | in new window
      opens in new window

    • Victoria -

      Early Years Wellbeing Practice Guide | in new window
      opens in new window

    Referencing Guides

    Academic Integrity at VU: Plagiarism and how to avoid itopens in new window
    opens in new window

    Academic integrity is the ethical basis upon which academic work is produced. It comprises important values that shape the work of the University in teaching, research, and engagement. Explore these resources and modules on understanding what academic integrity means and why it is important to present authentic work and acknowledge the work of others.

    Victoria University Library Guide: APA Referencing
    opens in new window

    Learning to acknowledge other people’s work through in-text citing and referencing will help differentiate between their ideas and your own.

    Answered 2 days After Nov 13, 2024


    Parul answered on Nov 15 2024
    4 Votes
    ECE6008 Assessment Template
    Wellbeing Plan
        Student names
    please add your complete name here
        Group numbe
        Part 1
        You are required to research, develop, and plan the implementation of a Well-being (inclusion plan) for a child with additional needs who will be entering your service. This section should provide a concise overview of the child’s cu
    ent competences and serve as the basis of the child’s program planning and service delivery for the upcoming year. Address the areas below.
        Briefly describe
        How the child's developmental delay or medical condition affects his/her access to and participation in age-appropriate experiences (approx. 100 words): Include any Medical History (if relevant) i.e. Physical, hearing, vision, CDC report, etc.
        Answer - A 4-year-old child named Imami has developmental speech delay. This affects her communication of needs and full participation in social and learning activities. Good receptive language skills are noted in her; however, Imami has also problems with speaking out her ideas, and this can
    ing about negative feelings and even distancing oneself from other people. The inability to express herself also affects her ability to make friends and even take part in group games because she cannot interact and play cooperatively with others due to language ba
    iers. Imami's speech delay was first diagnosed at the age of 3 and has been, since then, going for speech therapy, which has helped slightly but more help is still needed in the early learning environment in order to enhance her social and linguistic development. In particular, this communication delay suggests that to enable her ‘age-appropriate experiences’, age appropriate experiences will require focused and integrated strategies that are consistent with her abilities and therapy objectives at the present time (Arndt & Liles, 2010; Australian Government Department of Education, 2020).
        Details of Child Interests & Strengths
        Detail what they love to do, who do they enjoy spending time with etc? This will come from the parents and child.
        Answer – At the core, Imami is an innovative and inquisitive kid who loves to indulge in all sorts of activities, especially crafting, painting, and kneading play dough. She is very playful and loves to get her hands dirty in the sand, as well as in gardening, and hence she can be often seen outside exploring her environment. Furthermore, she enjoys hearing fables and does such so attentively that every session is a good time to retain her interest. Storytelling is something that her parents have mentioned, as she enjoys it and is often engaged when it is happening. Their mother has also indicated that there is something featuring Imami’s love for music as she often claps and sways to the beats which can be beneficial in her study setting during social and emotional growth.
    Socially, Imami tends to be aloof although she can manage in her small groups as expected of her. Rather, she prefers interacting with familiar adults or children on a more personal level. Imami has also formed a strong attachment to a cousin who is of the same age with her and most of the times imitates her cousin which enhances her social that enhances her confident and safe feeling. Such bond offers her a certain degree of security hence making it easier to open up herself without fear. Drawing on Imami’s interests and relationships in her inclusion plan, educators can utilize them to facilitate focused participation in line with her development needs which subsequently allows her to be comfortable and connected in her learning environment (Cologon, 2014; MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).
        Details of Child’s Ba
    iers & Needs
        Consider how the child's developmental delay or medical condition might affect their access to and participation in your setting. Consider and prioritize the necessary supports that adults need to incorporate for the child to full access and participate freely and equitably in your setting (within a regular early childhood setting with his/her similar-age peers and/or within their home environment (approx. 100 words).
        Answer – The moment Imami tries to speak, it is as if her ability to ve
    alize her wants, and this is a big problem, preventing her from getting angry and engaging in fights, instead, she withdraws. As a result, she prefers to play alone which limits her chances of making friends with age-mates. Like Radha, Imami also, tends to expressive use of movements and few sounds, which other children, at times, find hard to understand and even sometimes, distressing. Such difficult means of interaction, hampers her in joining group works, because conflicts arise more often than not.
    The addition of Imami to the program will require educators to use visual aids like picture cards to enable her to communicate common needs and feelings. Also, training for staff on low-tech communication strategies; for instance, teaching them basic sign languages they'll use in communicating with Imami, will be helpful. Backing her with social support in guided peer interactions will also assist her in developing connections with others, as well as her confidence in groups and supporting a sense of fairness which encourages participation
    from all (Cologon, 2014; MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).
        Details of Other Considerations
        Any allied/health, additional programs, access to external support systems, knowledge and financial considerations for the families etc.
        Answer – Throughout this period, Imami’s family has also sought local early intervention services which have been vital in promoting her speech. However, and most unfortunately,...

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