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Assessment Overview
This report takes the form of a policy analysis. You will use a theory from to course to analyse the employment related policy of 2-3 New Zealand political parties.
This assessment asks you to look at the ‘macro’ level of employment relations. For example, in assessment 2 you had a scenario that was based on a workplace issue.
This time, the assessment gets you to focus on policy and the flow on effects that could have on employees and employers in general.
It draws on the topics this semester that relate to the interests of the key stakeholders (could be useful to catch up on those lectures), particularly the role of
government. You should use one theory from:
Conflict Frames of Reference (Week 5)
Doughnut Economics (Week 9)
Decent Work (Week 10)
It is worth 45% of the course.
The word limit is 2,000 words (+/- 10%), excluding the reference list.
There are three parts to this assessment:
e Finding and identifying the employment or work-related policy of political parties
® Analysing each party's policy and summarising it
eo Comparing and contrasting the parties’ policy and the potential consequences of their policy for both employees and employers
You need to choose any 2-3 registered NZ political parties. If you are choosing a ‘minor’ party, or there is not a lot of employment or work policy then you should
consider looking at 3 different political parties. Otherwise, 2 will be sufficient.
Identify all of their employment or work- related policy. You should describe how you found their policy. This is a little like describing your research process. Include
an explanation of what you considered to be ‘employment related’ and why. If there are a lot of different policies, and they are quite long, then | suggest that you
summarise them in a table (this could be in an appendix).
You then choose perhaps 2-3 of the policies to analyse in depth.
Analysing each party's policy and summarising_it
Carefully read through the policy for each of your party. First of all, summarise the key points of each policy.
You need to explain the theory you will use (one of these theories to the policy: Conflict Frames of Reference, Decent Work or Doughnut Economics) with sufficient
detail to use it.
You then need to analysis or discuss the policy by applying your chosen theory to help understand the policy and its perspective on the employment relationship. Fo
example, in workshops and lectures we looked at some cu
ent legislation or policy examples and which of the ‘frames of reference’ they fit into. We will use some
more examples with Doughnut Economics and Decent Work over weeks 9 to 12 of the semester.
You need to compare the policies from the different parties. You do not need to include every single point from the previous section. You might choose to focus on 2-
4 key points that you can discuss.
Compare and contrast the parties’ policy, and their approach to the employment relationship. For example, point out things that are similar and explain why you think
(using the theory from the previous section) they are similar. Explain the differences in policy and why you think they are different.
Finally, point out what you think some of the consequences for employees /workers, employers
usiness and unions could be if the political party had power in the
next government and put their policy into legislation.
You will need at least one academic reference for explaining your chosen theory. A really good assessment would probably use about 3 different academic references
to explain the theory.
You will also need a reference for each of the policies you discuss in-depth
You must reference any ideas that are not your own. You need to use in-text references and include a reference list at the end of the essay. You need to reference
appropriately for paraphrasing (when you rewrite ideas or information in your own words) and direct quotes (when you use the exact quotes from a source of
information). You should use APA7th style of referencing.
You can find information on how to reference, including workshops, on the AUT li
ary website: https:
Answered 9 days After May 27, 2023


Deblina answered on Jun 05 2023
37 Votes

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