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Assessment item 3 IoT Research Project Value: 25% Due date: 20-May-2018 Return date: 13-Jun-2018 Length:6000 words Maximum Submission method options Alternative submission method Task Choose one of...

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Assessment item 3

IoT Research Project


Due date:20-May-2018

Return date:13-Jun-2018

Length:6000 words Maximum

Submission method options

Alternative submission method


Choose one of the topics given below and submit a research project, which should not exceed 6000 words.
Topics to select from but not limited to:
• IoT Security and Privacy Regime/challenges in all domains of IoT
• IoT Smart City
• IoT Mining Industry
• IoT Health Care
• IoT Independent Living of Older Generation
• IoT for Reducing Food Wastage in Australia
• IoT in Finance Industry and Security Challenges
• Business Intelligence in IoT
• Future of Fog Domain
• IoT and Data Analytics
• Big Data challenges in IoT and Cloud
• Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Making in IoT
• Blockchains/ Common Currency for IoT (eg IoTA) Challenges

If you want to choose other IoT related topics please talk to your lecturer before deciding.

Please use the template from the Student resource folder.


1. Analyse the Task -Milestone 1 Due Date 23/03/20018
Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. The executive summary of the research project to be written as an Abstract.
For Analysis:
i. What is the purpose of this report?
ii. What is the topic you have chosen for your report? (The topic can be one specified as above, but you can come up with new ideas and topics of your choice in IoT)
iii. What is the expected format of the report? (Refer to the format on Interact2)
iv. Come up with a Problem Statement based on your topic, note it down and discuss it with your lecturer.
v. Write asmall executive summary as an abstract

2. Introduce the Problem or Challenges-Milestone2- Due Date 23/04/2018
i. Write theIntroductionto the problem and domain.
ii. Structure of the report including which section covers what?

3. Do the Research-Literature Review–Milestone 3- Due date 13/05/2018
This is the main part of the research project and could take more time. (Referencing should be in APA6 format)
i. Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (Download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum 10 journals or articles)
ii. Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
iii. Based on the literature, list the requirements for your Project, then choose one or more requirements to work with.
iv. Now you can modify your Problem Statement based on the requirements chosen for your project.
v. Write the current and past methodologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review

4. Write your Report -Final Report - Milestone 4- 20/05/2018
Start writing your draft, as you do your research project. (Put it all together)
i. Write an executive summary of the report (Purpose, Scope, Method, Results, Recommendation and Conclusion)
ii. Write a Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)
iii. Briefly explain each methodology used in the past and present (5 or more methodology)
iv. Compare the above methodologies from your perspective on the efficiency, simplicity, extension into other applications, time saving when used, cost saving when used, feasibility, connectivity, commercialisation issues, etc.
v. Explain the methodology which best suits your application/problem based on various factors with proper justifications. This methodology can be one of the above methodologies or a combination of more than one.
vi. Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.
vii. Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.
viii. Referencing should be in APA6 format.


This assessment covers the following learning outcome:

  • be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT;
  • be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.

Marking criteria

The following Criteria will be used while assessing each component of this assessment item. NB All your work must be cited (CSU APA), otherwise up to 100% of marks can be deducted. All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.

Good explanation of solution to the problem defined Goodh explanation of solution to the problem definedGood explanation of solution to the problem defined.Enough explanation of solution to the problem defined






Evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT

In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various components of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.

Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Correctly defines various components of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.

Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.

Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various components of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.

Describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT

In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Clearly defines various applications of the IoT, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.

Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Correctly defines various applications of the IoT with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.

Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.

Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a definition of various applications of the IoT but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings.

Problems/ Solutions

Thorough and comprehensive explanation of the solutions, to the problem defined.

Good explanation of the solutions to the problem defined.

Enough expanation of the solution to the problem defined

Limited expanation to the solution of the problem defined.

Review of Literature

Thorough and comprehensive research of minimum 10 journals and conference papers

Good research of minimum 10 journal and conference papers

Moderate research of 10 journal and conference papers

Enough research of 10 journal and conference papers but not complete

Possible Marks (%)





1. Abstract -10 marks

2. Introduction- 15 marks

3. Literature Review 40 marks

4. Issues/ Challenges/ Solutions- 10 marks

5. Future Research - 5 marks

6. Advantages and disadvantages- 5 marks

7. Conclusion - 5 marks

8. References and Presentation- 10 marks


Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document. The Assignment should be submitted onTurnitin.

References - You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


To complete this assessment item, you should have completed the Cisco Introduction to Packet Tracer course and read chapters 1 to 8 of the textbook.

Answered Same Day Mar 22, 2020 ITC560 Charles Sturt University


Navashree answered on Mar 23 2020
151 Votes
Advancements in information and communication technologies have
ought various changes to human civilization. A smart city is a relatively new concept that is basically an u
an area with various types of ICT infrastructure, especially IoT or Internet of Things. A diverse range of interconnected devices is used to collect and exchange data over a network facility that connects a smart city. The four key components of a smart city are smart grids, smart vehicles, BAS or Building Automation Systems, and UAVs or Unnamed Aerial Vehicles. All these are used to enable IoT in a smart city environment. Cloud computing platform and sensors are essential for IoT based smart city infrastructure. IoT has several advantages and it is considered to be the future of u
anization. However, there are various security and privacy challenges related to smart city and IoT. The increasing number of criminal misuses and adversarial threats have made it more challenging. In this report, the smart city infrastructure and IoT technology will be explored in depth to understand the security and privacy challenges and how to take some preventive and co
ective controls to cope with the increasing risks. As a smart city infrastructure consists of heterogeneous systems exchanging data autonomously with each other and sometimes without any human intervention, so it is very challenging to impose security controls on such an environment. At the same time, it allows machine and people to communicate. Smart devices and smart cities are targets for hackers as they can collect a huge volume of personal and financial information about individuals and their lives. Such data can be exploited to trigger fatal incidents and attacks at a larger scale. So, security and privacy are primary challenges for implementing and developing smart cities. There are various examples of smart cities in real life. Some of those are Smart Dublin, Manchester, Santa Cruz and many more. Building secure smart cities should be responsibilities of the people, government, and technology to enforce security and privacy controls. Only technology is not enough to deal with the increasing future challenges of smart cities.
Keywords-- IoT, Smart City, Future of smart city, smart grid, building automation system
Table of Contents
Introduction    2
IoT Smart City    3
Examples of Smart Cities across the Globe    4
Technologies Used in an IoT Smart City    4
Wireless Sensor Network    4
Use of WSN in an IoT Smart City    5
Cloud Computing    6
ClouT    6
Big Data, Analytics, Data Warehouses and Data Mining    8
Pervasive Computing and IoT    9
Open Data for IoT Smart Cities    9
Semantic Web for IoT Smart Cities    9
Smart City Architecture    10
Advantages    10
Challenges    11
Problem Statement    11
Methodologies Used to Solve the Problem    12
Conclusion    12
References    14

IoT or the Internet of Things applications are getting popular worldwide and enabling the information and communication technology based initiatives like Smart Cities or IoT Smart Cities. The IoT based infrastructure implemented over an u
an city uses various sensory devices to collect, and monitor data remotely from a wide range of heterogeneous devices. Then it allows to manage and control the devices autonomously based on various insights processed from those data. The actionable insights are produced from high volume and high speed real data. Compared to the general concept of a city, an IoT Smart City differs by its adoption of various emerging and cutting edge information and communication technologies and the integration of these technologies with various information resources used in the city (Ramesh, Singh, & Chetry).
An u
an IoT Smart City must have some components like smart technology, smart services, smart industry, smart lives of the inhabitants and smart management. Sensor based devices like RFID devices, IR devices etc. are installed on various physical equipment and devices used in an smart city, for example, wireless sensory network based smart grid, smart household appliances used, smart vehicles and so on. The sensor embedded devices are connected to an internal network or to the Internet for seamless integration and data communication. It helps in intelligent monitoring, tracking, location tracking, and recognition of patterns and so on. In an IoT smart city, the integration of the different components of its infrastructure is very important as it facilitates M2M or machine to machine communication. Being interconnected, intelligent and instrumented, are the three important features to be a smart city. In the past few years, there is an explosive growth of IoT and smart city development. One of the most important reason behind that is the explosive growth of population in u
an cities and the limitations on resources. The population balloons are important for generating revenue and to improve the economy of a city. However, the influx of the new inhabitants and visitors create burdens on the resources of the city. Now, as the IoT applications are being an integral part of these smart cities, it helps in managing the resources and optimizing the resources like electricity, water and so on. Actually, IoT applications for smart cities may range from solutions for environmental issues to city governance and management issues like traffic control. Hence, smart city has become a technology based solution to sustain the economic growth of a city and to alleviate the burdens on its resources (Kim, Ramos, & Mohammed, 2017).
Emerging technologies like wireless sensor networks, cloud computing and big data management play important role behind the implementation of a smart city infrastructure. Sensors are important for managing, monitoring and running a smart city infrastructure properly. There are various WSN based framework available for the implementation of smart cities. One of such framework is, called as SWIFT or the Smart WSN-based Infrastructural Framework for smart Transactions. It offers a ubiquitous platform for the smart objects of a smart city. The objects can seamlessly communicate with each other and collect data from the environment. Cloud computing offers a suitable platform to implement such a platform. The distributed architecture of cloud computing allows to scale up or down the required ICT infrastructure quickly and balance the load (Ramesh et al.). It helps to make the platform agile and high-performing. The streams of real time data must be captured in order to monitor and manage a smart city infrastructure. The key challenges behind a smart city infrastructure and how it can be solved using WSN and other technologies have been discussed in details in the following sections of the report.
Now, the IoT applications developed and used for smart cities have created various issues. One of the prominent issue is related to the information security and privacy of cyberspace. Hence, the aim of the report is to explore the technologies behind developing a smart city, the component of a smart city infrastructure, the advantages and disadvantages of smart city, and to find an efficient, reliable and scalable solution to the problem of information security and privacy in a smart city.
The report also contains information about the research methodology used for the project and why it was chosen for the project. An extensive literature review has been ca
ied out for this project on researching about IoT smart cities (Kim et al., 2017).
The scope of the project is limited within ca
ying out a research on IoT Smart City and find out the key challenges. Then based on the existing academic and industrial work, find out how these challenges have been addressed or can be addressed. Development or implementation of any IoT smart city application is out of the scope of the project.
IoT Smart City
While starting the research on IoT smart cities, the first question to answer is what it takes to make a smart city. Broadly, it can be said that a smart city is such an u
an city that is sustainable environmentally and offers a very comfortable living to the citizens. It also helps the government to manage the city efficiently with the help of various information and communication technologies (Ramesh et al.). Basically, it is an open platform developed on wireless sensor networks that allows to integrate other technologies with the city infrastructure efficiently. Even though the implementation of a smart city infrastructure depends on the requirements of individual cities and no solution is suitable for all. But, the primary components of a smart city are same for all. The components are described below.
Use of Wireless Sensor Technology
It needs an efficient and ubiquitous platform for the citizens and the government of a smart city to interact and communicate. It also allows to monitor different activities and events happening in a city. Wireless sensor networks are used to develop and implement such a platform that allows collection of data and sharing information to different stakeholders like city managers, and citizens. Such a platform can be implemented using cloud computing technologies and common data warehouses can be used to collect, store, manage and process the data collected by a WSN (Ramesh et al.).
Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure
Information and communication technologies are used to manage and improve various functions of a smart city, provide communication flows across different components of a city and to help in intelligent and well informed decision making processes. Various ICT managers work together and actively participate in a smart city management process to develop and implement an efficient feedback system. It is required to improve the interactions and collaborations between various internal and external stakeholders of a smart city (Jin, Gu
i, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2014).
Remote Control Network
It is basically an integrated network to control the smart objects being used in a smart city infrastructure. However, it is mainly used by the government and municipalities as a control network and to monitor various data transmission operations being executed in a smart city. Municipalities and internet service providers work together to implement such a remote control network for a city. It also helps to monitor the consumptions of resources, occu
ence of incidents across a city. Usually, all data are stored and processed by the municipality of a city. Alert devices are connected to such a remote control network. It helps to manage incidents like intrusion, over-consumption of resources, and so on quickly and without human intervention. Hence, remote control network allows in better incident management and response in a smart city (Ramesh et al.).
Service Network
A remote control network is also connected to one or more service networks in a smart city. A service network must provide a particular service to a smart city management and maintenance processes. Some examples of service networks are, waste management network, supply network, rainwater harvesting network and so on (Jin et al., 2014).
Smart Mobility
Open public data must be available publicly. It is required for various analysis processes, to maintain transparency and must be distributed among various stakeholders at a large scale to ensure mobility in a smart city. Sharing of such information is also important to ensure better and optimized usage of resources. Overall, it is required to improve the quality of life of the citizens and to accelerate the growth and prosperity of a smart city (Ramesh et al.).
Examples of Smart Cities across the Globe
A tangible example of a smart city is the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is the second largest city and has a successful implementation smart city infrastructure. The goal behind the implementation of smart city infrastructure in this city was to collect data and making decisions for emergencies and for managing large events, and to mitigate various issues faced by the dwellers of the city. Another constraint on the project was to use the project budget efficiently and effectively (Ramesh et al.).
Technologies Used in an IoT Smart City
Various information and communication technologies are used in...

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