Successfully acknowledged current and changing notions of wellness & wellbeing. Discussed three influencing factors (including social and media aspects) in depth using the required readings. Considered the practical implications of these factors for EC practice. Demonstrates an understanding of equity & social justice issues affecting (1) families’ access to health support services & (2) the ability to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Meaningfully incorporates health and sociological theories throughout the discussion, using the required readings. (30 marks) | As for previous level plus: Student’s articulation of the issues is strongly theoretically based. Independent thinking is evident eg posing innovative solutions&considering implications. Discussion is intelligently articulated and based on a deep reading of the required literature plus extra sources that are sound academic ones. Excellent, creative comments re links to EC practice, some of which show futuristic thinking.
| As for previous level plus: Issues are explored in considerable depth, comments are analytical rather than being merely descriptive or inserted quotes and conceptual cohesion is therefore strong. Discussion shows a clear understanding of the issues and implications as per the required literature. No reliance on unnecessary quotes. Links from theory based discussion to EC practice are specific and sometimes innovative. | As for previous level plus: Student is able to meaningfully synthesize the different aspects of the task, demonstrating a sound conceptual grasp of the issues and their interrelatedness. This indicates a good understanding of the topic as a whole, as gained from the required literature Few to no insertions of quotes thus the student demonstrates his/her own understanding of the readings. Quotes used are thoughtful and provoke further thinking Links to EC practice are well thought through
| The discussion generally but not consistently discusses: 1.Current views on the meaning of wellness & wellbeing 2. Three influencing factors affecting wellness & wellbeing. 3. Implications of these factors for EC practice. An understanding of the social justice issues regarding families’ ability to pursue wellness & wellbeing is evident. There is an application of theoretical bases in strengthening the discussion. (As opposed to merely defining theories).
| Poor/insufficient ability to use the required readingsand clearly articulate: 1.Current views on the meaning of wellness & wellbeing 2. Three influencing factors affecting wellness & wellbeing. 3. And/or examples relating to EC practice are not strong and/or not in relation to the stated three factors There is little understanding of the social justice issues regarding families’ ability to pursue wellness & wellbeing. Poor/insufficient ability to use the required readings to weave in theoretical bases.
The required readings and modules have been used to add conceptual depth to the discussion.
(10 marks)
| As for previous level plus: An excellent combination of the required readings and independently sought readings with high reputability have been used to demonstrate conceptual depth. Student’s comments are well supported by the literature and demonstrate a strong analytical and conceptual ability, eg issues are well crystallised and expressed intelligently, and conceptual links are strong. Readings and modules have been well synthesised & applied analytically in the student’s own words, as opposed to merely inserting quotes. Thus the discussion presents a profound knowledge of the topic and its relation to the field of early childhood.
| As for previous level plus: Several extra appropriate readings have been well selected, adding rigour and a sustained focus to essay. | As for previous level plus: A sound range of the required readings are synthesised - in student’s own words, not quotes –indicating a deep rather than superficial understanding. Meaningful and perceptive connections are made between the issues detailed in the readings, wellbeing and wellness and also implications for EC practice
| Several references from the readings and modules have been used consistently. Student demonstrates a basic understanding of some concepts and theories. Some connections are made between the perspectives detailed in the readings and health and wellbeing. Some synthesis of the reading materials is evident although not strong.
| Required readings & modules are barely or not used. Therefore there is little to no conceptual and/or theoretical depth. Connections are not/ or are poorly made between the perspectives detailed in the readings and other issues regarding health and wellbeing. There is an over reliance on unnecessary quotes
Standard of both written English & referencing re APA 6 style is acceptable at a university level of writing. (10 marks) | Written English is consistently of an exceptional standard. Student’s meaning is always conveyed clearly and precisely. Use of language to create conceptual connections among information is impressive. No grammatical errors. All referencing is correctly entered.
| Written English is excellent. Student consistently employs an objective and formal tone. Language is succinct and focused with no grammatical errors. All referencing is correctly entered.
| Content is well organised, thus the discussion is both fluent and develops logically to a sound conclusion. A competent ability re grammar with few to no mistakes. In text and reference list may have one or two minor errors.
| Written English is acceptable although there are some grammatical mistakes eg spelling, sentencing, paragraphing & punctuation but meaning is not lost. In-text and/or reference list have some errors.
| Written English is often unclear. There are many grammatical errors. Poor sentence structure and content is not/is rarely organised into meaningful paragraphs. As such meaning is lost or made difficult. Tone of the discussion is too casual and chatty and therefore not always objective. There are many mistakes in the in-text referencing and/or reference list.