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Assessment item 2 back to top Building the IMC Agenda Value: 25% Due Date: 24-Aug-2018 Return Date: 14-Sep-2018 Length: 2500 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back to top...

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Assessment item 2

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Building the IMC Agenda


Due Date:24-Aug-2018

Return Date:14-Sep-2018


Submission method options:Alternative submission method


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This task focuses on the next few stages in the development of your IMC program. That is:

  • Understanding the communication processes;
  • Selecting the target market(s) (i.e. the consumers/ customers/ clients/ suppliers/ employees/etc.) to which the IMC program will be directed
  • Developing the communication objectives and
  • Developing creative strategies

This means taking the IMC situational analysis identified in Task 1 for your chosen organisation (i.e. CBA, Australian Medical Association or AMP or an organisation you work for) and extending this analysis into understanding the communication processes through the lenses of the communication model in the Belch Text (i.e. Figure 5.1).

Based on what you have learned and observed in this subject to-date and additional scholarly research ensure you include the following:

  • Illustrate and discuss the communication model outlined by Belch et al XXXXXXXXXXas it applies to your chosen organisation and the IMC issues being considered. Then, using the communication model, critically evaluate your chosen organisation's approach to IMC.
  • Identify and justify the selection of the target market(s) (i.e. the consumers/ customers/ clients/ suppliers/ employees/etc.) to which the IMC program will be directed
  • Describe and then justify your communication objectives for the IMC program
  • Describe and then justify the major creative approaches that you will use as the basis of your IMC program – and ultimately your positioning strategy. This means that you must provide examples of the kind of messaging that you will use for each component of your IMC program (i.e. advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, etc).


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to evaluate theoretical concepts underlying integrated marketing communications.
  • be able to examine and evaluate various elements of a contemporary communication mix.
  • be able to critically evaluate marketing communications for a range of organisations and reflect on current organisational marketing by using communications tools.


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A holistic, concise and informed report on the outlined questions using a broad range of academic references and sources. Be as creative as you like! However, ensure you answer all assessment criteria, include references and present in a report-style format. Ensure your A2 report format is as follows (marks will be deducted unless the following is included):

  • Title Page: includes subject details, assessment number and topic, your name and ID number, title of the report, chosen brand, submission date.
  • Table of Contents – with page numbers (not included in word count)
  • Executive Summary – A one-page summary of your report (not included in word count)
  • Communication Model
  • IMC objectives
  • Creative Approaches
  • Conclusions/Recommendations
  • Reference list Appendices (not included in word count)


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  • This assignment must be submitted through Turnitin.
  • It is recommended thatyour name,student IDandpage numberare included in theheader or footerof every page of the assignment.
  • Further details about submission in Turnitin are provided in On-line submission.

APA Referencing

· CSU requires you to reference in American Psychological Association (APA 6th Edition) referencing style and this applies to all of your assessments for this subject.

· A guide to the APA style is available for students at the learning skills section of the Student Services website:

· A handy app for a quick reference check is

Answered Same Day Aug 21, 2020 MKT570 Charles Sturt University


Akansha answered on Aug 24 2020
143 Votes
Commonwealth Bank IMC Strategies         1

Name of the student
Name of the institution:
Roll No:
Date of submission
Executive Summary
This study aims to look at the marketing strategies that are used for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia was under fire after the newly appointed Royal banking Commission set out to investigate it. There has been a loss of reputation for the organization as well and it has created a lot of issues. The target audience is the investors and customers, as well as the media and the government. The main objective is to control the reputation of the organization. This is done by appealing to the customers and the government as well.
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    4
Communication Model    4
Target Market    7
Communication Objectives    9
Creative approaches that can be used    10
Positioning strategy    11
Conclusion and Recommendations    11
References    12
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has undergone immense investigation by the Royal Banking Commission that was very recently formed to investigate the problems in the banks and their effects on the community. It was formed to check if the banks were in violation of the banking code of ethics, the law and were conducting any fraudulent activity in the country. The Commission started investigating the Commonwealth Bank and they have suffered a huge loss of reputation. They have hired the company M&C Saatchi to come up with a comprehensive marketing and communications plan to help the organization.
M&C Saatchi, which was stated in 1995, is now one of the biggest advertisements and marketing firms in the world. It has offices in London and Sydney as well. The writer of this report works as a senior executive in the organization and is thus responsible for handling the major and important clients for the firm. He is supposed to come up with a marketing plan and successfully execute it to the wishes of the client as well. He is supposed to help in fulfilling the main objectives that the client wishes to derive from marketing and advertising.
The main aim of the strategy is to
ing back the trust that is lost by the organization from its customers and the investors. It will also help in
inging the organization back to a positive light in the eyes of the people and the media.
Communication Model
The communication model that is chosen is important in conveying the message and looking at a few aspects of the message as well. If the communication model is chosen effectively it can help the bank in regaining the trust of their customers and investors, as well as make their employees feel less threatened and less likely to quit their jobs. It can also make help in making the bank looking like a stellar bank to the government, thus reducing some of the issues that the bank has with the Australian Government. The model by Belsch, has a few key components. They are:
1. Source: The source is the place where the message starts from. The source is one of the most important elements of the communication process as it is from the source that message starts. In this study, the source is the commonwealth bank of Australia, from whom the message to clear their name has started from. The bank and its board of directors would be the main sources for this model. Thus, they are important in the process as only they can decide what to tell their audience.
2. Encoding: The process by which the message is converted into symbols is called encoding. This includes the conversion of the thoughts, ideas and even the information that needs to be spread. In a study such as this, the way the information is sent, such as using images, audio, video or graphs to rebuild their reputation from the crisis that they had endured from the government (Munoz-Leica, et al, 2015).
3. Message: The message is the main part of the communication process. Communication is useless without the message as it is not possible to find out the point of the communication if no information needs to be spread. The information that needs to be spread is the message (Goldberg, et al, 2018). In this study, the message would be that the commonwealth bank is still a bank that investors and customers can trust, despite the recent events that have shaken the bank up.
4. Channel: The mode through which the information and message is communicated is called the channel of communication. The cannel of communication can be of two types. The first is the viral channel, which is through social media. The message is put on social media and made to go viral on it. The other option is direct, in which word of mouth takes maximum precedence (Hayes, et al, 2017). Word of mouth is used to generate much of the hype that is created. In this case, an Integrated channel will be used. This channel will include print media, advertisement, visual and social media. This means that there be advertisements in favour of commonwealth bank, interviews by officials give etc, that will show that this is a good strategy.
5. Receiver: The receiver is the one who gets the message and the information that is contained within that message. In this case, the receiver would be the government, the media, the bank’s customers and the investors. The receiver is also an important element in this process because it is the receiver that needs to receive the information, otherwise the information will never be received or gotten. The sender and the receiver have to be...

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