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Assessment item 2 back to top Assignment 1 Value: 15% Due Date: 24-Aug-2018 Return Date: 14-Sep-2018 Length: Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back to top Answer the...

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Assessment item 2

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Assignment 1

Value:15%Due Date:24-Aug-2018Return Date:14-Sep-2018Length:Submission method options:Alternative submission method


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Answer the following questions:

1. Analyse how digital convergence affects people's use of network devices? [4 marks]

2. Compare and contrast DSSS and FHSS. Which one is more suitable than the other, and for what scenario? [5 marks]

3. Research on the standard XXXXXXXXXXand identify its MAC layer responsibilities. [4 marks]

4. According to the Shannon’s Channel capacity theorem:

XXXXXXXXXXChannel capacity C = B*log (1 + S/N), Where B = Bandwidth and S/N = Signal to Noise Ratio.

Answer the following questions with respect to the Channel capacity theorem: [6 marks]
XXXXXXXXXXa. When the Bandwidth increases, what happens?
XXXXXXXXXXb. When the Signal to Noise Ratio increases, what happens?
XXXXXXXXXXc. When the Signal to Noise Ration S/N tends to infinity what happens?
XXXXXXXXXXd. When the Bandwidth tends to infinity what happens?

5. Scrutinize the following scenario: [5 marks]

Consider a communications system operating in the 5.9 GHz band. Assuming the free space loss model for signal attenuation, the gain of both transmitting and receiving antenna to be 1 dB, and a noise level of -85 dBm, calculate:
a. The range of communication if the transmission power is 100mW;
b. The transmission power if you wanted a communication range of 3 Km;

6. In the questions below, please provide True or False for the statements; justify your answer with proper argument(s). (No marks for not giving the justification) [6 marks]
a. Data throughput is the same as modulation rate of the signal.
b. Frequency Diversity is achieved by spreading the signal in time by sending multiple copies of the signal at different time instants.
c. Multipath propagation always improves the SNR.


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to describe wireless networking concepts and their application to real life situations.
  • be able to illustrate wireless signalling techniques and describe radio frequency communications.
  • be able to investigate and evaluate various wireless networking techniques, protocols and standards.
  • be able to compare and contrast different wireless networks in terms of size, speed, limitations and applications.

Marking criteria and standards

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HD (85%-10%)

DI (75% - 84%)

CR (65% - 74%)

PS (50% - 64%)

Q 1 – Q 3

The answeris correct and complete. A comprehensive explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Figures (if appropriate) were used and. Appropriate reference style is used. No grammatical or spelling mistake.

The answeris correct, and a detailed explanation is provided. References are used. No/only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes.

The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and not formatted appropriately.

The answer is correct but not complete, and only adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Q 4 and Q 6

The answer is correct and complete. All possibilities were considered using appropriate assumptions. A comprehensive explanation is provided with an appropriate example. No grammatical or spelling mistake.

Answers were correct; detailed explanation was given with the omission of few possibilities and assumptions.

Answers are correct; adequate explanations were provided.

Answers are partly correct. Only considered from one point of view.

Q 5

Both answers are correct with appropriate assumptions. Show detailed workout.

At least two answers are correct.

At least two answers are correct, butlack of explanation of assumptions

At least one answer is correct


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Please write the answers in aword documentand submit it via Turnitin. Use Times new roman/Palatino Linotype/Calibri/Cambria/Arial fonts using 10 to 12 font size.

Your answers to the questions should be precise but complete and informative. Below is a guideline about the expected length of the answers in terms of the number of words:

Question 1 to 3: XXXXXXXXXXwords for each question;
Question 4: XXXXXXXXXXwords for each part;
Question 5: no restrictions;
Question 6: XXXXXXXXXXwords for each part.

APA (Version 6) reference style should be used in the assignment. APA referencing guide can be found in

Assessment item 3

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Assignment 2

Value:15%Due Date:28-Sep-2018Return Date:21-Oct-2018Length:Submission method options:Alternative submission method


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Please attempt all questions:

1. In each of the following scenarios, there is a relationship to work life in the IT industry. With each of the following question, ensure that your answer includes the explanation of how it would be applied to workplace situations. Write short notes after investigating the following scenarios: [2+2+4=8 marks]

a) 802.11a supports different modulation techniques, each allowing for different data rates. This adds complexity and cost to the radio, so your boss suggests 802.11zzz should only support one modulation technique, namely the maximum data rate possible. Do you support this idea? Why or why not?

b) Your company wants to provide wireless networking services in public places, such as in an airport lounge, where a wireless networking device detects multiple wireless networks with different SSIDs. What is the use of employing an SSID mechanism, state two reasons as to why it is necessary?

c) Your company provides wireless networking services. One of your customers complains about the downloading performance being poor. After the investigation, you find that the customer’s XXXXXXXXXXwireless network is interfering with his neighbour’s wireless transfers. You want to improve performance, but you do not have any control over the neighbour’s wireless connection (The only thing under your control is your customer’s wireless router). Discuss the suitability of the following strategies in achieving better performance, e.g., under what conditions could it help, and when may it not be effective.

i. Frequency Assignment - Assigning a different channel to the user’s wireless router.
ii. Power Control -- Lowering the transmit power of the user’s wireless router.
iii. Enable RTS/CTS

2. Suppose a large office building has ESS WLAN for the office users. As a network engineer, you are asked to identify the drawbacks of the ESS WLAN with respect to roaming users. What would you recommend as a remedy to this drawback, if there any? [3+3=6 marks]

3. Explain how does the CSMA/CA in DCF handle media contention. [5 marks]

4. Suppose your company is going to provide services on broadband wireless access networks. For this reason, you are asked to perform a comparative study on different technologies of wireless broadband networks. You need to complete the following table based on your study (please replace Technology T with an appropriate technology similar to WiMAX and Wi-Fi, also add few additional features in place of Feature x, y and z):[6 marks]




Technology T

Frequency band

Channel bandwidth

Radio Technology

Half/Full Duplex

Modulation technique

Bandwidth Efficiency

Access protocol

Feature x

Feature y

Feature z

5. Define ‘throughput’ in regards to wireless network. Use a practical method (e.g., using an software) to measure throughput of a wireless network? You should provide any appropriate screenshots.[5 marks]

6. Suppose you work in a network security company, and you need to prepare a survey report of a particular security issue of wireless networking. To start with, select an area of wireless network security. We have listed some research papers in the 'recommended reading/resources' folder under the Resources for Students section, which can be helpful in choosing a topic. You need to use more papers in your selected topic too. This project may be done in teams of 2-3 students. Active participation in the online meeting and on the Forum will help identify like-minded team members. Please write all team members names and student IDs on the title page of the report. You may choose to work on your own as well. Please read the following information about a survey. [20 marks]

What is a survey?

The goal of a survey is to give a broad, structured overview of a specific area.

For example, suppose you are working for a company that is exploring a new wireless technology or market, so employees and management are very not very familiar with this new area. You could be asked to prepare a written report and a 30-minute presentation to introduce to area, highlighting different approaches, challenges, opportunities, and risks.

A survey is different from a set of paper summaries. The survey should focus on presenting the “big picture” using the papers as examples. For each topic, we have identified about three papers to get you started, but we generally expect that you will have to consult additional materials. Examples may be papers cited in the original papers, material found on the web, or results from online libraries, like IEEE Explorer, or the ACM portal.


You should submit a written version of your survey. The length should be from 1000 to 2000 words (about 3-5 pages), not including references.

There is no strict template to be followed for this report. However, you may use the following- abstract/executive summary, the importance of your security issue, state-of-the-art, how the researchers are addressing the issue, which direction the research is going, the probable future research direction, conclusion/your comments, and references.

Answered Same Day Aug 11, 2020


Vignesh answered on Aug 19 2020
151 Votes
1. Digital convergence
A digital convergence is a new techniques that combine different types of media into a single device so that it can be accessed from anywhere at any time. Digital convergence provides the connection among the peoples on network as it can use different data format. Peoples who use network shares digital convergence for easy access. It affects use of network device by all as loss in single format could affect the use of device.
2. Difference between DSSS and FHSS
· Both the spread spectrum aims to utilize for higher bandwidth while transfe
ing the information, FHSS stands for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum whereas DSSS stand For Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum.
· The difference is how both transfer and spread data with high bandwidth. Frequency hopping uses frequency for data transmission whereas direct sequence uses pseudo noise to change the phase of the signal.
· Frequency hopping spread spectrum changes the frequency that is being used.
· Direct sequence spread spectrum changes on the phase.
· Frequency hopping spread spectrum is easy to synchronize compared to direct sequence spread spectrum.
· Direct sequence spread spectrum is used in positioning the system whereas frequency hopping is not.
· Even though they both have equal data rates, direct sequence spread spectrum gives a high bandwidth due to its greater processing efficiency. Application that uses linear power amplifier uses direct sequence spread spectrum while nonlinear power amplifiers, in a mobile the life of the battery is achieved more efficiency by frequency hopping spread spectrum for average speed, as frequency hopping is cheaper when bandwidth is 2 Mbps. If wants higher bit rates the frequency could cost for high thus direct sequence spread spectrum is used as it gives high bandwidth on low cost with high efficiency and high frequency.
3. The Standard 802.15.4 and identify its MAC layer responsibilities
The standard 802.15.4 is a standard that is used in low rate wireless personal area networks that use low-cost, low spread communication among the device.
802.15.4 MAC layer responsibilities
· This act as a resistor to control the flow of frames which travels on the radio interface and transmitted via air.
· It delivers the interface to higher layer protocol stack.
· MAC management service: this management entity offers a service interface on the layer where a managing function accessed and also controls the database of objects in the MAC layer. This is to access on MCPs service on information transport activities.
· MAC Data service: This is to provide information transport activities and service among the peer MACs.
4. According to the Shannon channel capacity theorem,
Channel capacity C=B*log (1 + S/N)
Where C= Channel capacity in bps
The B= bandwidth of the channel in Hz
S/N = Signal to Noise ratio
In general, the signal received will have noise with a voltage σ and it is quantified with the noise level and it is separated by a where a = λσ. If the value of λ is chosen as large value then we can expect the signal level with the minimum e
a) If the bandwidth increases, then the range of the information signal will be faster and it also increases the information rate of the channel. So increasing the bandwidth increases the signal rate and value.
) If the signal to noise ratio increases, then the information rate will be increased and there will not be any e
ors due to noise. For example, if S/R= 7 and B= 4 kHz then channel capacity will be C= 12* 103 bits/s = 1236 bits/s. If S/R = 15 and B = 3kHz then Channel capacity will be the same.
c) If the signal to noise ratio tends to...

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