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· Assessment item 1 · Project · Value: 40% · Due date: 06-Apr-2018 · Return date: 30-Apr-2018 · Length:2000 words · Submission method options · EASTS (online) · Task · Consider the development of a...

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· Assessment item 1

· Project

· Value:40%

· Due date:06-Apr-2018

· Return date:30-Apr-2018

· Length:2000 words

· Submission method options

· EASTS (online)

· Task

· Consider the development of a project for organisational change in either your current workplace or a workplace in which you have previously undertaken practicum, casual or voluntary work. Decide on an area for change that relates to either social, economic or environmental sustainability. You should start small and not necessarily have a clear outcome/s in mind as the process of change is evolutionary. Some examples of organisational change, based on ideas of sustainability, can be found in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Davis XXXXXXXXXXtext where the Sustainable Planet Project is discussed.

· Your Project should be written as a report that includes a discussion based on the following headings:

· • Introduction:(approximately 800 words)
In this section, discuss the importance of issues of global leadership and sustainable futures in ECEC
(as addressed in modules 1- 3).

· • Context for the project:
Briefly describe the workplace context and the community in which the service operates. Discuss the
impetus for the project that includes a discussion of the conditions/events that you consider bring
about a need for change and have subsequently led to the project. For instance, Gibson (as cited in
Davis, 2015, pp XXXXXXXXXXidentifies conditions for change that led to the Sustainable Planet Project.
Other conditions may include ideas or issues raised by yourself, other staff, parents, children or
community members that relate to the development of a project for sustainability. Draw on the
research literature (the texts and other readings) to identify and discuss key aspects of pedagogical
leadership in the development of your project.

· • Outline of the project:
In this section describe the project, what you hope to achieve and how you
will go about implementing the project using pedagogical leadership or other relevant leadership
approaches from the subject readings. Refer to relevant subject readings to inform and support your
plan and goals for the project.

· • Challenges:
Identify any barriers you may have encountered along the way and explain how you
have managed them. Support your explanations with reference to the subject readings (refer to the
pedagogical leadership literature).

· • Preliminary outcomes of the project:
Discuss the project that you have implemented to date and any practical mini projects that may have
resulted from the project. This could be represented as a diagram if needed. Link your outcomes with
the EYLF and draw on other sources to inform and support your discussion (the sustainability
literature, leadership literature).

· • Future possibilities:
Reflect and evaluate the project to date and provide a brief discussion about future plans for the
continuation of the project, including changes and modification made along the way. Draw on the
subject readings to inform and support your discussion.

· • Reference list

· • Appendix:
Attach a copy of forum posts 1 & 2 (Do this as a screen shot of your posts in the online forum and
insert into your word document).

· • Note:
A guide to Assessment 1 can be found in Resources on the Interact2 subject site. Please refer to this
guide when completing this assessment task.
The Reference list and Appendix are not included in the word count.

· Rationale

· Early childhood teachers are challenged to operate as pedagogical leaders in a context of increasing
globalisation and internationalisation. Reforms in teacher education and in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), at national and international levels, call for an internationalised curriculum which can provide opportunities for ECEC teachers to develop and implement leadership knowledge and skills necessary for children and adults to enact citizenship rights and responsibilities in ethical ways within ECEC settings. However, these reforms recognise that ECEC teachers often operate in a range of communities where structural disadvantage and/or unsustainable social, economic, and environmental practices may prevail. The preparation and development of ECEC teachers as ethical and generative pedagogical leaders, however, can work to ameliorate the adverse effects of these practices. Opportunities for engagement and dialogue around issues of global citizenship, equity, human rights and sustainable futures, for children and adults, can increase teachers’ social and cultural capital and make a sustained difference for good, both locally and globally.

· Learning Outcomes:

o Be aware of the range of skills and knowledge required for effective leadership enactment

o Be able to articulate the relationship between leadership philosophy and authentic management enactment

o Be able to demonstrate appropriate leadership and management strategies to facilitate collaborative teams

o Be able to apply effective leadership skills to lead pedagogical and curriculum development

o Be able to demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills and relatiohship building strategies to afford effective teams

Marking criteria







1. Discussion of the importance of global leadership and sustainable practices
(10 marks)

The discussion synthesises the importance of global leadership with the research literature and evaluates connections between the research, the importance of global leadership and the impact of sustainable practices.

The discussion analyses the importance of global leadership with the research literature and explains how the research connects with the importance of sustainable practices.

The discussion explains the importance of global leadership and sustainable practices. The explanation makes connections with the research literature.

The discussion describes the importance of global leadership and sustainable practices and includes
references to the research literature.

The discussion demonstrates little description to the importance of global leadership and sustainable practices and demonstrates little or no engagement with the research literature.

2. Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC contexts to implement a plan for sustainability
(5 marks)

Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC contexts synthesise conditions for change, events and challenges to explain the implementation
of a plan for sustainability.

Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC contexts analyse conditions for change and challenges to implement a plan for sustainability.

Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC
contexts apply examples of initiating change to implement a plan for sustainability.

Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC contexts are identified and describe the implementation of a plan for sustainability.

Key aspects of being a pedagogical leader in ECEC contexts are not identified with little description of the implementation of a plan for sustainability.

3.Professional presentationdemonstrate content, structure and design of the project
(15 marks)

The presentation evaluates a discussion of the content, structure and design of the project in terms of the setting, events, challenges and preliminary outcomes. The presentation hypothesises future possibilities for the continuation of the project.

The presentation analyses the content, structure and design of the project with reference to the setting, events, challenges and preliminary outcomes. The presentation recommends future possibilities for the continuation of the project.

The presentation includes a discussion that accurately describes the content, structure and design of the project. The presentation explains future possibilities
for the project.

The presentation includes a discussion of the content, structure and design of the project. The presentation lists future possibilities for
the continuation of the project.

The presentation demonstrates little discussion of the content, structure and design of the project with little or no reference to future possibilities for the continuation of the project.

4. Written expression demonstrates attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation. Referencing demonstrate a range of references formatted in APA style
(5 marks)

Written expression, citation and referencing standards are accurately and consistently integrated throughout the entire assignment. There is accurate and consistent attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar. A range of references incorporates
subject and wider readings.
APA referencing standards have been accurately and consistently applied without error.

Written expression, citation and referencing standards are accurately applied throughout the assignment. There is consistent attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and a range of references from the subject materials. Referencing standards according to APA style have been accurately and consistently applied.

Written expression, citation and referencing standards are demonstrated throughout the assignment with due attention to grammar, spelling punctuation and references from the subject material accurately applying APA referencing style.

Written expression, citation and referencing standards are evident throughout the assignment with some attention
to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and a range of references applying APA referencing style.

Written expression, citation and referencing standards are consistently incorrect or not met throughout the assignment. Referencing standards according to APA style have not been applied.

5. Active contributor to the Community of learners (5 marks)

Satisfactory:Compulsory forum posts 1 and 2
You have provided documentation that demonstrates your involvement with the community of learners. Your compulsory forum posts have been submitted in line with the Schedule dates. Your postings include evidence that you understand the elements that contribute to global leadership and your understandings of pedagogical leadership from the module content.

Unsatisfactory:Compulsory forum posts 1 and 2
You have not provided documentation that demonstrates your involvement with the community of learners. Your compulsory forum posts have not been submitted in line with the Schedule dates. Your postings do not provide evidence that you have engaged with the module content that contributes to understandings of global leadership and pedagogical leadership from the module content.


Submit your written project, XXXXXXXXXXwords, via EASTS by the due date, April 6,2018. Attach a screen shot of your compulsory forum posts 1 and 2 as an appendix at the end of the assessment item.
Your assessment task should be:
• Written in standard English. Marks may be deducted for errors in spelling, punctuation or syntax.
• Typed, with one and a half line spacing in 12 point font. For example, Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing. Avoid fancy fonts.
• Include your name and your student number in the header or footer of every page of the assessment task.
All submitted work will be marked and returned to students as quickly as possible. However, to avoid problems connected with materials in transit, you are advised to:
• keep a copy of submitted assignment
• keep a record of when work was submitted


Assessment item 1 must be submitted as well as the compulsory online forum tasks 1 and 2. The
compulsory forum tasks must be shared via the online forums, lossely in line with the Schedule, to demonstrate your engagement with the community of learners. You must provide copies of the completed forum posts by taking a screen shot them and inserting them at the end of the assessment task.

Assessment 1: Project

Include a title page:


Student number:

Subject title:

Subject code:

Assessment title:

Word count:

Contents page:

The importance of issues of global leadership and sustainable futures...........

Context for the project………………………………………………………………………………….

Project outline...................................................................................................


Preliminary outcomes of the project................................................................

Future possibilities............................................................................................


Some suggestions for each section:-


In this section, discuss the importance of issues of global leadership and sustainable futures. I would recommend you dedicate at least one paragraph to the introduction of your assignment in which you include a broad discussion of what sustainability is and why it is important. Remember that there are many aspects to the concept of sustainability - environmental, social, economic and political. Module 1, the readings referred to there are helpful for developing your discussion in this section.

You could go on to develop a discussion framed around why sustainability is important for young children, why early childhood is an ideal time to have these discussions and how these issues might be relevant for early childhood educators and their practices.

Context for the project:

In this section outline your workplace context – briefly, describe your service and the community in which your service operates. Discuss the impetus for your project- include a discussion on the process of change – that is, any conditions/events that have led to developing the project. For instance, Area 3 of the National Quality Standards (NQS) focuses on caring for the physical environment. The project could be developed to demonstrate how your service supports environmental sustainability (e.g. re-cycling, re-using materials/equipment, reducing waste, and using natural, re-cycled and found materials). You could draw on the literature to support how pedagogical leadership involves creating a vision and supporting staff curriculum decisions in the development of the project – these are just a few ideas here.

Project Outline:

Describe the project, what you hope to achieve and how you will go about implementing the project using pedagogical leadership or other relevant leadership concepts/approaches from the subject readings. You can link your project goals to the EYLF and to the sustainability literature and support your discussion with reference to these sources.


In this section identify any barriers you encountered along the way and how you managed them. Draw on the pedagogical leadership readings to help you explain and support how you managed the challenges or worked toward overcoming barriers (why you took the approach that you did given what you know about leadership for change). Some possible examples of barriers may include:

  • Staff reluctance to engage in the project – possibly due to limited knowledge or little interest in issues of sustainability
  • Financial considerations
  • Practical issues associated with implementing the project

Preliminary outcomes of the project:

In this section outline how the project is progressing – what aspects of the project have been implemented to date, what goals have been achieved. Remember, the project is likely to be ongoing. This section can be represented as a diagram if needed and can include a discussion of any mini projects that may have resulted from the project. Perhaps there have been other outcomes from the project, such as new or renewed interest in ideas that spring from the project (e.g. renewed interest in re-cycling, re-using materials/equipment, reducing waste, using natural re-cycled and found materials or thinking about how to embed long-term sustainable practices at your service) by staff or children. Perhaps you’ve noticed some changes in the way staff or children think about issues of sustainability – again these are just a few guiding suggestions here. Remember to refer to relevant readings and research to inform and support your discussion. For example, if outcomes or initiatives reflect those from the readings or relate to something you have read about sustainability in ECE and/or leading for organisational change then you can link your experiences in implementing the project with that literature. This strengthens your work.

Future possibilities:

In this section reflect on and evaluate the project to date. Your evaluations may include long-term goals that have been set at your service for implementing sustainable practices that can be embedded in service operations – again these are just suggestions here and you may have other ideas here. Again, as with the other sections of your assignment, you should be looking to inform and support your discussion with reference to relevant readings and research. For example, you may have read ideas in the text or subject readings that could be used in the future given what you have achieved thus far. You may determine that a different leadership approach could be used, or additional strategies, given the challenges faced or what you want to achieve next.

Please be aware this example is a guide and while it can be drawn upon as a basis for your assignment you are not required to follow this example. The examples here tend to focus on environmental sustainability, however, your project may be focused on social sustainability, political or economic sustainability and in this case you will be drawing on the literature relevant to these pillars of sustainability as well as the leadership for organisational change and pedagogical leadership literature.

Answered Same Day Feb 25, 2020


Soumi answered on Mar 17 2020
148 Votes

Student number:
Subject title:
Subject code:
Word count: 2200
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Context of the Project    3
Project Outline    4
Challenges    4
Preliminary outcomes of the project    6
Future possibilities    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
Application of rationality in the sphere of everyday global affairs shows that there are certain balancing points, based on which, best rate of productivity is obtained on a consistent basis and this act of proper balancing is termed as sustainability. Considering the aspect of only the outcome can yield satisfying results in a very short span of time. However, the productivity would not prove itself profitable as in the end, as it would deplete the resource earlier than it should have. In case of sustainable actions, the productive level remains less than the maximum potential capacity of production; nevertheless, it proves to be beneficial for a larger populace as it keeps the production process consistent.
Apart from productivity, sustainability is also important for achieving goals. Environmental sustainability’s focus is shifted from making profit towards finding the sweet spot that would make natural resources available for use, while maintaining a safe and permissible level of generated pollution. While economic sustainability, as remarked by Davis (2015) undertakes certain economic ventures that would keep flow of economic resources among the greater masses for a long time. Lastly, in case of social sustainability, social issues are solved in a suitable process, that is evaluated in terms of balance of globalization. In case of children, sustainable learning also plays an important role as it gradually improves the learning level of the children, resulting in the emergence of a new community of people.
Context of the Project
The ECEC (Early Child Education and Care) aims at providing educational care for children under the age of 5 years. In certain communities, as identified by Giorgi, Arcangeli, Mucci and Cupelli (2015), due to the economic crisis and workplace responsibilities, parents do not find adequate time to provide their children with basic educational teaching. The children, who do not get the adequate parental guide in their early education, get the support of ECEC. The mentioned organizational sector makes sure that children learn the fundamentals of letters, numbers, colours, and perceptions. As identified by Davis (2015), the generate sense of hygiene and dedication towards a greener future, is made evident by the use recycle bins, that are placed in each room, where the generated scraps are deposited. In case of biological waste, especially the remaining of foods are disposed into compose bins for decomposition. The display of such environment friendly products in front of young students makes them inclined towards developing an environment friendly mentality. The establishing of worm farms within the compound makes the environmental dedication of the management more visible to the students. As per Mucci, Giorgi, Roncaioli, Perez and Arcangeli (2016), in the lower strata of the society, there remains an economic under-saturation of monetary resources; children do not get the care from their parents, as they have to work for longer shifts. In such communities, ECEC operates, taking care of the children in need of early education. However, as contradicted by Wanigayake et al. (2012), the economic crunch generated from the lack of financial stability of the parents of children who belonged to Aboriginals and To
es Strait Islanders. In response to that, the management of my workplace maintains a green environment by using a lot of iPads, so that the use of printed paper is used less by the student, which again is a trait of environmental dedication. The mentioned organizational sector makes sure that children learn the basics that would support in their future studies. The providing of the early education and care to children, according to Davis (2015) aims at changing the quality of life in certain communities.
According to Britto et al. (2017), early education among children reduces the chances of child labour, child abuse and increases the level of hygiene among the younger generation, often influencing the adults in the community. A rational discussion on the cu
ent topic would make it evident that the early education providing would improve the economic aspect of the community and draw near an economically sustainable community. In order to provide early education and care, ECEC makes use of kindergarten compound, coloured books, skilled teachers, and ample monetary resources to ensure the providing of consistent services (Black et al. 2017). It is worth the mention that, at the time of applying any teaching method on the children, ECEC must take serious directions from authentic literature that is concerned with the proper application of...

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