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ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: This is an individual assignment. In this assignment, you will design and implement a web application using HTML mark up. Skills learnt in this assignment will be built upon in...

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ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: This is an individual assignment. In this assignment, you will design and implement a web application using HTML mark up. Skills learnt in this assignment will be built upon in Task 4 group assignment. Upon successful completion of this assignment the student will: • Understand the syntax of HTML markup. • Be able to describe and apply semantic tags to create structural meaning. • Be able to build consistent navigation structure over multiple pages. • Be able to understand use appropriate HTML attributes and tags. • Use absolute and relative links correctly. • Include at least one image in the webpage, addressing accessibility. CONTENT REQUIREMENTS Each page on your site is intended to be a summary of a lecture in this unit. Lecture1.html, for instance, might capture our first lecture topics, which included: • a unit summary, expectations, textbook • Description of the difference between WWW and Internet The content for each lecture should be mostly correct, and does not need to be very long. Ideally, it will serve to remind you of topics covered during the first 4 weeks of this unit. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS You must submit valid and semantically appropriate HTML5. You must create at least 5 web pages that will define your "site". The pages must be named lecture1.html, lecture2.html, lecture3.html and lecture 4.html. There will also be a page called lab1.html. Each of your pages must be consistent with one another. There should be: • a consistent layout look and feel between pages • (vertical) navigation menu with links between all 5 pages (using an unordered list) Each of the pages must include: • The aforementioned menu that allows on to navigate between all the site's pages • At least one HTML comment per page • One unique photo (of your choosing) per page enclosed in a , with a linking to where it was found. Note: the clickable link to the source of the image should contain noting more than the text source. • You must define "alt" and "title" attributes for all pictures. • Valid HTML5 markup. Your site should validate without error (warnings are ok). • Ensure a unique and descriptive tag for each page using title best practices described in lecture. • Semantic markup: o Use the tag to define a uniform "menu" on each page o Use the , and tags at a minimum, with other tags to be used as appropriate. • Submit your own raw HTML code – evidence of code generation will result in a 0. • No styles, css, JavaScript, or other advanced components to the site.
Answered 4 days After Aug 17, 2021


Ali Asgar answered on Aug 22 2021
122 Votes
             Lab-1 Work
                    Lecture 1
                    Lecture 2
                    Lecture 3
                    Lecture 4
                    Lab 1
                Lecture Topic
                    Unit Summary, Expectations and Textbook
                    Unit Summary
                    Fusce gravida eleifend montes potenti tempus lobortis fermentum gravida nostra. Class primis turpis ipsum. Aptent ornare maecenas pulvinar tincidunt. Dui est potenti facilisis, consequat adipiscing nascetur scelerisque dui. Porttitor faucibus posuere quis a mattis auctor commodo dignissim. Curae; placerat orci in porttitor ultrices egestas eu feugiat semper condimentum? At consectetur platea himenaeos metus malesuada volutpat lacus convallis sociis.
                    At vulputate facilisis leo primis eleifend. Tristique id neque urna mi enim! Taciti diam hendrerit ridiculus dapibus elit placerat tortor torquent dictum habitasse nec vel? Potenti vitae ornare maecenas et mi orci? Erat ut aptent malesuada curae; torquent primis dis. Turpis non platea ullamcorper per? Parturient fames commodo sollicitudin felis sociosqu dui libero. Mus mollis ultricies ullamcorper cum. Ornare suscipit aliquam nunc mattis porta ornare. Tempus lobortis venenatis, ante et pulvinar at.
                    Adipiscing suscipit mattis ridiculus tempus praesent taciti dui fusce himenaeos auctor eleifend. Semper, inceptos magnis interdum purus primis volutpat duis placerat. Porta nascetur aptent arcu platea ipsum. Orci consectetur aliquam habitant aptent, erat sodales vel himenaeos et eleifend. Diam sed facilisi.
                    Difference Between WWW and Internet
                    World Wide Web (WWW)
                    Ridiculus dictumst molestie ultrices nisi phasellus adipiscing commodo metus taciti ridiculus ipsum proin? Maecenas felis, himenaeos vive
a montes pharetra inceptos facilisis odio ultrices odio convallis pulvinar. Curabitur primis semper scelerisque himenaeos. Urna id lorem cras ad placerat egestas sagittis platea sapien. A purus suspendisse senectus venenatis fermentum scelerisque, tortor odio aenean consequat. Lorem in vehicula tincidunt vulputate. Mo
i diam et dui duis.
                    Libero laoreet adipiscing vel auctor. Dapibus semper integer gravida in consequat, imperdiet tempus litora varius urna integer? Platea, ultricies ac vel bibendum nibh est volutpat lorem ultrices ante. Netus fusce varius ligula velit. Sollicitudin ante purus, rhoncus mauris erat orci ultricies. Donec inceptos ornare nam praesent ligula, sapien tempus nibh vive
a. Integer vestibulum penatibus sodales dapibus. Et molestie suspendisse velit, litora ornare vitae venenatis sapien pulvinar sociis. Augue, vestibulum dolor elit.
        Â©2021. DWIN309. All Rights Reserved.
            First Lecture Topic
                    Lecture 1
                    Lecture 2
                    Lecture 3
                    Lecture 4
                    Lab 1
                Lecture Topic
                    Unit Summary, Expectations and Textbook
                    Unit Summary
                    Fusce gravida eleifend montes potenti tempus lobortis fermentum gravida nostra. Class primis turpis ipsum. Aptent ornare maecenas pulvinar tincidunt. Dui est potenti facilisis, consequat adipiscing nascetur scelerisque dui. Porttitor faucibus posuere quis a mattis auctor commodo dignissim. Curae; placerat orci in porttitor ultrices egestas eu feugiat semper condimentum? At consectetur platea himenaeos metus malesuada volutpat lacus convallis sociis.
                    At vulputate facilisis leo primis eleifend. Tristique id neque urna mi enim! Taciti diam hendrerit ridiculus dapibus elit placerat tortor torquent dictum habitasse nec vel? Potenti vitae ornare maecenas et mi orci? Erat ut aptent malesuada curae; torquent primis dis. Turpis non platea ullamcorper per? Parturient fames commodo sollicitudin felis sociosqu dui libero. Mus mollis ultricies ullamcorper cum. Ornare suscipit aliquam nunc mattis porta ornare. Tempus lobortis venenatis, ante et pulvinar at.
                    Adipiscing suscipit mattis ridiculus...

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