Assessment Brief
Coursework 3,000 word limit - individual assignment
HAND IN FRIDAY 4TH MAY XXXXXXXXXXTo be submitted via Moodle
You need to produce your own crisis plan for an event of over 2,500 people.
Your plans can be based on an existing event that has taken place in the UK or alternatively you are able to use the event that you created as part of the module HLT5010 Event Safety and Licensing, taking in to account the feedback given. Your crisis plans need to include evidence of your own research into existing events in the UK along with crisis and risk management theory.
There are a number of aspects relating to this assignment that need to be considered and these are detailed in the marking schedule below.
Firstly, you need to identify the event, define what a Major Incident / Crisis is and consider the range of potential major incidents and crisis which could occur at your chosen event. You are then required to select one of the areas below and discuss how a major incident and crisis management plan would be used to help manage your chosen situation.
To give your report focus you should choose one of the four areas listed below to highlight and focus your planning and procedures in managing your selected situation.
1. Natural disaster, fire, high winds, rain, flooding.
2. Te
orist attack.
3. Crowd disorder, violence, missing persons.
4. Structural collapse.
Once you have selected one of the issues above explain how your plan will be used to manage the chosen incidents. Relate this to your event and your crisis plan.
When the situation happens, how will you communicate with the public and the press? Think of what you might say to and how you might manage the public, the press and the emergency services…..This can include pre- scripted responses and other such associated responses.
In terms of referencing please also use Health and Safety legislation and regulations to guide your work, and were possible give an example of a real case study with in the crisis plan section.
There will be progress tutorials to see how you are going as the module develops.
You must include the following aspects in the report
Percentage of each section
Outline of event and key event details e.g. capacity, venue and location, audience profile, entertainer profile, timing, etc.
Discuss the range of likely major incidents which could occur at your chosen event and give a
ief precis of their likely impacts and how a major incident plans can benefit event organisers.
From the range of potential major incidents select one and discuss how would you apply a crisis management plan to manage and mitigate the impacts of your chosen scenario?
1. Outline the typical sequence of events along with a time sensitive Major Incident and Crisis Management plan.
2. Produce a communication and control plan including communication chart – relating to your chosen scenario.
3. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the range of stakeholders involved in major incident and crisis management including categories of staff and blue light services.
4. Identify and discuss the location of the control centre, equipment required and crisis kit.
5. Discuss the evacuation procedure - Contingency plans.
6. Consider what would be required in terms of communicating with different stakeholders e.g. public information, staff
iefing and Press/Media
iefing information i.e. messages, materials and how these would be disseminated.
Assignment / coursework general submission requirements
Supplementary notes and marking guidelines:
1. Do not write in the first person.
2. Use a report format.
3. LOOK ON MOODLE there will be plenty of support information
4. Careful planning of the structure of your essay before you start will assist you.
5. Demonstrate reading and research wider than lecture notes.
6. Students are advised to include sufficient references these should be based on the legislation in relation to the subject, to support your report (we would suggest a minimum of 10) and are further advised to ensure that referencing both in the text and in the bibliography are in accordance with the Harvard convention.
7. With your referencing be original and use them to support your own writing thoughts
8. Please note that marks will be deducted for inco
ect spelling, grammar or punctuation and for poor presentation of your work.
9. Students are strongly advised not to leave the production and submission of assignments until the last minute.
10. If students are at all uncertain as to what is required in order to satisfactorily complete this assignment, they are strongly advised to seek clarification from the module leader.
Written work
· Your assignment / coursework should be submitted via Moodle.
· Your student name and identification number must be clearly stated at the top of each page of your work.
· The work needs to have a front cover, clear index and page numbering
· Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of a
eviations should precede your work.
· All referencing must adhere to School requirements.
· A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
· Your course, level, and the appropriate module title must be included as a “footer” on each page.
· Appendices should be kept to a minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work.
· All tables and figures must be co
ectly numbered and labelled.
Learning outcomes assessed by this assignment
1. Clarify what a major incident is and a typical sequence of events su
ounding major incidents
2. Assess the practical benefits of Major Incident and Crisis Management
3. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the range of stakeholders involved in major incident and crisis management and understand the content of a Major Incident and Crisis Management plan
4. Research and develop an operational Major Incident and Crisis Management plan
5. Apply the content of an effective time sensitive Major Incident and Crisis Management plan to an event scenario
Assessment Criteria
XXXXXXXXXX A quite exceptional and outstanding answer, providing insights which would not be available publicly and would, with some editing, be publishable. In addition to the features of the next section, this range is distinguished by superior organisation, economic use of language and totally comprehensive, given the conditions of the exercise.
XXXXXXXXXX An answer which demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complexity of the issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or the theoretical issues involved. Most of the important issues are dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way. There is either some measure of original thinking in the answer or an accurate and comprehensive account is given in a way which demonstrates understanding, for example by structuring the material such that it could not have been based just on reproduction of lecture notes and course material. Evidence of creativity, critical approach, and wide reading beyond the core subject matter.
XXXXXXXXXX As above but a slightly less consistently excellent level. Alternatively, this range of mark may be given for an answer which, while not having original insights, gives comprehensive and accurate coverage of the issues at a high level throughout the answer, without significant omissions or e
ors and has demonstrable applications for the rural hospitality and tourism industry.
XXXXXXXXXX An answer which demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues and tensions involved. There is a good co
elation between the critical reflection based upon the field study trip and the theoretical issues involved, with few significant e
ors. The issues involved are dealt with in a systematic way. Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach, but organised to display a comprehensive understanding and factual information essentially complete.
XXXXXXXXXX An answer which demonstrates an understanding of the issues in the question. There is a reasonable level of critical reflection and critical understanding of relevant theoretical issues and tensions. Most of the theoretical knowledge presented is at the level of obviously available course material given to the student, but there is also evidence of cu
ent industry practitioner input. Although some e
ors may be present, the overall framework of the answer is sensible and accurate. The answer shows planning in its construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance, well presented, demonstrating understanding of most of the essential issues.
XXXXXXXXXX An answer which demonstrates a limited understanding of the issues in the question. There is some reflection based upon the field study trip and some awareness of theoretical issues, but it is patchy. A few significant e
ors may be present. The answer is not well planned, with little development of argument or problem resolution. Much i
elevant material is present. Lacks clarity of expression. Only minimal evidence of cu
ent industry practitioner input.
The lower range XXXXXXXXXXwould include an answer where cu
ent relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is poor and confused, but not absent. Many significant e
ors may be present. The answer is poorly planned, with little clear train of thought or development of argument, and much of the answer may be i
elevant. Work not proof read, many grammatical and spelling e
XXXXXXXXXX An answer which fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the major issues or basic issues of the question. Relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, is very poor and confused and very limited. Many significant e
ors may be present. Much or all of the answer may be i
elevant. Poorly organised and very limited in scope. Less than seven academic sources are cited in the assignment and or referencing contains significant e
ors for example .
XXXXXXXXXX Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is very poor and confused, and very limited with many significant e
XXXXXXXXXX Not clear that an answer is properly attempted. Only a few minor points made at all relevant to the answer and these may be superficial. Most material is i
elevant or inco
XXXXXXXXXX An answer that is so short or i
elevant that only a few marks are justified. For example, one or two points may be made which show some peripheral awareness of certain possibly relevant issues.
0 No answer is presented. A zero mark may also be wa
anted for unfair practice such as plagiarism or collusion.