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Assessment Brief 1 HEP: NSW5028 | CRICOS Provider Code: NSW 00246M QLD 03107J © Laureate International Universities 2016 Tutorial Presentation and Forum Working in pairs students are required to...

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Assessment Brief

HEP: NSW5028 | CRICOS Provider Code: NSW 00246M QLD 03107J
© Laureate International Universities 2016
Tutorial Presentation and Forum
Working in pairs students are required to prepare and present a 20 minute
presentation, whether in face to face classes or for on line students.
Additionally the presenting students will be required to answer questions from the
group and lead a discussion on the prepared topic, whether face to face or on line.
On line students will develop a PowerPoint presentation, for viewing by all students
and lead an on line discussion, over a week.
Students are required to participate in all discussions for each presentation, whether
face to face or on line.
Assessment 1 Brief
Program Bachelor of Business
Subject Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
Subject code HET301A
Name of assessment Tutorial Presentation
Length 20 minutes
Learning outcomes addressed
y this assessment:
This assessment addresses Learning Outcomes a & b
Submission Date: As allocated
ief Summary:
In pairs, students will need to research and present a 20 minute
tutorial discussion on a given topic. Students will also be required
to participate in discussions of each tutorial presentation made.
Online students will be required to prepare a power point
presentation for viewing by all students and lead an on line
discussion on the topic over one week. All on line students are
equired to contribute to asynchronous discussions, held with
each student presentation over a week. All online students in
their cohort will be expected to contribute to all discussions on at
least a number of occasions
Weighting 30%
Total marks 100 Marks

HEP: NSW5028 | CRICOS Provider Code: NSW 00246M QLD 03107J
© Laureate International Universities 2016
Each pair is to select a court case or incident that relates to the events, tourism or
hospitality industry.
The presentation must outline the following:
 A description of the incident including what happened, when and where it
Key facts of the case or incident;
 Incident type e.g. fatal injury, near miss etc
 Date and location of the incident
 Parties to the incident e.g. victim, employer etc
Legal Issues associated with the case
 Key legal issues e.g. the
eaches in the duty of care owed, with specific
eference to the legislation
Risk Management Issues
 Was the incident foreseeable?
 Consequences or impact of the incident to all parties
 Identification of risk mitigation activities that could have been undertaken prior
to the event / incident
 Appropriate risk controls that could have been utilised., making reference to
the hierarchy of risk control
A marking ru
ic can be found within the Assessment Area on your portal
page. Got to the Assessment in question and click on the submission area for
the assessment. Here you can click on View Ru
ic within the Assignment
Information section.
This assessment must be submitted in compliance with the following:
1. All submissions must be uploaded to the learning portal. No email or hard
copies will be accepted.
2. Assessment to be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a
eference list. References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will
not be accepted.

HEP: NSW5028 | CRICOS Provider Code: NSW 00246M QLD 03107J
© Laureate International Universities 2016
3. In the event of serious illness or unusual circumstances, a student may
apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the rules and regulations
governing this application, but it is important that such requests be made as
soon as the circumstance is known.

APA 6th edition
Page 1
Academic Skills Laureate Universities Australia
Last updated 2018.1
Academic Writing Guide
APA 6th edition
Table of Contents

Glossary .................................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX3
Part 1: Academic Study Skills ................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX7
1.1 Expectations ..................................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
1.2 Writing assignments ......................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
Part 2: The Process of Academic Writing .............................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX8
2.1 Analysing the question, identifying the aims of the work ................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX8
2.1.1. Critical analysis ................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX8
2.1.2 Marking criteria ........................................................................................................
Answered Same Day Jun 23, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Jun 27 2020
147 Votes
Slide 1
Hello Everyone, Today we will talk about Sampoong Department Store Collapse.
Slide 2
The Main Issues
The incident was completely foreseeable and could be prevented if the Chairman of the Company Lee Joon did not ignore the importance of planning and analysis in designing (Glistak et al, 2010). Initially, the land used to construct the Sampoong Department Store was earlier used as landfill area which is basically not ideal for long buildings. However, a four-floor residential apartment was planned to be built but later on the plan was changed to make a commercial departmental store with five floors.
Slide 3
The Negligence
When the Woosung Construction refused to cut off the columns in wake of elevating the risk, Lee fired the Company (Glistak et al, 2010), and completed the remaining construction with his own home construction firm.
Columns were far apart. The space between the two columns was increased to 36 feet to maximize the retail space. There were no crossbeams or skeleton of steel bars in the building which could act as a medium to transfer the load between the two floors. 31-inch floor columns were reduced to 24 inches, to maximize the floor space. No engineering analysis was applied during the construction of...

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