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Assessment -Autoethnographic writing Assessment instructions and advice Weighting: 25% Word count: 2,500 words Output This task requires you to produce a 2,500-word piece of autoethnographic writing...

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Assessment -Autoethnographic writing

Assessment instructions and advice

Weighting: 25%

Word count: 2,500 words


This task requires you to produce a 2,500-word piece of autoethnographic writing focused on your own media-related experience. This task is worth 25 marks.

Further advice for completing this assessment task is highlighted under the below headings.

Focusing your written piece

There are countless ways you could develop an autoethnographic narrative based on your own experiences of media. The first important point to emphasise is that you cannot cover all of your media-related experiences, so please don’t try! To highlight a few possibilities, you could describe and analyse the ways in which you use your smartphone or a particular app on a daily basis, a recent game you’ve played with a group of people, an online community you’ve had substantial interactions with, a specific media text you have consumed and/or interacted with recently, and so on. As in the last assessment task, it’s not as crucial what you focus on as what you do with it – but if you’re unsure about the approach you are taking, you should feel free to check your ideas with your tutor.

Writing your autoethnographic piece

This task builds on the knowledge you have been developing in previous weeks, so be sure to keep in mind the readings, academic skills and practical tasks you have engaged with when preparing this assignment. In describing and analysing your chosen media-related experience, be sure to explicitly consider the ways in which you are interpreting your experiences in a questioning, self-reflexive manner.

Using source material in your written piece

You must use your textbook and a minimum of two further scholarly sources to inform your writing. Highlighting, explaining and applying communication concepts will enable you to produce a more complex and persuasive narrative. Keep in mind previous advice about quoting and paraphrasing when engaging with theoretical ideas. As always, be sure to reference fully when drawing on source material in your own work.

Assessment criteria

The following assessment criteria will be used to assess your performance in the task in the form of a marking rubric. Reading through the criteria now will provide a useful guide of what your marker will be looking for:

1. Ability to systematically describe and analyse a personal, media-related experience

2. Ability to write in a clear, structured and persuasive manner

3. Ability to identify, understand and apply relevant communication concepts

4. Ability to draw on scholarly source material in appropriate ways

5. Ability to reference source material completely, accurately and consistently

Answered Same Day Aug 10, 2020 ACX701 Deakin University


Soumi answered on Aug 16 2020
161 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Personal Experience of Media Usage    3
Conclusion    8
References    9
The consumption of media contents has become a regular part of human civilisation and has been seen as the outcome of remarkable development of information and communication technologies. The nature of the media contents that are consumed on daily basis, reflect the perspective and preference of the society civilised men live in. However, the way media influences a media user is hard to note, as one has to invade the personal space of the media user to assess the evidences of media related experience. Therefore, using autoethnographic approach appears to be useful as a person uses his or her own context for analysing the impact of media experience. In the cu
ent essay, the impact of media experience is assessed in the form of autoethnographic writing, which
ings into focus the way media applications tinker with the social sentiment and traits of modern men, without invading person space of others as I will use my own context for assessing the media experiences.
Personal Experience of Media Usage
The range of applications I used on day to day basis, have helped in me in nurturing the media experience. The range of applications not only includes online applications, games, but also social media applications that have helped me to connect with other people. In addition, I have also experienced the way the blog writers has writing shape my perception about the cu
ent trends and concerning topics that require consistent debate. According to Adamson and Muller (2018), autoethnographic experience makes the comprehension of a social aspect more detailed and effective as the person comprehending the entire experience, collects data from personal experiences.
Online Application Based Autoethnographic Experience
There have been more than one application that I have used on daily basis and I have learnt a lot about the way, the applications have shaped my daily life. However, the one application that I have been using on daily basis is Google Maps. The Google Map, as mentioned by Li et al. (2018), is a very helpful mobile application that enables a smartphone user to navigate effortlessly through areas, which the person is not aware off. I use Google Maps for my daily commute. The real time update of the application help me in finding the shortest and most time efficient routes at the time of travelling to a place, i
espective of being known or unknown. The application gives the option of online and event offline usability. The application saves my time in hours of need, helps in the exploration of areas where I have not been and have no one to help me and has also proven itself as a very helpful tool for finding places like restaurants, hotels, pubs, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and many more relevant spots.
Based on my personal experience and adapting an autoethnographic approach, I feel that as Google Map has saved my time and kept me safe from the dangers of getting lost and not being able to reach a place in time, people who use the application would be benefitted in the same way as to that of my experience. The use of Google Map makes travelling and commutes easy in daily basis. The real time updates of the traffic of the routes also helped me in developing a pattern for understanding the rush hours and their impacts. As mentioned by McAllister et al. (2018), observation of repeated patterns in forming ideas that are useful in real life situations. The media experience I gathered from using Google Map made me feel that the application is aimed at making life better. However, being a regular user of the application, I felt that the application does have some commercial influences, which are hard to locate and requires subtle observation of the su
ounding areas, through which Google Map guides you. I felt that in terms of navigation assist, Google Map performs very nice and I believe that people who use Google Map are benefitted as well. However, in terms of exploring places that have economic usage values, such as hotels, restaurants, banks, and ATMs, the application does show slight preferences. As van Prooijen et al. (2018) suggested applications that have huge number of users, can regulate the business of many organisations by suggesting slight recommendations, persuading the preference of the users to a very small degree. Despite the preferences hinted by Google Map, I feel that people, who have to travel would be benefitted by using the application and the importance of this application has made it an essential part of our lives. The popularity of the Google Map also hint at the fact that society is changing and that people are getting more interested in exploring newer places instead.
Online Game Based Autoethnographic Experience
Starting with the online game that has shaped my media experience in recent time is Clash of Clans (COC). The game is available in the Google Play Store and it is one of the most popular games in the strategy games segment. As mentioned by Turner et al. (2018), strategy games are less predictable and have an insurmountable amount of element of surprise in them, making them grasp the attention of the users for longer period. In my case, I found that the game is very attractive not only for its strategic
illiance, but also due to the fact that it enables me to play and interact with other players. COC, as described by Suhaimi et al. (2018), is a game, which is played online and the game’s objective is to become a better...

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