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Assessment activity The assessment activities contained below have been designed for the following unit(s) of competency: BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan This is a summative assessment process. For...

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Assessment activity

The assessment activities contained below have been designed for the following unit(s) of competency:

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

This is a summative assessment process. For the student to be assessed as competent in each Unit of Competency, all questions and activities need to be satisfactorily completed.

Each assessment activity contained within:

Assessment 1:

Case Study

This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.

Assessment 2:

Short Answer Questions

This requires the completion of all comprehensive questions.

This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.

Assessment 1 and 2 Instructions

Student Instructions

Type of Assessment

This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.


There are a number of short answer questions and a case study. You must attempt each one. If you have difficulty with understanding the question or completing the answers then talk to your trainer.

Your trainer is there to help you understand and help you demonstrate your understanding, not to complete the answers for you.

You are required to answer all questions and provide as much detail as you can. These questions are not required to be completed under exam conditions.

Context and purpose of assessment

The short answer questions and the case study have been drawn from the information contained in your workbook/ learning materials. Therefore you should have a good understanding of the answers

Assessment instructions

Read information provided and fully complete all questions as asked.

Resources, equipment & material required

Learner Guide



How you will be assessed

Upon completion of your responses will be assessed against a standard answer sheet to ensure that you have covered the question and are consistent with others. You are required to get every question correct,

For more information on the specific criteria contained in the unit descriptor, speak with your trainer. They will provide you with a copy of the criteria or see your learner guide which includes the performance criteria.

Assessment 1: Case Study

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

Case Study

You have been asked to develop an Operational Plan for National Camper Trailers, for their Assembly and fitout department. In consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers, you have discovered issues within this department which have been highlighted in the NCT Strategic Plan – Assembly & Fitout 2016 document.

Part A - Develop an Operational Plan

Research and analyse this document to enable the development of an Operational Plan. Ensure your Operational Plan includes the following:

1. Consultation processes as an integral part of the operational planning process;

2. Key performance indicators (KPI’s) to measure organisational performance;

3. Acquiring physical resource and service requirements;

4. Employees are recruited and /or induction and develop personnel in line with NCT policies and procedures (including *supporting information sources)

5. Intellectual property rights and responsibilities in recruitment and acquisition of resources and services

6. Outline the legislative and regulatory context relevant to the operational plan of NCT

7. Outline NCT policies, practices and procedures

8. Monitoring Processes including;

o Develop performance systems to assess progress in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets.

o Document systems to ensure that mentoring and coaching are provided to support individuals and teams to effectively, economically and safely use resources

9. Include two (2) **contingency plans

10. Detail of how variation will be made to the plan

11. Approval is obtained for the plan from relevant parties

* Supporting information sources may include documents such as; HR reports or spreadsheets highlighting potential input and outputs, cost of additional staff according to minimum award rates etc…

**Choice two (2) areas and write a contingency Plan for these areas. E.g.:

Ø Failure on KPI’s performance,

Ø Physical resources not available,

Ø HR Resources are not available,

Ø Can’t get physical sign off on the operational plan.

Part B- Additional Tasks (Questions)

Analyse and interpret budget and actual financial information provided. Use this information to answer the following questions.

Question 1

Describe how you can use budgets and financial information to monitor and review profit and productively performance

Question 2A

Identify and list at least two (2) areas of under-performance.

Question 2B

Recommend solutions to take prompt action to rectify the above areas of under-performance.

Assessment 2: Short Answer Questions

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

Question 1

Briefly describe how you would effectively implement contingency plans for the operational plan.

Question 2

Describe why it is important during the development and presentation of proposal for resources requirements is supported by a variety of information sources and why you should seek specialist advice as required.

Question 3

Describe how you would effectively explain/communicate the contingency plan and support information to relevant work teams and stakeholders.

Question 4

Describe how you would negotiate recommendations for variation/s to the operational plan and again approval from designated persons/ group.

Question 5

Describe two (2) models and methods for operational plans

Question 6

Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving organisational objectives

Question 7

Explain the budgeting processes

Question 8

List two (2) alternative approaches to developing KPI’s to meet business objectives

Question 9

Describe how you would implement mentoring/ coaching systems to assist with the success of the operational plan

Question 10

Describe how you would monitor and review performance systems within the operational plan

Question 11

Describe how you would develop and implement systems to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance are managed in accordance with organisational requirements.

Answered Same Day Apr 16, 2020 BSBMGT517 Training.Gov.Au


Shashank answered on May 11 2020
154 Votes
Develop an Operational Plan
Submitted By
Student Name
1. Consultation processes as an integral part of the operational planning process;
Resource requirement:
a. Personnel for allocating the job responsibilities and describing about the role and position associated with it. This can be included under the HR team as the requirement will have to be ultimately consulted with them.
. Manager to lead the team of the Assembly and Fitout team which can keep the track of the progress and motivate the team to focus on productive outcomes. The role of manager will not be limited to this as individual goal will also be set by him/her that can be combine with the bigger goals of the project.
c. Funds will be needed for new personnel handling the responsibility or extra incentives will be given to existing staff who will be liable to hold new responsibilities.
d. HR team will have to allot dedicated resources
2. Key performance indicators will be set to achieve the objective that organization has set for the upcoming fiscal year. These will help in getting a reflection of the performance of team and how productive have been the efforts that put by the team. Some major KPIs that are set for the team will be as follows:
a. Reduction in turnover rate by 30 percent.
. Measure the employee satisfaction on the basis of 10 factors and focus on improving them by 50% in the upcoming cycle.
c. Improve the retention rate by at least 30 percent till the first quarter.
d. Reduce the cost on training by 25% in the first quarter
3. Acquiring physical resource and service requirements;
Induction/Orientation program for the employees:
The employees that are recruited will be undergoing an induction process that will help them get acquainted with the company culture and orientation program will be run so that the activities help them get adjusted with the trends that company follows.
During this program the employees will get multiple opportunities to interact and open up with other employees (the old and new one) so that they can maintain a comfort level while working with each other.
The initiative is aimed to help the newly recruited employees to achieve a level of convenience so that mentally they are not feeling any discomfort and should not be one of the reasons for leaving the company.
The resource allocation and protection of intellectual property rights of the organization.
a. The intellectual property that is being created during the process of work will have to be protected by every employee and maintain the agreement of confidentiality under all circumstances.
. During the process of recruitment and acquisition of resources the employees must take care of the confidential information and take measures to protect from getting it leak to outside resources.
c. Any information related to national camper trailers must not be shared in public domain or related bodies like business or clients.
d. It is their duty to protect the information from any misuse and must prevent any unauthorized disclosure from outside parties. Any non-compliance may lead to compensation to national camper trailers in terms of monetary or other remedies.
· Legislative requirement that need to be fulfilled by the employees will be as follows:
The employees will comply to any illegal use of resources and will adhere to the policies made by local, state and federal law. Any measure that lead to hazardous situation shall be prohibited by all means. It implies that all employees must be following the norms of proper land usage, conduct activities that lead to minimum air pollution take measures that lead to minimum ca
on emissions. Opportunities to save energy shall be look forward by the employees and efforts must be made that promote sustainable environment.
`The actions taken by the employees should contribute to the success of the organization and ultimately benefit the customers. The work environment will healthy for employees and all kind of assistance will be provided to them that is required during the working hours.
8. Monitoring Processes including;
1. The profitability shall be measured for the system and any effort that is being taken will be strategically measured that compares the outcomes.
2. The teams shall be allotted a mentor or a coach to keep a monitoring on the task they perform. Any problem that comes during the path of completion will be directly handled by the person who is either mentoring or coaching the team. This will result in saving the time allotted to complete the task and result in timely completion of the project.
9. Include two contingency plans
a. The team if does not perform in appropriate manner will be replaced by the backup team which might be call only in case of emergency situation.
. Any situation which might lead to delay in completion of project will be assisted by the backup employees who are allotted duties for completing the task. This will avoid any hinderance in completion of project during stipulated time.
10. Detail of how variation will be made to the plan
The backup team that will be...

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