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Assessment 4: Reflective writing This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading...

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Assessment 4: Reflective writing

This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School.

Learning outcomesGrading indicatorMin ScoreWeightLength/
DueProfessional accreditation
Reflective writingIndividual1, 2, 3GradedN/A25%1300 words03 Jun XXXXXXXXXX:00 PMN/A

Reflecting on ManagementLength:Part A – 500 words, Part B – 800 wordsRationale
Your final assessment asks you to bring together the various elements of our previous 3 assessments and reflect on your journey towards Management Mastery thus far. It is also about creating a snapshot of the Manager you are today. This is the beginning of a process we hope you will continue to review throughout your studies and into your management career.
Your task
Part A:Complete the CVF ‘spiderweb’ activity and write a reflective commentary with reference to the changes (if any) from your first attempt. Be sure to use the literature, participation and learning from your Blogs and the results from both ‘spiderwebs’ to support your reflection.Part B:Choose either Community Blog 1 (Assessment 2) or Community Blog 2 (Assignment 3) and identify examples of competing values, paradoxical views and complementary models identified by the your community of MTLs. Prepare a report on your findings remembering to include the importance of these elements to the function of management within a tourism, hospitality, events, gastronomic, business organisation and from the perspective of a Master Manager.You should also include reference to the addiotnal question / topic that we covered in the 3rd week of Blog #2

InstructionsPart A

  1. ReadtheIntroductionandConclusionsections of the text (Quinn et al. 2015)
  2. Completethe Competing Values Framework (Quinn et al XXXXXXXXXXsurvey. To complete the CVF access the following URL: work through the instructions below:
    1. Complete the 36-statementCompeting Values Management Practices Survey
    2. Then press ‘show result’ – where your scores are plotted on the CVF wheel
    3. Reflection: Look at the shape of your ‘spiderweb’, focusing, as we did previously, on the Quadrants, rather than the individual 'roles'
    4. Save a copy for review, discussion and presentation with your reflective commentary.
  3. Compareyour ‘spiderweb’ results to the one completed in your first assignment.
  4. Visit the following link, download and read through this useful resource on Reflective Note that you may need to copy and paste the URL into your web browser.
  5. Using the guidelines of reflecting writing, prepare a commentary that considers the following:
    1. Have you experienced areas of significant and/or minimal or no change, between your 1st and the 2nd CVF ‘spiderweb’?
    2. What circumstances (personal, learning, work) influenced changes (or lack of) throughout your management journey to date?
    3. Did the community interaction and more specifically, the management team learners influence any outcomes of your second survey (chaged your views, reinforced your views?)
    4. Which areas of the CVF do you feel requires some improvement? Why?
    5. If you were asked to consider your own Master Manager competencies, how would you best describe them?

Part B

  1. Choose either Blog 1 (Assessment 2) or Blog 2 (from Assignment 3).
  2. Think about the outcomes of your chosen Blog and the views of management, and learningaboutmanagement held across the group.
  3. Include reference to the additional question / topic that we covered in the 3rd week of Blog #2
  4. Identify examples of competing values, paradoxical views and complementary models identified by the community of MTLs.
  5. Prepare and submit an analysis, including the importance of these elements to the function of management within a tourism, hospitality, event, gastronomic, business organisation and from the perspective of a Master Manager.
Marking criteria
  • Second completion of CVF ‘spiderweb’
  • Identification of practical evidence and discussion
  • Application of evidence to the role of a manager and to management in a tourism and hospitality context
  • Evidence of an overall understanding of the CVF concept
  • Presentation.
Answered Same Day May 17, 2020 MKT01907 Southern Cross University


Amar answered on May 25 2020
140 Votes
Running Header: Assessment 4 – Reflective Writing         1
Assessment 4 – Reflective Writing             5
Assessment 4 – Reflective Writing
Assessment 4 – Reflective Writing
Reflecting on Management – Part A
Quinn et al. (2011) states that the mode of management shall include the various set of approaches, tools of management, competencies, etc. and using which concerned manager can undertake the resolution of the problems at workplace as well as make suitable decisions. The same in consequence shall enable the workforce under concerned manager to be effective and consistently work for better outcomes with respect to the their organization.
I had earlier identified that the strength / value as a manager I saw myself to be an empathetic mentor, undertake effective monitoring, a competent co-ordinator as well as innovator. In this context, the initial survey undertaken by me using competing value framework of Quinn et al. (2011) was provided a spiderweb with competing competencies. The assessment of the same indicated that I need to enhance my competence and effectiveness as a
oker as well as facilitator. The same stems from the fact that for one to work in an efficient manner as manager, the manager needs to be an effective
oker as well as the facilitator of changes. The same shall aid in the implementation of critical changes across the organization.
On completing the competing value framework of Quinn et al. (2011) again, the spiderweb so attained is presented in the Figure 1 below –
Figure 1 – Spiderwe
Most notably, as compared to the initial assessment, the cu
ent assessment illustrates marked improvements with respect to the “Mentor Role”, “Facilitator Role”, and the “Co-ordinator Role”. At the outset, this change is a favourable one and in alignment with the
oader understanding / framework of what shall make one to be a better and effective manager. In terms of the basis for this change from the earlier assessment to the cu
ent one, the same can be traced to at a very basic level of identifying that manager needs to be an effective
oker as well as the facilitator of changes as the same shall aid in the implementation of critical changes across the organization, and, that the same needs to be inculcated by me as I found that I was lacking in the same. This conscious understanding led me to a focus and emphasis to enhance these competences by way of undertaking efforts integrated with respect to my work and various educational activities to eventually develop the same as a competence. In this context, I undertook efforts like that of consciously practicing and illustrating actions,...

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