Assessment 3: Individual Business Report
Completion and Submission:
Cadmus - You will be using Cadmus to complete, and submit, this assessment. Cadmus is an online environment for written assessment.
See the separate Assignment page that provides further detail about Stage 1 and Stage 2 of this report.
Weighting: 40%
(Stage 1 - 15%; Stage 2 - 25%)
Course code and name: ACCT1046 Accounting in Organisations and Society
Assessment name: Individual Business Report
Learning objectives assessed: CLOs 1-5
Marking criteria will be based on technical accuracy, ability to contextualise written response to the case situation, and ability to use the micro-credential knowledge in referencing your research resources in the business report.
The individual business report is a staged submission report provided as a formalised structured template that is used to capture and submit your responses using the Cadmus platform. This activity is an important demonstration of the consolidation of your knowledge gained throughout the semester with the focus of the report centred around a creative business idea / initiative / innovation that does not already exist.
The Cadmus platform will be used for the completion and submission of this assessment and the submissions will go through the Turnitin software. We are using the Cadmus platform for this assessment as it provides analytics that evidence how you have completed the assessment adding to the authenticity of your work. The Cadmus platform is designed so that work is completed directly in the platform. Apart from minimal copying and pasting that you are asked to do (for example, copying a template into the workspace, copying the e-checklist into the Notes section of Cadmus) via the instructions, all other work must be typed directly into the Cadmus platform. That is, do not prepare your answers in separate software (or in a separate place) and then paste your answers into Cadmus. This does not provide evidence of authenticity. You must complete your work directly in Cadmus so that you (and the teaching team/markers) can see the process you went through in completing this assessment.
While you may normally complete your assessments using software and platforms that you are already familiar with, it is also important that you can embrace and learn to use other software and platforms that you are not so familiar with. While this can sometimes bring some uncertainty and discomfort, in the work environment, we need to be adaptable and familarise ourselves with new processes, new products, new software, new technology, etc, particularly when dealing with a work environment that is often evolving and changing... so sometimes need to get out of our comfort zone and embrace change!
Note that the same business idea must be used for stage 1 and stage 2 unless prior approval is provided by the course coordinator. Unauthorised change of the business idea when completing stage 2 will result in zero marks for stage 2. Marking criteria will be based on technical accuracy, ability to contextualise your written response to the case situation, and your ability to use the academic integrity awareness micro-credential knowledge in referencing your research resources in the business report.
In addition to completing the business report requirements, you will also be required to demonstrate evidence of the successful completion of the RMIT micro-credential 'Academic Integrity Awareness', which is designed to assist you with ensuring integrity, honesty and fairness in your scholarly work. This micro credential provides an understanding of the importance of referencing your work which will be demonstrated within your report. You have unlimited attempts at this micro-credential however to successfully complete it, you need to obtain 100% on the questions asked in it. So, it is a good idea to complete it as early as possible. You will be required to insert your digital badge link in your business report. If you have already successfully completed this micro-credential previously, you just need to paste the digital badge link into your report as specified in the instructions you will see (that is, you do not need to complete this micro-credential again). Further information about this micro credential will be provided on Canvas/Cadmus.
Note: Late submission penalty 10% per day applies and submission will not be accepted 5 days after the deadline unless you have special consideration approved.