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Assessment 1 – Report onService Experience (3000 words), APA Referencing, Source; Journals and literature, text book: Hudson & Hudson (2017) Your task for this assessment is to write an evaluative...

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Assessment 1 – Report onService Experience (3000 words), APA Referencing, Source; Journals and literature, text book: Hudson & Hudson (2017)

Your task for this assessment is to write an evaluative report of information found in the literature relating to “employee involvement in service and the guest experience in a hotel context”. Specifically, you will synthesize research from the scientific literature and industry publications and draw conclusions based on your research. In writing this assessment, you are required to follow the Assessment Structure Style Guide of a Business Report.

Your textbook Hudson & Hudson XXXXXXXXXXis the best place to start and for this assessment you first should review chapters 1- 4. Together with the readings prescribed for topics 1-4. It is our expectation that this scholarly piece of writing will at a minimum, include:

·A definition of service and guest experience;

·A historical overview of guest experience and how it has evolved;

·The importance of employees and empowerment in service;

·What might be the consequences for a hotel when they do not focus on service and employees who deliver this service?

·Concluding with your thoughts (based on research findings) on the importance of delivering positive guest experiences in a hotel context.

Note: Do not measure the quality of service. Focus just on what is guest experience and service

Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2020


Parul answered on Aug 11 2020
138 Votes
Report on Service Experience
Report on Service Experience
Executive Summary
According to a very popular quote by Nelson Boswell, who one of the most eminent leaders in world "Always give people more than what they expect to get more than what you expect". This saying is most appropriate and applicable in a service industry. Focus of this research is hospitality industry which most people intensive. By people, I mean not just external visitors and guest but also employees and workers of the organisation. By the virtue of this report I have presented an extensive research on how customers look forward to have good experience, so in order to survive and thrive in business of hospitality one of the most critical aspect is to provide the “WoW” guest experience. Incorporating my analysis after comprehending several observations in the industry and trends in the hospitality domain. Furthermore, in the report I have tried to formulated a model of the management that establishes and recommends a solid linkage between goodwill and esteem from feedback that comes from consumer that
ings out loyalty, reliability, and financial development. In order to successfully
idge these critical factors one also needs to look at employee aspect like engagement of workers, their happiness, conveyance and benefits such that they are dedicated to can achieve the desired results.
The purpose of this research is to
ing out the very case in point which is, in order to provide an excellent customer experience, it imperative to build strong employee base who are engaged and involved to serve the customer better. Taking references to facts established in the journal "The impact of customer participation: the employee’s perspective”, (Chih-Cheng Volvic Chen, Chih-Jou Chen, Ming-Ji James Lin, 2015) that suggests there is a strong linkage between service excellence and employee performance. Although the service profit chain framework of customer satisfaction equates into business profitability. Moreover, higher levels of customer loyalty that is majorly derived from superior service delivery and providing them innovative customer experience.
With reference to details presented in journal “Customer satisfaction research management” (Allen, D. R., 2004) gone are the days when industry of hotel, resorts and their associations could use only monetary results such as price per accessible room to categorize whether a particular hotel or its chain is performing successfully or not. Hence, all the financial parameters just display some part of the picture and overshadows through the deals that represent real aspect that actually are the heart of this business. Moreover, financial aspects and its parameters for most part are slacking indicator since they are side-effects of the transactions and not really affected by the client encounter. Furthermore, financial frameworks are deficient in gauging client delight and experience determined by the client encounter since they measure deals exchanges and not the esteem got from such a buy. Taking reference from “Association of nonfinancial performance measures with the financial performance of a lodging chain” (Banker, R. D., Potter, G., & Srinivasan, D., 2005), using cu
ent levels every day price rate, occupancy rate and income per accessible room as a pointer of financial related development is risky since it doesn't represent other conceivable factors that impact a buyer’s choice, for example, client faithfulness that is formed by the good customer experience. In this present era, it’s all about to deliver an experience to the customer. Market is shifting more towards living the moments instead of the other materialistic aspects.
Statement of Purpose
At the core of any business is their employees. They are the human encapsulations of an organization. They represent and speak the
and organisation set vision for and aspire to achieve. In the event that an employee is frustrated, this message is passed on throughout his work propensities, in formal or informal communications with colleagues and while he/she interacts and manage clients. With reference to “Identifying the dimensions of the guest’s hotel experience”, (Knutson, B. J., Beck, J. A., Kim, S., & Cha, J., 2009) employees are the crucial element of the business in the event that they are unmotivated, unsatisfied would definitely impact organisation’s target to deliver best custome
guest experience. Today fulfilment of client request has become very basic and general aspect for this business. A few associations think supplementing espresso and tea with lime juice and sugar stick juice will do the enchantment. Some others trust that yoga classes and a condition of the craftsmanship exercise centre will do the trap. None of these activities and speculations is pointless. These exercises convey fulfilling conduct over the association. Exceptionally fulfilled and confe
ed representatives prompt quantifiable hierarchical outcomes, for example, non-attendance, turnover, consumer loyalty, superior and so forth.
Historical overview of guest experience & its evolution
Bringing the views expressed in the journal, “Employee Engagement: A Literature Review of literature”, (Kular, S., Gatenby, M., Rees, C., Soane, E., & Truss, K., 2008) provides definitions, exploration of concepts, and theories in explaining the inte
elationships of the employee engagement, involvement and delivering pleasant guest experience. The key concepts that needs to be comprehended and focused upon are the service value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty on financial outcomes. One can define term employee commitment means different things for different organisation. It is an instinctive parameters defined by Mercer (2007) that is characterizes employee commitment as a perspective in which representatives feel a personal stake in the organization's prosperity and are both willing and spu
ed to perform to levels that surpass the expressed activity necessities. It is the consequence of how workers feel about the work encounter – the association, its pioneers, the work and the workplace. Taking reference from "The impact of customer participation: the employee’s perspective", (Chih-Cheng Volvic Chen, Chih-Jou Chen, Ming-Ji James Lin, 2015) within the context of the hotel industry, the value equation becomes very applicable since it could be measure by adding something that could be quantified for instance the benefit of a room and service provided to the guest that is divided by the price for that room and travel burden to the hotel location.
With reference to “Strategic human resource management in department stores: An historical perspective”, (Miller, D., 2006). the esteem condition represents the general advantages determined by the client in connection to the weight for such advantages and is essential in deciding whether there is an overflow, harmony, or shortage in client determined esteem. It is sensible to induce that clients would incline toward an incentive with a high level of surplus esteem. A simple illustration would be portrayed by furnishing a client...

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