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Assessment 1: Fact Sheet This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading...

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Assessment 1: Fact Sheet

This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School.

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DueProfessional accreditation
Fact SheetIndividual1GradedN/A20%1000 words03 Apr XXXXXXXXXX:00 PMN/A


This assessment will help thinking skills regarding the location of choice for all assessments in MKT01906. Prepare atwo-pageFact Sheet which outlines important details about the destination related to international tourism. The details will provide background to support future assessments in MKT01906.

By week 3,please ensure you have approval for your location from your academic supervisor. Only one student per location for each cohort.


  • Identify the location (destination) of choice for MKT01906.
  • Use a range of information sources (online or hard copy) to prepare atwo pageFact Sheet explaining:
  • Number of international visitors; visitor origin; key attractions; types of tourism
  • What accommodation options are available?
  • What is the economic impact of tourism on GDP?
  • What are key tourism activities at the location?
  • What other destinationfeatures need to be showcased?

Once information has been gathered, prepare the Fact Sheet including relevant graphs and tables (maximum of 2 each) to present the reader with background on international tourism at the destination.

This is to be original work which includes your analysis and presentation of information gathered from several sources. Copied information (such as graphs and tables from other sources) will not be accepted.

Marking criteria

  • Logical argument (3 marks)
  • Presentation and discussion of facts (10 marks)
  • Information sourcesidentified (2 marks)
  • Clarity of expression(5 mark)

Total (20 marks)

Answered Same Day Mar 30, 2020 MKT01906 Southern Cross University


Soumi answered on Apr 01 2020
149 Votes
Table of Contents
Destination for Tourism— Amritsar    3
International Visitors and Visitor’s Origin    3
Key Attractions and Type of Tourism    3
Accommodation    4
Economic Impact of Tourism on GDP    4
Major Tourism Activities    4
Other Destination Features    4
References    5
Destination for Tourism— Amritsa
The destination selected for this assignment is Amritsar, India. The major attractions in Amritsar are Golden Temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Harmandir Sahib, Wagah Border and others. Visitors across the world like to visit the place. It has been ranked third on India’s tourist attraction list. Amritsar is famous for the religious places and places of heritage. The prime time to visit Amritsar is between the months of October to March. During this time, the weather is not very hot. The temperature is mild during these months that are optimum for sightseeing and shopping.
International Visitors and Visitor’s Origin
As per the statistics by government of India, total number of visitors in Amritsar totalled 5556342 in the year 2013. Out of this, total number of foreign visitors was 150000 that is a significant number. Amritsar witnessed a growth of 12.1% in tourist a
ivals over the same period in 2015. According to Tripathi and Choudhary (2010), visitor across India like to visit Amritsar especially to enjoy the pious ambience of The Golden Temple, Harmandir Sahib and places of national heritage like Wagah Border and others. Most of the visitors in Amritsar are Indians. However, ample international visitors a
ive at Amritsar daily. Most of the International visitors are from Canada, USA, UK, Singapore, Sri Lanka and other such countries.
Key Attractions and Type of Tourism
Key attractions in Amritsar are as follows:
The Golden Temple: It is one of the most spiritual place in India. It is also refe
ed to as Harmindar Sahab and is the holiest shrine in Sikhism. It is of architectural and historical interest and
ings ample calmness to the one visiting the place. As per the views of Chaudhary and Aggarwal (2012), the keys focus is the tank, Amrit Sarovar that su
ounds the shrine made of gold. The glitter of the shrine is soothing to the eyes of the visits and imbibes a feeling of piousness among those visiting the...

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