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Assessment 1: Employment Application This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning...

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Assessment 1: Employment Application

This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School.

Assessment Group/

individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/

duration Due Professional accreditation

Employment Application Individual 1, 2 Graded N/A 30% 1500 words 16 Jul 2018 5:00 PM N/A

Format:There are three (3) components to this assessment:

Professional Email – subject linemustread: Your name, MNG03236 Application.

Application Letter and Résumé/CV – single Word document saved as Your Name Application.doc.

Response tooneselection criteria from chosen job advertisement


Email (1 paragraph)

Application Letter (1 page) and Résumé/CV (2–3 pages)

Selection criteria response (2 paragraphs)

Submit:via email to your lecturer (check the Contact Details link on the MySCU Blackboard site)

Guidelines to the employment application

This assessment item is an opportunity to customise this part of your study to suit your own individual needs, interests and career aspirations. You need to find anadvertisedposition that you would be likely to apply for when seeking an internship or graduate position. It should be relevant to your degree and realistic for your level of experience. Constructing your Employment/Internship Application is an exercise designed to develop your professional writing skills; and ability to understand and respond to the requirements of job applications and business success.

This assessment also tests your editing skills and attention to detail, to ensures that your application is error free and of the highest quality. This assessment item is designed to be used by you as an ongoing working document to assist you in securing an appropriate internship position or employment upon graduation.

1. Professional email

This should be grammatically correct, have no spelling errors or inappropriate abbreviations and contain a brief message explaining the purpose of the email and list the attached documents.

You should also use the ‘signatures’ function on your email program to ensure that your name and contact details are always professionally presented and clearly shown on application emails. This will allow a potential employer to quickly contact you if they have difficulties opening the attachments.

Note: Although you will be emailing this assessment directly to your lecturer, you should address the email to the person and organisation that you are applying for a position with.

2. Attachment 1–Application letter andRésumé

Application letter

This should be an application letter written in response to an advertised position. You should choose aposition which will be similar to one that you wish to gain for your future internship or graduate position.

The letter should be a maximum of one (1) page, typed, single-spaced, A4.

The letter should follow correct five paragraph, business letter format as per the template available oin the Unit Content section of the MySCU/Blackboard site

Insert a section break (not page break) at the bottom of your cover letter to ensure that your layout stays as itshould when transferred across different computers. This will also assist you in setting up footers on yourrésumé.

Do not use a footer or page number at the bottom of your letter.

Your application letter always comes before your résumé.


A résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is the standard and accepted way of setting out in an ordered andfactual format, the key aspects of your professional background or working history.

This should be part of the same Word document as your application letter and start on the page directlyafter your application letter.

You must include a footer with your name and page number on pages two and three of your résumé (i.e.not on the first page of your résumé).

You must include page breaks at the end of each page to preserve formatting and page layouts

Your résumé content should be appropriate for the type of position you are targeting.

Your résumé must include personal contact details, previous education, work history, skills,achievements, and contact details for three referees.

Your résumé should be no more than three (3) pages, typed, single-spaced.

See guidelines for résumé format contained in CV guides and templates in the Unit Content.

3. Attachment 2– Response to one selection criteria

This is a separate document headed, ‘Addressing the Selection Criteria’. This will be for an advertised job of your choice that requires applicants to address the selection criteria as part of the application process (typically these are government roles). This job can be different from the one you are targeting in your application letter and résumé.

You must identify a job that has a downloadable Selection Criteria document/information and select one criteria from this document that you will address. Use the wording of the selection criterion as a sub-heading and following the guidelines relating to selection criteria from Topic2 (Understanding the applicationprocess), address a single selection criterion in 1–2 paragraphs.

See the MySCU site – Assessment Tasks and Submission link – for the feedback sheet for this assessment and be sure to check your work against those criteria before submitting.

Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2020 MNG03236 Southern Cross University


Anju Lata answered on Aug 13 2020
155 Votes
Employment Application 2
Assessment 1
Employment Application
Student Name: Bharat Singh
Submitted to:…………………………
1. Professional Email
From: [email protected]
To: hr@
Subject: Bharat Singh, MNG03236 Application
Dear Sir,
I am writing you in due response to your advertisement in website, for the post of Pizza Hut Shift Manager, at Coffs Ha
our NSW, dated 10 August 2018. Kindly accept my application for the above-said post and find the following attachments with this email:
1. Application Letter and Resume
2. Selection Criteria Response
Thanking you,
Bharat Singh
Mobile No.: 0470673110
2. Application Letter and Resume    
The Manage
Pizza Hut
Coffs Ha
our, NSW
Date: 10 August 2018
Dear Sir,
Re: Application for the post of Shift Manager
I am writing this mail as an application for the post of Shift Manager at Pizza Hut, and in response to the advertisement. I came across through on 10 August 2018.
I have completed my Post-Graduate Diploma in Hospitality from Dimensions International College, Singapore with 60% in September 2012. I have sufficient working experience and four years’ quality exposure to work as a Shift Manager. Therefore, I find myself an appropriate candidate to handle all the responsibilities of this post successfully.
I completed my Management 3 months’ training at Punjab grill, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore in 2013. I also completed 6 months’ on the job training at Hotel Royal, Newton-Singapore (2012-2013). During my training, I handled all the Supervisory duties, Guest Services, Cost Management, and Administrative Responsibilities, very well. During my training, I ensured that the restaurants deliver high-quality standards in services. I made sure that they adhere to cost controlling procedures and policies and comply with the rules and regulations of the
and name. This training would certainly assist me to handle all my duties at the future job.
While working with Punjab Grill at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore as Shift Manager from July 2013 to March 2016, I bagged many awards and achievements such as Wine & Dine Award, G-Peak Magazine Award, in Singapore.
At the personal front, I believe that I have exceptional team leading abilities; I am an enthusiastic and quick learner, a great motivator, innovative and
illiant in guest handling.
I am eager to have a
illiant career opportunity to work with your prestigious Organization.
Waiting for a positive and early response,
Yours’ faithfully,
Bharat Singh
Name: Bharat Singh
Mobile: 0470673110
Email: [email protected]
Profile Statement
Highly skilled Post Graduate in Hospitality Management with exceptional qualitative work experience and training. Effective teamwork attributes with great communication skills.
Objective- To work with an organization to build upon my existing...

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