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Please use this Analysis and Reflection Question to guide your reading and class dialogue, online discussion activity, as well as for your written Analysis and Reflection Essay. Please choose one (1)...

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Please use this Analysis and Reflection Question to guide your reading and class dialogue, online discussion activity, as well as for your written Analysis and Reflection Essay. Please choose one (1) theory from each category (for a total of two theories) to compare, and write a minimum of one (1) page. Remember to use an appropriate academic essay format including introductions, clearly articulated arguments, transitions, and conclusions. Please number each essay with the appropriate question number. Please use ASA style to cite your sources within the text and provide a list of references at the end of your assignment.

1. There are two opposing perspectives relative to the causes of poverty. The Individualistic Perspective and the Structural Perspective. From the two (2) categories listed below select one (1) theory from each category: Category 1 and Category 2. Discuss in detail how each theory explains why people or countries are poor. Include in your discussion the strengths and weaknesses of each theory.

CATEGORY 1 (select 1): Individualistic Perspective
1. Flawed Character Theory
2. Human Capital Theory
3. Biological Theory
4. Cultural Theory

CATEGORY 2 (select 1): Structural Perspective
5. Restricted Opportunity Theory
6. Big Brother Theory
7. Political Economy Theory
8. Critical Race Theory
9. Modernization Theory
10. Dependency Theory
Analysis & Reflection Essay Ru
    Essay Ru
    Argument is presented clearly and logically. Logical points build directly upon the thesis and prior points.
    Argument is presented
clearly and logically, but points do not necessarily build on each other.
    Argument is rambling, and there are contradictions left unaddressed.
    There is no discernible
    Each logical point is backed up by more than one example. Evidence is
strong and sufficient to advance the argument. Evidence is used throughout the paper to support each claim and the larger thesis.
    Each logical point is backed up by one or more examples. Evidence advances the argument, but it may not be sufficient. Uses evidence in parts to support ideas OR relies heavily on one source. Not always connected to larger thesis.
    Several points of the argument are left without evidence. Evidence is insufficient. OR Overview of sources/quotes with no analysis of the examples/quotes.
    A few pieces of evidence are
thrown in here or there, but not used to defend the main argument.
    Demonstrates solid understanding of the major themes of the course, using readings and lectures to define concepts. Argument is placed within the
oad discussions outlined in the course. All relevant readings are clearly used to support the essay.
    Demonstrates understanding of most of the major themes of the course, using readings and lectures to define concepts. Argument is placed within some discussions outlined in the course. All relevant readings are used to support the essay.
    Demonstrates understanding of some of the major themes of the course, using readings OR lectures to define concepts. Argument is not placed within discussions outlined in the course. Most relevant readings are used to support the essay.
    Demonstrates little understanding of the major themes of the course. Readings and lectures are not used to define concepts. Argument is not placed within discussions outlined in the course. Relevant readings are not adequately used to support the essay.
    Clear organization with a natural flow. Includes an introduction, transition sentences to connect major ideas, and conclusion. There are few or no grammar or spelling e
ors. Minimal passive voice. Ideas and evidence are co
ectly cited. Each separate essay is numbered, clearly addressing every part of the essay question.
    Clear organization with introduction, transitions and conclusion, but writing is not always fluid. There are several grammar or spelling e
ors. Ideas and evidence are co
ectly cited. Essays address every part of the essay question.
    Organization is unclear or without necessary component parts. Significant grammar or spelling e
ors (but not both). Ideas & evidence are co
ectly cited. Essays address every part of the essay question but not in adequate depth. Or only some aspects of the essay question are addressed, but those aspects are addressed in depth.
    Little discernible organization. Significant grammar and spelling e
ors. Ideas and evidence are not co
ectly cited, or not cited at all. Essays do not address every part of the essay question, and answers are not in depth.
Answered Same Day Feb 15, 2023


Dipali answered on Feb 15 2023
38 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion    3
References    5
    This discussion examines two opposing perspectives on the causes of poverty: the Individualistic Perspective and the Structural Perspective. From Category 1 (Individualistic Perspective), the Human Capital Theory is selected, and from Category 2 (Structural Perspective), the Dependency Theory is chosen.
    Human Capital Theory posits that poverty is a result of a lack of investment in human capital. Human capital refers to the skills, education, and training that individuals acquire, which increases their productivity and earning potential. According to this theory, individuals who lack human capital have reduced job opportunities and lower wages, leading to poverty. The solution to poverty, according to this theory, is for individuals to take responsibility for their education and skill development. This means that individuals must invest in themselves to improve their circumstances and escape poverty.
    One of the strengths of the Human Capital Theory is...

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