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Applying Ethical Theory Value: 20% Due date: 06-May-2018 Return date: 29-May-2018 Length: XXXXXXXXXXwords Submission method options Alternative submission method Task Your lecturer will place several...

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Applying Ethical Theory
Value: 20%
Due date: 06-May-2018
Return date: 29-May-2018
Length:  XXXXXXXXXXwords
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Your lecturer will place several links in Interact to a number of relevant articles and/or case studies. These will be available to you just after your second assignment has been submitted.
1. Choose one of the media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site.
2. Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your essay, so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.
3. Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.
 You are required to complete the following:
Write an essay:
· The word limit for the essay is XXXXXXXXXXwords. Headings, citations and references do not count towards the word limit, but quotations do.
· Analyse the article/case study from the perspective of four classical ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract. Present well reasoned arguments for your assessments and recommendations. 
· Write an overall conclusion that justifies your recommendations made in your essay.
· Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the co
ect APA referencing style, co
esponding to in-text citations.
NOTE: Please use the template provided in resources section of this subject site.
This assessment extends the skills practiced in Assessment item 1 and 2, to help you to achieve all the learning objectives.
In addition to identifying a contentious situation in ICT and dissecting the argument(s) about it, you must also now demonstrate the ability to evaluate the elements of the argument by introducing classical ethical principles where appropriate.
Since Assessment item 1 and 2, your knowledge will have grown, and you will now realise that almost all ICT ethical dilemmas can be classified under one of the main ICT ethical issues that are discussed in this subject; for instance, surveillance is a sub-issue of privacy, harmful software is a sub-issue of ICT professionalism, and piracy is a sub-issue of intellectual property.
In ICT, the main ethical issues are taken to be:
· ICT professionalism
· Privacy
· Security
· Cyber-crime
· Intellectual property
· Regulation on the internet
· Social inclusion
· Community and identity
· Pervasive and convergent computing.
The assessment item is designed to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:
· identify an ICT-related ethical issue from a media article or case study;
· apply classical ethical theory to the analysis of an ethically questionable situation to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions/decisions made therein;
· derive logical and justifiable conclusions to resolve the ethical issue(s);and,
· apply proper academic referencing.
Marking criteria
The following marking sheet will be used to assess students' submissions.
Please check that you have met all the criteria before you submit your assignment.
    High Distinction (HD)
    Distinction (DI)
    Credit (CR)
    Pass (PS)
    Fail (FL)
    Classical Ethical Theory
(Value 60%)
    Demonstrates an excellent ability at applying ethical theories to the ethical issues.
    Demonstrates a good ability at applying ethical theories to the ethical issues.
    Makes a genuine attempt at applying the ethical theories to the ethical issues.  
    The ethical theories do not link well with the ethical issues.
    The ethical theories are not properly applied to the ethical issues.
    Writing & structure
(Value 20%)
    Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, concisely, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation e
    Well developed skills in expression & presentation of ideas.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task/document type.
Grammar & spelling accurate.
    Good skills in expression & clear presentation of ideas.
Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task/document type.
Grammar & spelling contains a few minor e
    The text contains frequent e
ors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, lacks clarity, and is not concise, but the meaning is apparent to the reader with some effort.
    Rudimentary skills in expression & presentation of ideas.
Not all material is relevant &/or is presented in a disorganised manner.
Meaning apparent, but writing style not fluent or well organised.
Grammar & spelling contains many e
(Value 10%)
    Superior conclusion that ties the results of the analysis together into a coherent, logically valid & convincing argument.
    Very high standard conclusion that ties the results of the analysis together into a coherent, logically valid & convincing argument.
    High standard conclusion that ties the results of the analysis together into a coherent, logically valid & convincing argument.
    Rudimentary conclusion that provides a convincing argument.
    Sub-standard (or no) conclusion.
(Value 10%)
    Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.
    Very good referencing, including reference list and citations.
Evidence of high quality references.
    Good referencing, including reference list and citations.
Evidence of good quality references.
    Referencing is comprehensive, mostly accurate according to APA style conventions, and demonstrates academic integrity. Some minor e
ors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, etc) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or demonstration of academic integrity.
    Sub-standard (or no) referencing.
Poor quality (or no) references.
Answered Same Day Apr 28, 2020


Monika answered on May 05 2020
148 Votes
Ethical Theory on Cyber Crime
Ethical Theory on Cyber Crime
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
2) Utilitarianism Theory
3) Deontology Theory
4) Virtue Theory
5) Contract Theory
6) Conclusion
7) References
Here, the essay reviews the ethical aspects of computer and aspects cyber crime. The philosophic study of ethics that encompassing user behavior and pertaining to computers is known as cybernetics. In cybernetics we see what computers are programmed to do and also see how it affected the society and individuals. The policies about cybernetics have been defined by organization. Through the years, the use of internet is increased. Here in this essay, we discussed the Amin Sthapit murder case study. In this case study, the accused Roy Tabalbag killed his girlfriend Greecy Rebucas’s lover. For spend time with her chef lover Amin Shapith, she missed her cooking class in morning. Roy Tabalbag has not guity to murder, he is guilty for manslaughter. He sta
ed Amin sthapit repeatedly by a chef’s knife of significant blade. Tabalbag lost his self control after discover his darling with her boyfriend having sex on double bed argued by his defence. Public defender said that in the condition of Tabalbag, an ordinary person could have acted in the same way. Ms Rebucas is having affair from last one month had been suspected by Tabalbag. He constantly asked her, if anyone in her life. But she continuously denied. Ms Rebucas and tabalbag both had been together for four years in Philippines before moving Sydney. Ms Rebucas had trainee at Double bay’s the golden sheaf hotel and had studied cooking in Ryde TAFE,s Le Corden Bleu Restaurant. A software program called as Dr Fone was downloaded by Tabalbag to retrieve phone bills and deleted text messages of his partner before the killing at night 9:30 PM. He also accessed Ms Rebucas’s laptop. By using this program, he tracked the actual position of Ms Rebucas, so he came home early and found both pair on bed(Begley,2015).
Utilitarianism Theory
In criminal law the classical scholarship has identified four main goals of punishment that is incapacitation, dete
ence, rehabilitation and retribution. There are two ethical frameworks in which these goals are fit. These frameworks are utilitarian and deontology. A principle of utility that supports the welfare of human is known as utilitarianism. The main point of utilitarianism is the activity and event and decision making should be chosen by people that make them happy(Jetha,2015). Means, how to connect the maximum happiness to goods and goodness is the primary objective of this theory. It is a strategy which includes pleasure, human welfare and goodness. It is practical theory that is based on morality and to achieve greatest amount of...

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