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APA REFERENCING, CITATIONS. will update the expert on the Brief. pls do not allocate the work to my previous expert. please please do not allocate the work to the previuous expert that did the last...

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Student Assignment Brief
    Assignment Information
    The work you submit for this assignment must be your own independent work, or in the case of group assignment your own groups’ work. More information is available in the ‘Assessment Task’ section of this assignment
    Module Name:
    International Business and Globalisation
    Module Code:
    Assignment Title
    Enriching the global market
    Assignment Due:
    Assignment Type:
Only one of the following apply to this assignment task.
    |_| Pass or Fail
(Core Assessment)
You will be provided with either a pass or a fail grade. You will have to successfully complete your assessment before the end of the module.
    |_| Percentage Grade
(Applied Core Assessment)
You will be provided with an overall grade between 0% and 100%. You have one opportunity to pass the assignment at or above 40%.
    Assignment Task
    Title: Enriching the global market
All industries, including business, are becoming more interdependent, which presents both challenges and problems. Organisations today must adapt to global problems, regardless of their stage of corporate development. Free movement,
and development, technological change, changes in demographics, politics, and climate, as well as changes in traditions and culture, are some of the international business and globalisation concerns to take into account. Similar to this, labour costs play an important role in preserving and expanding market share.
You are required to complete two activities (A & B) for this assignment.
Activity A [group activity]: You are required to:
· Form a group of 4/5 to work together to prepare and deliver a 20 minutes presentation [15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q/A] on the strategic importance and effects of expanding a worldwide organisation to address the issue(s) that you identified.
· Pick a company in the FinTech.
· Evaluate all available internationalisation and market entry methods critically.
· Pick the strategies appropriate for maintaining and growing their market share in global markets.
· Investigate the concepts of pertinent foreign trade theories that are pertinent to the transport industry and company of your choice.
XXXXXXXXXXNote: all will be awarded equal marks for ‘Activity A’ as this is a group activity.
Activity B [individual work]: You are required to:
· Write a 750-word report that covers the same material and criteria as the presentation.
· Submit both the presented slides and report together on ‘Microsoft Word’ format (i.e. no pdf).
Note: marks will be awarded individually for ‘Activity B’ as this is an individual work.
Some points to consider.
1. The audience: Middle managers who will be promoted to senior strategic management roles will be the audience for this presentation and the report.
2. Choice of the organisation: You and your tutor can talk about the choices for the selected company during tutorial.
3. Learning outcomes to cover: The first, second, and third learning outcomes should be covered in the presentation and report.
Submission Instructions:
· Presentation: All the members in each group must be present in person and deliver F2F presentation.
· Each student must submit both the presentation slides and individual report on respective submission area on Aula. I
· Formatting of submission should be Microsoft Word but not PDF.

    Marking and Feedback
    Your assignment will be marked . Provisional grades will be released . Feedback will be provided .
Details of the marking criteria for this task can be found at the bottom of this assignment
    Module Learning Outcomes:
The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this
ief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
1. Appraise the importance and impact of global trade and globalisation.
2. Critically analyse the relevance of concepts, analytical tools and theories associated with international business
3. Critically evaluate the range of international business strategies undertaken by international businesses.
    Assignment Support and Academic Integrity
    Late Submission
If you are not able to complete your coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances*, the ONLY way to receive an extension (up to 5 working days) or a defe
al (anything longer than 5 working days) is to apply using the online portal where you will also be able to find more information about extensions and defe
als any evidence required.
*Extenuating circumstances are defined by CU as ‘genuine circumstances beyond your control or ability to foresee, and which seriously impair your assessed work’. Please note that you will need to provide third party evidence to support your reasoning for requiring an extension or defe
al. Your course tutor is NOT able to approve an extension or a defe
al. If you have not completed the official forms, your work will count as not submitted and receive a zero mark.
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar:
You are expected to use effective, accurate, and appropriate language within this assessment task.
Academic Integrity:
The work you submit must be your own work. We use detection software and make routine checks for evidence of academic misconduct. Definitions of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and collusion can be found on the Student Portal. All cases of suspected academic misconduct are refe
ed for investigation, the outcomes of which can have profound consequences to your studies. For more information on academic integrity please visit the Academic and Research Integrity section of the Student Portal.
Support for Students with Disabilities or Additional Needs:
If you have a disability, long-term health condition, specific learning difference, mental health diagnosis or symptoms and have discussed your support needs with health and wellbeing you may be able to access support that will help with your studies.
If you feel you may benefit from additional support, but have not disclosed a disability to the University, or have disclosed but are yet to discuss your support needs it is important to let us know so we can provide the right support for your circumstances. Visit the Student Portal to find out more.
    Guidance Notes and Considerations
Access, Foundation and Undergraduate
You should use APA 7th edition style of referencing.
Referencing guidance can be accessed on the Li
ary’s LibGuides pages.
You should use OSCOLA referencing.
Referencing guidance can be accessed on the Li
ary’s LibGuides pages.
    Use of Sources and Information
You can access high quality, authoritative information via the li
ary. Use LibGuides to access Locate, BibliU and research guidance.
Assessment Criteria: Undergraduate
    Mark band
    Meets learning outcomes
    1st - Exceptional work with very high degree of understanding, creativity, and critical/analytic skills. Evidence of exceptional research well beyond minimum recommended using a range of methodologies. . Exceptional understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories. Demonstrates creative flair, a high degree of originality and autonomy.
Exceptional ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates well-developed problem-solving skills. Work completed with very high degree of accuracy and proficiency and autonomy. Exceptional communication and expression, significant evidence of professional skill set. Student evidences deployment of a full range of exceptional technical, including proficiency in the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
    1st - Excellent work with clear evidence of understanding, creativity and critical/analytical skills. Thorough research well beyond the minimum recommended using methodologies beyond the usual range. Excellent understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories with evidence of considerable originality and autonomy.
Excellent ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates consistent, coherent substantiated argument and interpretation. Demonstrates considerable creativity and clear problem-solving skills. Assessment completed with accuracy, proficiency, and considerable autonomy. Excellent communication and expression, some evidence of professional skill set. Student evidences deployment of a highly developed range of technical, including proficiency in the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
    2:1 - Very good work demonstrating strong understanding of theories, concepts and issues with clear critical analysis. Thorough research, using established methodologies accurately, beyond the recommended minimum with little, if any, i
elevant material present. Very good understanding, evidencing
eadth and depth, of knowledge and subject-specific theories with some originality and autonomy.
Very good ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates coherent substantiated argument and interpretation. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills. Work completed with accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy. Very good communication and expression with evidence of professional skill set. Student has a thorough command of a good range of technical, including proficiency in the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
    2:2 - Good understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues with some critical analysis. Research undertaken accurately using established methodologies, enquiry beyond that recommended may be present. Some e
ors may be present and some inclusion of i
elevant material. Good understanding, with evidence of
eadth and depth, of knowledge and subject-specific theories with indications of originality and autonomy.
Good ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates logical argument and interpretation with supporting evidence. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills but with inconsistencies. Expression and presentation mostly accurate, proficient, and conducted with some autonomy. Good communication and expression with appropriate professional skill set. Student consistently demonstrates a well-developed range of technical, including proficiency in the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
3rd Class
    3rd - Meet the learning outcomes with a basic understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues. Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories sufficient to deal with concepts. Assessment may be incomplete and with some e
ors. Research scope sufficient to evidence use of some established methodologies. Some i
elevant material likely to be present.
Basic ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates ability to devise and sustain an argument. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills but with inconsistencies. Expression and presentation sufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Sufficient communication and expression with basic professional skill set. Student demonstrates technical, including a basic level of proficiency in the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
    Fails to achieve learning outcomes
    Fail – Outcomes not met. Limited understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues. Little evidence of research and use of established methodologies. Some relevant material will be present. Deficiencies evident in analysis. Fundamental e
ors and some misunderstanding likely to be present.
Limited ability to apply learning resources. Student’s arguments are weak and poorly constructed. Limited originality, creativity, and struggles with problem-solving skills. Expression and presentation insufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student demonstrates some deficiencies in technical, including in their use of the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
    Fail – Outcomes not met. Clear failure demonstrating very little understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues. Minimal evidence of research and use of established methodologies and incomplete knowledge of the area. Serious and fundamental e
ors and aspects missing.
Very little evidence of ability to apply learning resources. Student’s arguments are very weak and with no evidence of alternative views. Little evidence of originality, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Expression and presentation deficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student demonstrates use of the English Language, and/or artistic skills.
Answered 14 days After Jan 29, 2024


Shubham answered on Feb 13 2024
29 Votes
1. Introduction
The FinTech industry at intersection of finance and technology, has seen unprecedented growth and transformation of traditional financial services. In the dynamic landscape, internationalization becomes strategic imperative for companies seeking sustained success. Stripe is one of the players and a leading FinTech firm that has redefined online payment processing. The study explores significance of international expansion in FinTech sector, with specific focus on journey of Stripe. This requires understanding background of FinTech industry with global relevance of internationalization. This includes comprehensive overview of Stripe that sets the stage for critical analysis of global market entry methods and strategies.
2. Internationalization and Market Entry Methods
2.1 Exporting
In the realm of FinTech, exporting serves as fundamental method for market entry. The advantages of exporting for company like Stripe lie in potential to rapidly expanding geographic reach while minimizing initial investment. This includes offering services across borders, Stripe can capitalize on economies of scale and diversify revenue streams. It includes challenges like regulatory hurdles and cu
ency fluctuations that are required to be navigated. The applicability to FinTech is evident, as digital services that can be disseminated globally for offering scalable approach to international market penetration.
2.2 Licensing and Franchising
Licensing and franchising present unique opportunities and challenges in the FinTech sector. This includes examining case studies in FinTech reveals instances for companies that have successfully licensed technology to local partners (Lala et al. 2023). This requires enabling to operate under
and of parent company. The approach allows for rapid market entry with reduced capital expenditure. The risks like loss of control over
and integrity and potential conflicts with local regulatory frameworks must be carefully considered. The rewards include accelerated market penetration and enhanced local expertise through partnerships.
2.3 Joint Ventures
Collaborative ventures like joint ventures that describes role in global expansion strategy of FinTech. Joint ventures allow companies like Stripe to pool resources and share risks with local partners for describing knowledge of regulatory landscape and market nuances. Collaborations in FinTech can manifest in various forms from co-developing products to jointly marketing services. The joint ventures offer strategic advantages along with potential challenges that includes cultural differences and divergent business priorities. This requires establishing strategic alliances is another facet of joint ventures that companies forge partnerships with local entities to collectively address market needs and challenges. It includes understanding and strategically employing market entry methods are pivotal for FinTech companies like Stripe that are aiming for establishing global footprint. The choice between exporting, licensing and joint ventures requires careful evaluation of advantages, disadvantages, risks and rewards (Khedmati, 2022). In the dynamic FinTech landscape, it includes innovation and adaptability that are paramount. This requires judicious blend of market entry methods that can position companies for sustainable growth and success on international stage.
2.4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment is required for strategic avenue for FinTech companies like Stripe to establish tangible and influential presence in global markets. The prominent facet of FDI for Stripe is pursuit of acquisition strategies. The company acquires existing players and innovative startups in target markets. Stripe can swiftly integrate local expertise, customer bases and advanced technologies into ecosystem. The approach reduces the time-to-market and mitigates the challenges associated with building
and from scratch. This requires careful consideration of cultural and regulatory that is imperative for ensuring seamless integration process. The success of acquisition strategies lies in strategic alignment and comprehensive understanding of local FinTech landscape. It includes establishing direct presence in key markets through subsidiaries and regional headquarters is another avenue of FDI for Stripe. This approach allows the company to tailor services to specific needs and preferences of local markets. This will help in development of more personalized customer experience. The benefits include enhanced control and adaptability, challenges like compliance with diverse regulatory frameworks and cultural sensitivity require meticulous attention. This will help in strategically selecting key markets that aligns with objective of Stripe of becoming global leader in online payment processing.
2.5 E-commerce Platforms
The integration of FinTech services with e-commerce platforms is instrumental in expanding market reach and reaching vast user base. Stripe requires e-commerce platforms because this becomes a strategic imperative. It includes integrating payment processing solutions with popular online marketplaces. Stripe can seamlessly facilitate transactions for myriad of businesses and consumers. The strategy aligns with growing trend of digital commerce and positions Stripe at forefront of e-commerce ecosystem. The convenience and efficiency offered through online channels enhance visibility and accessibility of Stripe. This ensures customer loyalty in competitive global landscape (Teltz, 2020). The utilization of e-commerce platforms has profound impact on FinTech industry. The increase in number of consumers the company relies on online channels for financial transactions. FinTech companies need to strategically align with e-commerce trends to stay relevant. In the case of Stripe, the integration with e-commerce platforms includes expanding user base along with positions of company at centre of evolving digital economy. The impact resonates through enhanced user experience, increased transaction volumes and sustained growth in FinTech sector. FDI through acquisition strategies and direct presence establishment can be coupled with integration of FinTech services with e-commerce platforms. This will help in forming robust global expansion strategy for Stripe. It is important to understand challenges that are associated with cultural diversity, regulatory compliance and technological adaptation is crucial for achieving sustainable success in international markets.
3. Critical Evaluation of Strategies for Stripe
3.1 Stripe's Cu
ent International Presence
In the cu
ent landscape, Stripe has established robust international presence for solidifying the position as a global leader in online payment processing. The company has been Operating in over 40 countries and expansion of Stripe has been strategic. It includes focusing on key markets with burgeoning e-commerce ecosystems. The localized approach of company includes tailoring services to regional needs that has contributed to success in gaining market share globally.
3.2 Analysis of Market Entry Methods Used
The journey of Stripe involves dynamic mix of market entry methods. The company has extensively employed exporting and licensing and leveraging digital nature to provide services globally without substantial physical infrastructure. The strategic partnerships and...

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