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e Inthe find clustering algorithm, suppose we have access to the sorted set of edges and we know that each of the returned clustered will have at most c nodes for some constant c. In this case, what...

1 answer below »
e Inthe find clustering algorithm, suppose we
have access to the sorted set of edges and we
know that each of the returned clustered will
have at most c nodes for some constant c. In
this case, what would be the execution time of
the find clustering algorithm? To receive a full
grade, you will need to analyze the running
time and express it in big-O terms. Note that
in this question, we are assuming that we
have access to the sorted set of edges and the
unning time of sorting the edges should not
e counted as a part of the algorithm (30
Answered Same Day Mar 24, 2023


Aditi answered on Mar 24 2023
42 Votes
A greedy approach called Kruskal's algorithm is used to determine the weighted undirected graph's lowest spanning tree. If we have access to the sorted set of edges and know that each of the returned clusters will have at most c nodes, we can modify the implementation of Kruskal's algorithm to stop as soon as we find c clusters.
To implement this, we can use a union-find data structure to keep...

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