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Answer the essay question: why are perceptions of police important for law enforcement? Select a specific issue to analyse and illustrate your argument.Essay is 1500 words APA 7 referencing style...

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To ensure you are using APA7 formatting, a template has been uploaded onto LMS, as well as an annotated sample
paper. Ensure that you reference all factual statements.
A good essay is one that prioritises depth over
eadth. This means you should na
ow down your essay focus and
provide a more in-depth analysis and discussion of your chosen issue. Ask your lecturer if you want some help
owing down the focus of your essay.
READ, READ, READ — the more you read on your topic the better your essay will be. Don’t forget, quality is
important. If you want to produce a quality essay, you need to rely on quality sources (peer reviewed journal articles).
See myMurdoch Learning for further details, such as instructions, communication, resources, guides, exemplars and a
descriptive ru
ic assessment tool.

Essay Marking Ru
ic — Perceptions of Police
Due: 18" March 2024
Word a Length: L, BOO words
| Criterion HH Pass, | 1 | Credit nay i. Trighvisincion LD
Presentation Failed to 2bEly APA7 styls, Applied APA7 style; however, Applied APA7 consistently and Applied APA7 cons psistanitly: and | Applied APA7 co
ectly to all £4
| (2 marks) grammatical e
ors, or other Style was Inconsistent and co
ectly, some editorial e
ars | co
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ors aspects of assessment, no
| : editoriale
ors there were editoriale
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coos nN 3 1 Research (10 Marks) Ghai Ea aa ae
| : Ample quality sources that
Quantity & Lack of quality sources Achieved minimum quantity of | Sources were over minimum, Sods were of good quality ya. rd the
| Quality {minimum 15) sources and of good quality fn Sante aNd appropriste construction of a focused
$i | for ‘ocus argument _
+ ERpEE Excellent use of literature that
Depth & | | Literature was
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Sos = T3EELs staan 4 SiiiicscloieR oi indepth.
sane re 1x saat “Police Legitimacy (10 Marks) _ —.
No discussion of the Introduced legitimacy and Clearly outlined the Legitimacy formed integral Legitimacy formed integral
Importance importance of legitimacy alluded to importance importance of legitimacy | part of argument part of argument and linked to
| focus
No discussion on what Antecedents introduced but Antecedents introduced and Thorough discussion of both Thorough discussion of both
Antecedents increases or decreases not explored explored (including both aspects of legitimacy aspects of legitimacy and
| legitimacy increasing and decreasing | linked to focus
aE Argument (10 Marks) EEE ERT EEE EE :
Clear focus Focus was introduced but not | Introduced focus and focus aiialned ang | Focus formed a critical
No clear focus adhered to maintained that focus | continued throughout component of argument
Eri : | argument :
Logical | No logical progression of Basic structure of argument Logical progression throughout | Logical progression linked to Logical progressed linked to
progression argument was adequate argument focus | focus and legitimacy
| Linked to Argument/focus not linked to Some link between argument Legitimacy formed part of Legitimacy formed integral Legitimacy formed integral
| legitimacy legitimacy and legitimacy argument part of argument part of argument and focus
n i L
Lee Ea ~~ Introduction & Conclusion (8 Marks) Eile Sit 2 mle
introduction \acked structure and faile Some structure but could be Reasonable structure and Good structure and introduces. Starts with
oad topic 2nd
introduce key concepts. | improved. Introduces some introduces most key concepts. | key concepts, but not linked to | na
ows down to intended
key concepts. | intended focus. focus. Effectively introduces
| | key concepts.
Conclusion Did not logically flow on from | Conclusions linked to Conclusions flowed from Conclusions logically flow from | Conclusions logically flow from |
| | argument. | argument; however, there was | argument, but no application argument and applied to issue. | argument. Starts with
leds a lack of flow. to issue or topic. | Failed to apply to
oader | conclusions on na
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topic. and then applies to
| = J tople Satie

Since this assessment is designed to provide you advanced feedback for your major assessment, the feedback will be
specific to your interpretation of the essay question. You will receive feedback via LMS. Please open the feedback
document and have a think about the suggestions. [f you require additional feedback, let the unit coordinator know.
you task here is to pick the best two articles that you are going to use for your essay and explain how they will
contribute toward your argument.
See myMurdoch Leaming for further details, such as instructions, communication, resources, guides, exemplars and a
descriptive ru
ic assessment tool.
You are required to write a essay on one of the following topics:
Why are perceptions of police important for law enforcement? Select a specific issue to analyse and illustrate
your argument.
Everyone is different, morality is subjective, but law is absolute. Use Mill's harm principle to discuss the
limitations of law. Select a specific issue to analyse and illustrate your argument.
You will be assessed on these key criteria:
« Presentation (referencing and APA 7, grammar, spelling)
¢ Requisite information
« Argument construction
The assessment includes a moderation process to ensure reliable, just, and fair outcomes.
Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via LMS.
You will receive feedback via LMS, which will outline each criterion and your achievement level, plus general
comments for improvement.

Fatou Njie Annotated Bibli graphy XXXXXXXXXX
Reference 1
ow, K XXXXXXXXXXPolicing the pandemic in the UK using the principles of procedural
justice. Policing: a journal of policy and practice, 14(3), XXXXXXXXXXDOI:
3/publication/345339719_Policing_the_Pandemic_in_the UK Using the Princ iples_of Pro
cedural_Justice/links/6037c4884585158939cd8c2a/Policin g-the-Pandemic-in-the-UK-Using-
the-Principles-of-Procedural-Justice pdf
This article observes the different approaches, of which how the perceptions about police have
helped in enforcing common law. The perception of police does not only exist to eradicate
challenging crimes impact in society like kidnapping, murder and so on. Police can play a
critical role in general law enforcement or streamlining a society for it to be law abiding.
During the pandemic, the police in the UK played a critical role to ensure that the social
distancing norms and other pandemic related norms were duly followed. In this regard, this
esearch raises an important question regarding the boundaries of using policing mandate in
the lives of people. The research highlights that during the emergency period of the pandemic,
the public willingness to abide by rules and regulations becomes a sensitive issue. Hence the
law enforcement officials cannot ensure that the people violating law are identified and
punished. This is the reason why the police exist. The research introduces the concept of
policing with consent, which highlights the use of the police with public support for an
enforcement of law in a society is for common good.
Value: »
The essay deals with the topic of perception of police for law enforcement. It automatically
questions the boundaries of policing, in relation to the kind of law enforcement actions which
are being implemented. However, the article used has exhibited that the instances of law
enforcement are not always very straightforward and typical. This is the reason why the
perception of policing for streamlining societal behaviour during events like the pandemic, can
e a good approach of using the police for law enforcement.
Word count: 271

ato INji1e Annotated Mlography
Reference 2
Kruis, N. E,, Donohue, R. H., Glunt, N., Rowland, N. J., & Choi, J XXXXXXXXXXExamining the
Effects of Perceptions of Police Effectiveness, Procedural Justice, and Legitimacy on Racial
Differences in Anticipated Cooperation with Law Enforcement in Pennsylvania. Criminal
Justice Policy Review, 34(6), XXXXXXXXXXhttps: XXXXXXXXXX
The article examines the concept of trust and how crucial it is to law enforcement. It looks at
important ideas related to trust and how crucial it is for law enforcement. Public encounters
with law enforcement are frequently riddled with uncertainty, danger, and vulnerability. The
operational environment of law enforcement is inherently complicated and uncertain, due to
the combination of elements that are known to produce crime, unforeseen events that police
must respond to, and the vulnerability of people who seek police assistance. The idea of
legitimacy is occasionally used to define how trust, cooperation, and compliance are related in
larger academic literature. Additionally, research indicates that cooperation and trust are more
positively co
elated than compliance. Rather than obedience, trust may be more likely to foste
or undermine cooperation.
This article provides useful essay material in several ways. People who live in Black
communities often perceive law enforcement as being unjust, illegitimate, and ineffectual.
Previous studies have connected these views to varying perspectives on cooperating with law
enforcement. Naturally, public suspicion and views of illegitimacy result in a lack of
cooperation with law Roforcement, which can be detrimental to both the public and law
enforcement. When compared to other homicide cases, it was discovered, for instance, that a
lack of public involvement with police, hampered investigations into gang and drug-related
homicides and eventually impacted case clearance rates. Similar results were observed by othe
esearchers. Improving policing outcomes thus requires an understanding of elements related
to perceptions of police, particularly attitudes towards collaboration and legitimacy.
Word Count: 256
Answered 1 days After May 20, 2024


Dipali answered on May 21 2024
12 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Understanding Public Perception of Police    3
The Role of Trust in Law Enforcement    5
Police Legitimacy and Its Implications    5
Case Study Analysis: Community Policing    6
Conclusion    7
Reference    9
A vital consider concluding how fruitful policing how the public perspectives the police. Public certainty and the authenticity of the police are impacted by these impressions, which are influenced by various components such media portrayal, relational connections, and local area inclusion. Since it advances local area and police participation, which is important for both wrongdoing counteraction and goal, trust in policing essential. A comparative relationship exists between open help for police projects and regulation consistence and police authenticity, which incorporates the viability, reasonableness, and legitimateness of police exercises. The public trust and police authenticity issues will be analyzed in this article, alongside what these perspectives mean for policing. That's what the primary dispute is, since they cultivate local area coordinated effort, safeguard public wellbeing, and protect the uprightness of the general set of laws, good popular assessments of the police are significant to the proficient organization of regulation. The article emphasises the significance of preserving and enhancing public perceptions of law enforcement by looking at these factors.
Understanding Public Perception of Police
The way that people and communities see the police in terms of their professionalism, efficacy, fairness, and reliability is known as the "public perception of the police." This view is important because it influences the public's support for and interaction with law enforcement. Public perception is shaped by a variety of elements, such as relationships within the community, media coverage, and individual experiences. Public opinion is greatly influenced by how the police are portrayed in the media (Sytsma, Chillar & Piza, 2021). Media outlets, including news stories and social media, frequently highlight police operations, occasionally emphasising unfavourable occu
ences like misbehaviour or power abuse. Fear and mistrust of the police can result from these representations of them. Positive media coverage, on the other hand, such as accounts of police
avery or community involvement, can increase public respect and trust. As stated by (Bolger, Lytle & Bolger, 2021).
One other crucial component is firsthand encounters with law enforcement. Individuals are bound to have positive feelings about the police assuming they have had good communications with them that were described by impressive skill, supportiveness, and regard. Notwithstanding, negative encounters — like segregation or badgering — can leave a tradition of doubt and ho
ible discernments. The fact that this interpersonal communication immediately influences the person's perception of the role and conduct of the police makes it more significant (Pina-Sánchez & Brunton-Smith, 2020). Public impression is significantly shaped by community contacts, including neighbourhood patrols, police engagement in local activities, and community policing projects. People feel safer and more trusting of the police when they are present in the neighbourhood and interact with them. Studies have demonstrated that public attitudes are much improved by community policing, which places an emphasis on cooperation between the police and the community to handle local issues (Paoline III & Gau, 2020).
The power of public opinion to impact police policies and procedures makes it significant. The public is more inclined to support police agencies' objectives and programs when the community sees them favourably. According to (Hanink & Dunbar, 2024), this kind of assistance is essential for the effective execution of certain law enforcement tactics, such as community policing initiatives and crime prevention programs. In conclusion, media portrayals, personal experiences, and interactions with the community...

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