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Annotated Bibliography- 16 pts. 8 pts – List at least 8 sources to receive full credit. You must have at least eight sources in your final paper, although one or two might change from when you do your...

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  1. Annotated Bibliography- 16 pts.
    8 pts – List at least 8 sources to receive full credit. You must have at least eight sources in your final paper, although one or two might change from when you do your annotated bibliography. Write a brief note about how each source will be useful to your paper.
  2. *There is a 3,500 word minimum requirement for this paper. But, he said 10 pages it should be which seems to be less than 3500 words, so I am not sure it is that strict, just make it to 10 pages.

    Please choose the highest quality sources. Scholarly sources include:

    • Published books
    • Reference articles (Oxford Companion to Music, New Grove Dictionary of Music)
    • Peer-reviewed journal articles (such as theJournal of MusicologyorMusical Quarterly)
    • Primary sources (interviews, letters, music scores, etc.)
    • Title Page
    • Introduction (including question or thesis statement, and organizational map)
    • Body Paragraphs (each paragraph focuses on one main idea, paper is neatly organized)
    • Conclusion (summarize the major points and relevance of this information for the reader)
    • Works Cited Page/Bibliography (with scholarly sources that are cited in the paper, listed in proper format)
    • You may also want to include a table of contents, abstract, or appendix.

      I already wrote some of it, I just need some of it edited and some of it written out a bit more. My topic is on The History of Rock Music, and it is a research paper, but it is more of an informational research paper and that is fine with the teacher. It is going to cover the history of the decades 1950's-2000's, and one band from each decade from 1950's to the 2000's that is the most prominent and how it was started.

Answered 2 days After May 07, 2022


Bhawna answered on May 09 2022
93 Votes
The .History .of .Rock .Music .through .the .Ages .and .the .History .of .the .Iconic .Bands .in .the .Rock .Genre.
By .Sophia .Hoetme
Rock .music .has .been .around .for .many .decades. .It .is .iconic .to .some .of .the .best .of .singers .and .changed .the .world .forever. .Many .decades .ago, .rock .music .was .the .number .one .music .style .in .the .world. .Some .of .the .most .iconic .bands .in .history .were .rock .bands. .As .more .and .more .rock .bands .are .being .forgotten, .more .and .more .musicians .in .the .iconic .rock .genre .are .retiring. .But, .they .will .never .be .forgotten .in .the .history .of .time. .When .did .rock .music .come .into .play?
1950’s .Rock .Origin
Rock .music .is .a .genre .of .music .that .consists .of .rhythm, .blues, .rock, .and .country .styles .that .have .electric .instruments. .Rock .music .started .way .back .when .it .was .called .‘Rock .N .Roll’ .from .the .1950’s. .In .the .early .1950’s, .The .Dominoes .and .other .bands .started .making .music .that .was .gospel .like .with .a .more .aggressive .blues .rhythm. .Other .bands .followed .in .their .footsteps .in .the .early .50’s, .which .grew .rock .music.
Elvis .Presley’s .Life
One .of .the .most .iconic .people .who .started .creating .Rock .N’ .Roll .music .is .the .infamous .Elvis .Presley. . .Elvis .Presley .was .born .January .8th, .1935 .in .Tupelo .Mississippi. .He .is .du
ed .as .the .‘King .of .Rock’. .He .grew .up .in .Mississippi .and .moved .to .Memphis .when .he .was .twelve. .He .grew .up .poor .and .his .family .had .a .lot .of .trouble .making .ends .meet. .When .he .submitted .repertoire .to .Sun .Records, .he .got .a .phone .call .to .join .Sun .Records. .With .many .weeks .of .recording, .Sun .Records .put .together .a .band .consisting .of .Elvis .Presley, .Scotty .Moore .for .the .guitar, .and .Bill .Black .the .bassist .of .the .band. .He .started .with .his .band .making .songs .like .“That’s .All .Right .Mama”, .and .eventually .by .August .1955 .having .a .big .following .in .the .south .of .Rock .N’ .Roll .followers .of .Elvis. .
When .he .switched .to .the .management .of .Tom .Parker, .the .career .grew. .He .became .a .world .hit .in .a .matter .of .seconds. .He .switched .recording .studios, .now .recording .at .the .RCA’s .Studios .in .Nashville, .Tennessee. .He .had .some .hits .all .in .a .row .– .he .made .the .song .“Heart
eak .Hotel” .as .well .as .others .and .became .a .national .sensation.
In .the .time .of .1956-58, .he .dominated .all .the .charts .in .the .Rock .N’ .Roll .category .and .became .a .hit .in .a .matter .of .seconds. .Everyone .knew .of .Presley .by .1958. .He .was .greeted .around .town .by .everyone. .But, .in .early .1958, .he .announced .that .he .was .going .to .join .the .Army. .It .was .a .sad .feeling .for .some .of .the .people .who .loved .his .music. .
In .1960, .Elvis .Presley .came .back .from .the .war .and .created .some .more .songs .and .some .movies .that .had .some .of .his .songs .in .the .movies. .He .faded .away .a .few .years .in .the .mid-sixties. .Rock .music .now .had .other .competitors, .and .he .was .considered .‘old .fashioned’ .to .some .of .the .people .who .liked .the .newer .bands .like .the .Beatles .and .the .Rolling .Stones. .His .last .number .one .hit .the .charts .in .1969. .It .was .“Suspicious .Minds”. .He .didn’t .create .many .songs .after .that .time. .He .instead .focused .on .his .concerts. .By .the .mid .1970’s, .he .had .bought .a .big .house .and .had .let .his .self-doubt .take .a .toll .on .his .life. .He .was .an .addict .of .drugs .and .died .in .1977, .one .day .before .he .was .supposed .to .go .on .tour.
Elvis .Presley .was .the .‘King .of .Rock .N’ .Roll .and .is .one .of .the .best .Rock .N’ .Roll .artists .of .all .time. .If .it .weren’t .for .him, .Rock .N’ .Roll .may .have .never .existed. .Without .Elvis .Presley .and .his .music, .none .of .the .musicians .who .are .rock .musicians .who .came .after .him .would .ever .be .able .to .make .and .create .the .tones .that .they .created. .Elvis .is .a .legend .in .the .rock .music .category.
The .1960’s .Rock .Music .History
As .rock .music .continued .into .the .1960’s, .the .music .industry .changed .from .radio .to .television .rapidly. .Televisions .rapidly .increased .and .the .need .for .being .able .to .see .the .performances .increased.
The .1960’s .had .new .music .styles .offered .to .all. .While .there .were .groups .who .had .surf .music .like .the .Beach .Boys, .and .music .that .is .more .folk .like .Bob .Dylan, .the .most .influenced .band .was .the .Beatles. .They .became .popular .in .the .mid .1960’s .and .by .the .late .1960’s .they .were .a .household .name. .
Bloomfield, .T. .(1991). .It's .sooner .than .you .think, .or .where .are .we .in .the .history .of .rock .music?'. .New .Left .Review, .190, .59-81.
On .the .off .chance .that .Hopey .said .it, .she .was .very .co
ect: .it .is .important .to .demand .the .here .and .the .now .of .exciting .music .in .this .last .ten .years .of .the .100 .years, .to .have .some .lingering .doubts .of .destruction .loaded .periodizations. .For .it .is .becoming .conventional .to .declare .the .consummation .of .the .historical .backdrop .of .rock, .in .terminal .decay .from .its .high .level .came .to .during .the .1960s. .This .overarching .view .is .that .of .a .plunge .hindered .exclusively .by .periodic .and .transient .blips .of .recuperation .when .artists .counterfeit .and .reuse .sixties-like .material. .In .the .tenuous .air .inhaled .by .the .individuals .who .banter .the .postmodern .condition, .the .finish .of .rock .has .its .spot .close .by .the .more .prophetically .catastrophic .passings .of .philosophy, .the .subject, .and .even .of .history .itself. .Along .these .lines, .in .an .aside .to .this .sharp .conversation, .The .Beatles .and .The .Rolling .Stones .are .asserted .for .the .high .innovation .of .well .known .music, .against .which .stand .the .lessened .figures .of .troublemaker .and .new-wave .music. .Thus .the .pioneer .pinnacle .of .the .social .progressive .past .shows .up .now .just .as .pastiche, .cleared .up .in .a .shut .circle .of .connotation .involving .publicizing .picture, .drama .and .newspaper .story. .The .'significant' .and .'bona .fide' .sixties .music .of .dissent .and .challenge .to .the .laid .out .request .falls .under .the .domain .of .an .aggregating .self-referentiality .in .the .postmodern .universe .of .recreation, .way .of .life .and .the .televisual .intercession .of .the .real .world. .From .Dick's .perspective, .the .confrontational .systems .of .innovation .investigated .by .Adorno .— .refutation, .alienation, .non-character .thinking .— .never .again .gain .a .buy .since .everything .implies .all .the .other .things .and .henceforth .nothing .at .all.
Bennett, .A. .(2009). .“Heritage .rock”: .Rock .music, .representation .and .heritage .discourse. .Poetics, .37(5-6), .474-489. .
This .article .tries .to .represent .how ."rock" .music, .as .initially .characterized .by .a .stylish .tracing .all .the .way .back .to .the .mid-1960s, .is .presently .being .socially .and .generally .repositioned .through .the .utilization .of ."legacy .rock" .talks. .Changing .meanings .of .legacy .in .a .period .of .social .fracture .
ing .about .new .understandings .and .explanations .of .social .legacy. .It .is .in .this .setting .that .the .idea .of .legacy .rock .should .be .set. .Three .instances .of .the .legacy .rock .talk .and .practice .are .thought .of: .Classic .Albums .Live, .the .Cante
ury .Sound .site, .and .Songworks .(a .little .autonomous .record...

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