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Analyze at least two roles that human resources management plays in selecting necessary employee benefits. Next, determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these...

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Analyze at least two roles that human resources management plays in selecting necessary employee benefits. Next, determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these benefits.
Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 14 2021
143 Votes
Last Name 5
Two roles that HRM plays in selecting necessary employee benefits………………………...3
Determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these benefits……………………………………………………………………………………………3
Works Cited    5
Two roles that HRM plays in selecting necessary employee benefits
The human resource department of the company mainly deals with all the responsibilities of the personnel and training strategy of the company. All the training and developing programs of the company have been conducted by this human resource department. The major two roles play by human resource management is managing rewards and recognition and employee development program. Human resource manager identifies if the performance of the employee, whether s/he able to achieve the targets or not. They recognize the performance and accordingly reward them. It is necessary to give recognitions to the extra efforts and...

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