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§ Analysis of literature on the topic Housing support and homelessness in Australia § Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic § Use and depth of reflection Your written report...

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§ Analysis of literature on the topic Housing support and homelessness in Australia

§ Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic

§ Use and depth of reflection

Your written report should include at least 5 peer reviewed (scholarly) journal articles in addition to any textbook references. The format of your report will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials
Answered Same Day Jul 16, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 17 2021
133 Votes
Running Head: Housing Support and Homelessness in Australia    1
Housing Support and Homelessness in Australia         
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Literature Review    3
Conclusion    6
References    8
Homelessness in Australia has turned out to be a social problem. It has been observed over the past few years that social exclusion and social control has contributed significantly towards the emerging challenge of homelessness in Australia. Since, there is no agreed upon definition of homelessness, different types of homelessness can be considered here. Though the Australian government has undertaken many actions to provide housing support to the people, the issue of homelessness still poses to be a major challenge for the future growth and development of Australia.
Literature Review
Homelessness in Australia is a major issue for the populations, who have been spending their lives in poverty and have their families including children. Homelessness in general can be defined as exposure to unsuitable accommodation settings and an inadequate environment to live in. As mentioned by Sharam and Hulse (2014), poverty can be considered as one of the root causes of increasing homelessness in the Australian Continent. It can be observed that families with lack of material resources are the ones who suffer most of the problems. Other major factors that have been identified behind the increasing challenge of homelessness are impoverished social processes. As mentioned in the work of Sharam and Hulse (2014), exposure to violence and lack of family support or lack of support from any kind of institution has also been contributing significantly to the increasing percentage of homelessness in Australia.
Most of the researchers are of the opinion that poverty can be considered as a structural factor while explaining homelessness. Homelessness in Australia can also be attributed to mental health issues and abuse of substances (Johnson, Parkinson & Parsell, 2012). Moreover, it is becoming difficult for the government to manage the growing population and to provide the people with basic facilities required for their survival. The fragility of the Australian countryside and the harsh environmental conditions that have been interfering with the daily life routine of the people has forced a number of people to move to the cities in order to seek opportunities for work. They also move to the cities to look for and live into their own homes. Since, the u
an centers of Australia are considered to be one of the most livable cities of the world it is becoming difficult to meet the escalating demand for housing. Moreover, the affordability...

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