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Assessment Task Assessment Task 2 BSBINM601 Manage information and knowledge Analyse information and knowledge Submission details Candidate’s name Phone no. Assessor’s name Phone no. Assessment site...

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Assessment Task
Assessment Task 2    BSBINM601 Manage information and knowledge
Analyse information and knowledge
Submission details
    Candidate’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessor’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessment site
    Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to analyse information and knowledge on business issues or problems to aid decision-making.
Assessment description
Using the simulated business information provided in this task, and in response to a scenario, you will identify patterns or emerging trends, determine the causes and determine their potential effect on the business by using statistical analysis techniques. You will document evaluation processes and adjust management information or decision support systems if necessary to meet information processing objectives.
1. Read the scenario information provided under CoffeeVille – your
ief in Appendix 1.
2. If necessary, review CoffeeVille’s general business information provided in Appendix 1 of Assessment 1 to maintain your understanding of the business and its environment.
3. Review and evaluate business performance data and information in Appendix 2.
4. Review and analyse research data and information in Appendix 3.
5. Respond to Question 1 in Appendix 5 by developing SMART objectives for the analysis processes you plan to undertake to identify causes for the business’s declining sales. Make sure they are consistent with the decision required.
6. Based on the information provided in this assessment and Assessment Task 1, identify and interpret trends and patterns and their causes and effects relevant to the identified business problem. You can use computer software or manual techniques to complete trend and co
elation statistical analysis calculations.
· You can complete as many trend and co
elation calculations as desired to assist in the identification of trends and patterns and their causes or effects.
· You must complete a minimum of two trend and two co
elation calculations for this assessment.
· The results of at least two trend and two co
elation calculations must be converted to graphs for visual identification and evaluation of trends or patterns and their causes or effects.
7. Document analysis processes undertaken so far by completing Parts 1 and 2 of the Decision Analysis Report in Appendix 4. Note that additional information will be added to this report in Assessment Task 3. Make sure you use writing styles and conventions appropriate for a management report, including level of formality selected, terminology used and depth of complexity in information provided.
8. Answer the remaining assessment questions in Appendix 5.
You must submit:
completed Parts 1 and 2 of the Decision Analysis Report
copies of the results gained from at least two trend and two co
elation statistical analysis techniques used to assist trend and pattern identification – please attach to the Decision Analysis Report
copies of line or scatter graphs developed from the results of at least two trend and two co
elation statistical analysis techniques – please attach to the Decision Analysis Report
your responses to the questions in Appendix 5.
Your assessor will be looking for your ability to:
organise, evaluate and critique ideas and information
uild and maintain understanding of a problem of issue
develop and write complex texts using appropriate conventions and writing styles
use numeracy skills to interpret complex statistical and researched information
gather and analyse data and seek feedback to improve organisational plans and processes
use digital technologies effectively to manage business operations for strategic and operational purposes
plan and manage activities that have implications for the whole organisation
make high impact decisions – analyse input from a range of sources and, where appropriate, drawing on experience.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
No variation of the task is required.
A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Documentation can be submitted electronically or uploaded to an LMS for review.
Appendix 1
CoffeeVille – your
Rufus and Emma Belcastran, CoffeeVille’s owners, have approached you for assistance. The business has been profitable and steadily expanding for the last 4 years but recently, expenses have started to climb and sales drop. In the last 3 months they have started to address the issue of rising expenses.
In the last 3 months they have started to address the issue of rising expenses by evaluating and updating procedures and work practices in an effort to reduce costs. So far, their efforts have not had a significant impact on expenditure and their sales revenue continues to be below budget forecasts.
It’s January 2016 and all four stores are closed for a summer
eak. Emma and Rufus are using the down time to assess their business’s operational and financial status in preparation for the year ahead.
They have asked you to help them analyse their business and the external environment to identify potential reasons for their declining sales. Now that the business issue or problem has been identified, they want you to analyse data and information to determine the potential causes of the issue.
You plan to use data and information identified in Assessment 1 and in the Appendices of Assessments 1 and 2, as well as conduct research into potential external environmental factors. You believe using statistical and sensitivity analysis techniques will enable you to identify relationships between data, clarifying potential causes of the business issue.
Appendix 2
Coffeeville business data and information
Business performance
General trends
Sales for first 6 months of 2015 are down across all categories and stores. Overall, food sales are down 10%, beverages 12% and catering 17%. When combined with rising expenses, profits are down for the first half of the financial year by 19%
After opening a year ago, the 4th store is slowly building customers but is still not performing to forecasted levels. Most of the marketing budget and Emma’s efforts have been focussed there.
Productivity has increased with staff able to serve more customers per hour per person. Barista coffee preparation speeds have increased after all barista staff completed an advanced barista course in Jan 2015.
Savings made in payroll and cost of goods due to productivity gains has been offset by rising wages and food prices.
Payroll expenses
    Payroll expenses as % of total expenses
Assessment Task 2    BSBINM601 Manage information and knowledge
© 2016 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd    1st edition version: 1
    Page 2 of 6
Financial information – Organisation
Financial year July 2014–June 2015    
July–December 2014
    Sales $
    Food sales
    Beverage sales
    External catering
    Total income
    Total expenses
    Net profit/loss
Jan–July 2015
    Sales $
    Year Total
    Food sales
    Beverage sales
    External catering
    Total income
    Total expenses
    Net profit/loss
Financial year July 2015–June 2016
July–December 2015 (actual results)
    Sales $
    Food sales
    Beverage sales
    External catering
    Total income
    Total expenses
    Net profit/loss
Jan–July 2016 (adjusted forecast)
    Sales $
     Year Total
    Food sales
    Beverage sales
    External catering
    Total income
    Total expenses
    Net profit/loss
Budget variance report – All stores
Summary of variance results for comparisons of budget to actual income for the period XXXXXXXXXX
A positive variance indicates the percentage above budget, a negative figures indicates the percentage below budget.
    Financial yea
    Jul-Dec 2011
    Jan-Jun 2012
    Jul-Dec 2012
    Jan-Jun 2013
    Jul-Dec 2013
    Jan-Jun 2014
    Jul-Dec 2014
    Jan-Jun 2015
    Jul-Dec 2015
    Food sales
    Beverage sales
    External catering
    Total income
    Net profit/loss
Financial history by income source
*Note: Store 3 opened July 2014, Store 4 July 2014
    Food Sales
    Beverage Sales
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021 BSBINM601 Training.Gov.Au


Rajeswari answered on Jun 02 2021
167 Votes
59461 Assignment
Given that Rufus and Emma Belecastran, , CoffeeVille’s owners, have approached you for assistance. The business has been profitable and steadily expanding for the last 4 years. However, recently expenses have started to climb and sales are dropping. In the last 3 months they have started to address the issue of rising expenses by evaluating and updating procedures and work practices in an effort to reduce costs. So far, their efforts have not had a significant impact on expenditure and their sales revenue continues to be below budget forecasts.
The matters of concern are mainly decline in sales combined with increase in expenses.
An analysis about the business of Coffee Villa revealed the following mainly.
i) Office workers comprise nearly 80% of day time trade. Office workers are paid fixed i
espective of sales and hence they form part of fixed costs. Thus we find nearly 80% are fixed costs which make high part of the total cost. Even though contributions were
ought high, the fixed costs will nullify them. Hence steps should be taken to analyse why so much office staff are required and finding ways to utilize them in other productive ways.
If union is strong then these workers cannot be paid less or shunted out. Instead the only option may be to give training in production side and utilize them for that.
ii) Given that population is increasing at 8% per year. Total population as of now is 45000. Compared to the cost increase this 8% is not sufficient to increase the demands. Even though transportation may be less due to nearness of geographical location there seems to be no scope for further sales and increasing revenues.
iii) Incomewise they have full time employment and age group also in 20-60 so incline for purchases would be good. But average annual income is only 50000 dollars so would not be able to spend much for purchases. They would be running families with hand to mouth and sometimes a meagre amount for future savings. So large purchases, shopping etc those people could not afford.
iv) As per their behaviour they are ready to eat out every week and give preference to high quality meal. Coffee cafe may not be good in meals but are focussing on snacks, tiffin, ice creams, etc. This has to be taken into account for increasing sales plans.
v) Internally labour turnover is low hence there will be always availability of trained staff. Given that hot dish options have been updated but not that of cold dishes.
vi) External environment is of concern because
i) Utility expenses increase steadily for past 1.5 years
ii) Wages rise upto 15% and cannot...

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