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Am required to create a video-recorded intelligence briefing on one of the following questions: What are the top 5 technology trends likely to shape the cyber security environment in the next 5 – 10...

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Am required to create a video-recorded intelligence briefing on one of the following questions:

  • What are the top 5 technology trends likely to shape the cyber security environment in the next 5 – 10 years?

  • What are the implications of economic cybercrime for policing?

During the oralintelligence briefing, you should convey/present the outcomes of your analysis and research. Only the mostimportant information should be presented. The briefing can be informal in nature but you should support your answers with examples and/or case studies.Briefings should bebetween5 and7minutes in duration and can be recorded on a mobile device such, as a smart phone, or computer. Students should contact the unit convenor, if they have issues with finding a suitable recording mediumto enable awork-around to be found.

Your oral brief should be clear and concise and not lack focus orclarity.A detailed marking matrix has been provided on the unit iLearn pagebut you will be assessed onthe following criteria: demonstration of extensiveresearch and analysis; demonstrates understanding of the important issues related to their subject matter/topic; organisation of content; clarity of information conveyed; presentation/briefing style (conveys information confidently); utilises the briefing time effectively and provides a brief introduction andconclusion

Answered Same Day Oct 25, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
142 Votes
Slide 1
    Cyber security is considered as an evolving regime in several areas such as data classes and data governance.
    With the increase in volume of information, new types of technology trends are emerging.
    Adaptive technology trends in terms of improved visibility, more control, resilience, usability, etc will govern it.
The world of cyber security is characterised with automation and artificial intelligence offering endless possibilities in terms of fast, speed, convenience, etc. As per 2017 Gartner security & risk management summit, enterprises need to be prepared for the complex and connected future for identifying scope and opportunities benefitting (1.1 Million Hit In Another BlueCross BlueShield Breach, 2015).
Technology trends
1) Proportion of investment in artificial intelligence/machine learning based tools will be more than triple.
    Investment is expected to be increased by triple in artificial intelligence and machine learning based tools.
    Purpose of reducing business outages and cascading IT failures.
    Speeding process of identifying risks and threats, and, building faster strategies for recovery.
In the next five years, investment in artificial intelligence and machine learning based tools will be more than triple for reducing cases of IT failures and business outages. This will be done for avoiding delay occu
ing due to outages and operations inte
uptions due to weather change. For this, automation is necessary for identifying failures, risks and threats and forming strategies for recovery (Anthem BlueCross BlueShield data
each, 2015).
2) Penetration tests will be fully automated
    Penetration tests are conducted for approving and finalising software packages and applications.
    Utilises some degree of automation and human involvement.
    Human involvement increases chance of risks, e
ors, and mistakes.
In the world of cyber security, penetration tests plays crucial role. This test is conducted for approving and finalising any software application and initiative. Till today, penetration tests uses combination of automation and human effort mean some proportion of penetration tests are automated, but still involves some degree of human involvement. The human involvement gives rise to some risks and threats in terms of mistakes and e
ors (Smedinghoff, 2008).
    Penetration tests will be fully automated conducted by machine-learning based smart machines.
    Human involvement will be completely replaced and automated for avoiding any...

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